IRC log of swbp on 2004-09-30

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:57:25 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swbp
13:57:25 [Zakim]
SW_BPD()10:00AM has now started
13:57:35 [Zakim]
13:57:37 [Ralph]
Meeting: SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment WG
13:57:49 [Ralph]
13:57:53 [Ralph]
Previous: 2004-09-16
13:58:23 [Zakim]
13:58:26 [Zakim]
13:58:27 [David_Wood]
David_Wood has joined #swbp
13:59:13 [Zakim]
13:59:13 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p2 is PhilT
13:59:17 [Zakim]
13:59:19 [Zakim]
+PhilT; got it
13:59:30 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p7 is Benjamin_Booth
13:59:30 [Zakim]
+Benjamin_Booth; got it
13:59:55 [aliman]
Zakim, ??P4 is Alistair
13:59:55 [Zakim]
+Alistair; got it
13:59:58 [Ralph]
zakim, Benjamin_Booth is really Benjamin_Nguyen
13:59:58 [Zakim]
+Benjamin_Nguyen; got it
14:00:20 [Zakim]
+ +1.703.326.aaaa
14:00:33 [Zakim]
14:00:39 [Ralph]
zakim, aaaa i sDarren_Govoni
14:00:39 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'aaaa i sDarren_Govoni', Ralph
14:00:46 [Ralph]
zakim, aaaa is Darren_Govoni
14:00:46 [Zakim]
+Darren_Govoni; got it
14:00:46 [ChrisW]
ChrisW has joined #swbp
14:00:47 [aliman]
Zakim, mute Alistair
14:00:47 [Zakim]
Alistair should now be muted
14:00:57 [Zakim]
14:01:48 [Zakim]
+ +1.914.671.aabb
14:02:05 [Ralph]
zakim, aabb is Chris_Welty
14:02:05 [Zakim]
+Chris_Welty; got it
14:02:22 [Ralph]
Regrets: Guus, Tom Adams, Gary Ng
14:03:23 [Zakim]
14:04:27 [Zakim]
14:05:12 [Zakim]
14:05:15 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p2 is Phil_Tetlow
14:05:15 [Zakim]
+Phil_Tetlow; got it
14:05:22 [Ralph]
zakim, pick a victim
14:05:22 [Zakim]
Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose danbri
14:05:33 [Zakim]
14:05:50 [Zakim]
+Tom_Baker (was ??P27)
14:06:16 [Ralph]
zakim, take up agendum 1
14:06:16 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Administrivia" taken up [from Ralph]
14:06:21 [danbri_scribe]
review of 16sept minutes
14:06:25 [danbri_scribe]
anyone review them?
14:06:31 [Zakim]
14:06:37 [aliman]
I had a look
14:06:37 [Ralph]
agenda+ Community Feedback
14:06:40 [David_Wood]
14:06:49 [Natasha]
Natasha has joined #swbp
14:06:58 [Ralph]
agenda+ Web Architecture Draft
14:07:16 [Ralph]
agenda+ ODM/UML Ontology Profile
14:07:17 [danbri_scribe]
ben(?): i looked, had some correections to send
14:07:31 [danbri_scribe]
david: ralph fixed some issue w/ the action items
14:07:38 [Tbaker]
Tbaker has joined #swbp
14:07:38 [danbri_scribe]
14:07:55 [Ralph]
agenda+ Comments to DAWG on RDF Data Access, XQuery, Rules
14:08:00 [Ralph]
agenda+ TF Updates
14:08:11 [Zakim]
14:08:15 [Ralph]
14:08:19 [danbri_scribe]
...minutes not accepted; pending evan's review
14:08:23 [Benjamin]
evan not me
14:08:30 [danbri_scribe]
david: next meeting ...
14:08:39 [Ralph]
regrets for 14 Oct: JosD
14:08:40 [Tbaker]
i will have to send regrets for oct 14 as well - dc2004 in shanghai
14:08:46 [David_Wood]
Agenda for this meeting:
14:08:59 [Ralph]
DanBri: regrets for 14 Oct
14:09:06 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p3 is Jeremy
14:09:06 [Zakim]
+Jeremy; got it
14:09:11 [danbri_scribe]
oct 14,
14:09:11 [danbri_scribe]
regrets from danbri (at dublin core)
14:09:11 [danbri_scribe]
jjc joins, notes regrets from Brian McBride
14:09:31 [danbri_scribe]
proposal is 1800UTC 14 Oct
14:09:36 [danbri_scribe]
14:10:02 [Ralph]
14 Oct 1800 UTC is what shows
14:10:08 [JosD]
JosD has joined #swbp
14:10:09 [danbri_scribe]
today's agenda:
14:10:15 [danbri_scribe]
14:10:32 [David_Wood]
Thanks, danbri
14:10:37 [Fabien]
Fabien has joined #swbp
14:11:07 [danbri_scribe]
david: jeremy, any organizational issues re F2F? Hotel?
14:11:14 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: people liked the one we used for webont
14:11:39 [danbri_scribe]
...i'll try list some nearby more upmarket hotels too
14:12:39 [danbri_scribe]
action: jjc to update f2f by tuesday next
14:13:03 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: re meeting rooms, i assume we want breakout space, and 10-15 attendees
14:13:15 [danbri_scribe]
...i'm reserving same amount of space we had for webont, larger wg
14:13:16 [David_Wood]
s/update f2f/update f2f Web page/
14:13:21 [danbri_scribe] give us flexibility for breakouts etc
14:13:43 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: no prob w/ reserving space
14:14:09 [danbri_scribe]
ralph: I guess around 2-3 breakout rooms
14:14:19 [danbri_scribe]
...on this topic, i have an action to make a reg form
14:14:32 [David_Wood]
Brian McBride just sent regrets
14:14:34 [danbri_scribe]
...done, just needs confirmation from jjc re exact fields (dietary prefs etc)
14:14:59 [danbri_scribe]
...good to have that info before form starts being used
14:15:56 [danbri_scribe]
q: hotel chosen yet?
14:16:01 [Zakim]
Ralph, you wanted to take up ACTION: Ralph create a WBS registration page for the FtF
14:16:09 [danbri_scribe]
(sorry am really bad at voice-recognition...)
14:16:16 [ChrisW]
cheap but nice
14:16:26 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: chosenish, HP would organise transport to site
14:16:42 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: are nicer hotels nearer town, but further away
14:16:55 [Zakim]
14:17:31 [vircuser]
vircuser has joined #swbp
14:17:31 [Ralph]
zakim, next agendum
14:17:31 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Action Item Review" taken up [from Ralph]
14:17:40 [danbri_scribe]
david: a number of new actions at last call...
14:17:41 [Zakim]
14:17:56 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: i've done it tho didn't see msg from guus
14:17:56 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p7 is probably Benjamin_Nguyen
14:17:56 [Zakim]
+Benjamin_Nguyen?; got it
14:18:03 [Benjamin]
yes sorry
14:18:17 [danbri_scribe]
completed: Guus ping Jeremy about XSD actions
14:18:23 [danbri_scribe]
action: BenB read ODM documents
14:18:35 [danbri_scribe]
action: Guus contact Pat and Jos about Web Arch comments
14:18:37 [Ralph]
[/me wonders why Jeremy's irc client identifies him as 'vircuser']
14:18:54 [danbri_scribe]
action: Guus send e-mail about telecon attendance, as it's getting low
14:18:58 [Zakim]
14:19:14 [danbri_scribe]
completed: Guus send email to Brian and Jeremy to create a local information page for FtF
14:19:47 [danbri_scribe]
action: Ralph create a WBS registration page for the FtF
14:19:49 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p36 is Alan_Rector
14:19:49 [Zakim]
+Alan_Rector; got it
14:20:11 [danbri_scribe]
completed: Ralph post his attendance analysis ('good standing' record) to the list
14:20:16 [danbri_scribe]
(but hasn't shown in list yet)
14:20:23 [Ralph]
14:20:35 [Ralph]
I need to find out why my post didn't make it to the list
14:20:41 [danbri_scribe]
action: Ralph post his attendance analysis ('good standing' record) to the list (done, but msg needs to get to list)
14:21:17 [danbri_scribe]
action: gary ng review ODM
14:21:23 [danbri_scribe]
action: chris welty review ODM
14:21:29 [Ralph]
-> Telecon participation record
14:21:32 [Ralph]
[/me reposts]
14:21:33 [danbri_scribe]
completed: Guus ask the WG for a second reviewer for ODM
14:22:52 [Ralph]
[I nominate DanBri to help TomB w/wiki]
14:23:16 [libby]
I could also help tom if needed
14:24:27 [ALR]
ALR has joined #swbp
14:24:40 [danbri_scribe]
completed: TomB nudge VM TF participants to provide feedback
14:25:06 [danbri_scribe]
action: Ralph to ask WG for feedback on requirement to embed RDF/XML markup in an XHTML document
14:25:23 [danbri_scribe]
completed: Jeremy to review XSD FNO and SCD documents.
14:25:39 [danbri_scribe]
completed: Jeremy to add XSD FNO and SCD documents to TF reference list.
14:25:44 [Tbaker]
danbri, can we talk on the phone?
14:25:49 [danbri_scribe]
action: Jeremy to check semantics on DAWG use of XSD in abstract query model.
14:26:07 [danbri_scribe]
(Tom, perhaps tommorrow?)
14:26:18 [danbri_scribe]
zakim, take up next agendum
14:26:18 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Community Feedback" taken up [from Ralph]
14:26:26 [danbri_scribe]
14:26:27 [danbri_scribe]
David's message:
14:26:27 [danbri_scribe]
14:26:27 [danbri_scribe]
Continued discussion to focus on actions/plans required, if any
14:26:29 [danbri_scribe]
14:26:42 [danbri_scribe]
david: less discussion than i'd hoped re direction, desire docs etc.
14:27:00 [danbri_scribe] of my goals for the f2f which i want to get written up to the list, is choice of docs to produce in 2005.
14:27:26 [danbri_scribe]
...would be nice to have consensus driven approach if poss
14:28:09 [jjc]
Jeremy to review XSD FNO and SCD documents. urls:
14:28:24 [danbri_scribe]
darren: is tag comment opportunity closed?
14:28:30 [danbri_scribe]
david: yes, but can still send
14:28:34 [jjc]
14:28:43 [jjc]
14:28:44 [danbri_scribe]
david: jos?
14:28:52 [Ralph]
zakim, next agendum
14:28:52 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Web Architecture Draft" taken up [from Ralph]
14:28:56 [danbri_scribe]
jos: i've seen draft but didn't get time/resources to comment
14:28:59 [danbri_scribe]
thanks ralph
14:29:02 [jjc]
Jeremy to add XSD FNO and SCD documents to TF reference list. url:
14:29:08 [danbri_scribe]
jos: i'm v fine w/ that doc btw
14:29:09 [jjc]
14:29:18 [danbri_scribe]
david: pls send that to the list!
14:29:20 [danbri_scribe]
jos: will do
14:29:24 [Tbaker]
tomorrow is fine - any time
14:29:53 [jjc]
Jeremy to check semantics on DAWG use of XSD in abstract query model. url:
14:30:00 [danbri_scribe]
completed: <danbri_scribe>action: Ralph post his attendance analysis ('good standing' record) to the list (done, but msg needs to get to list)
14:30:00 [danbri_scribe]
[15:20] *RRSAgent records action 6
14:30:07 [jjc]
14:30:11 [danbri_scribe]
david: do we know if pat will review webarch draft?
14:30:16 [danbri_scribe]
(nobody knows)
14:30:24 [danbri_scribe]
ralph: I assume our opoprtunty to comment on that is closed
14:30:36 [danbri_scribe]
zakim, take up next agendum
14:30:36 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "ODM/UML Ontology Profile" taken up [from Ralph]
14:30:38 [danbri_scribe]
14:30:39 [danbri_scribe]
zakim, take up next agendum
14:30:39 [Zakim]
agendum 5 was just opened, danbri_scribe
14:30:39 [Ralph]
(that == the Web Architecture document)
14:30:45 [Ralph]
zakim, close agendum 5
14:30:45 [Zakim]
agendum 5 closed
14:30:46 [Zakim]
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
14:30:47 [Zakim]
6. Comments to DAWG on RDF Data Access, XQuery, Rules [from Ralph]
14:30:50 [Ralph]
zakim, next agendum
14:30:50 [Zakim]
agendum 5 was just opened, Ralph
14:30:57 [Ralph]
zakim, take up agendum 6
14:30:57 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "Comments to DAWG on RDF Data Access, XQuery, Rules" taken up [from Ralph]
14:31:07 [jjc]
14:31:20 [danbri_scribe]
david: I'd like to ask for a 2nd reviewer for doc, per
14:31:32 [aliman]
Zakim, unmute Alistair
14:31:32 [Zakim]
Alistair should no longer be muted
14:31:47 [danbri_scribe]
ralph: we were asked whether a wg comment needed
14:32:00 [danbri_scribe]
...gary in his msg proposed Qs for the WG to consider to decide whether to comment
14:32:36 [danbri_scribe]
q+ to note that I've responded to some of these issues on SWCG and to dawg feedback list, individually rather than as a BP thing
14:32:58 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: Individuals have expertise, eg. we have some via jena, wg as a whole may not need
14:33:02 [danbri_scribe]
darren: i could ...
14:33:20 [danbri_scribe]
action? or discuss 1st?
14:33:33 [danbri_scribe]
14:34:33 [danbri_scribe]
action: darren review DAWG use cases document
14:34:35 [danbri_scribe]
14:35:11 [danbri_scribe]
ralph: this aggendum orig came from chair of dawg to address two questions
14:36:01 [danbri_scribe]
action: danbri circulate links for his existing feedback/review to dawg
14:36:32 [David_Wood]
[ALL] RDF Data Access, XQuery, rules
14:36:33 [David_Wood]
14:36:44 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: like danbri, i sent personal comments direct to wg (on diff topic to those invited in danc's msg)
14:37:09 [danbri_scribe]
zakim, take up next agendum
14:37:09 [Zakim]
agendum 7. "TF Updates" taken up [from Ralph]
14:37:52 [Ralph]
-> Request from DAWG Chair
14:38:07 [danbri_scribe]
All TF leaders: please also reflect on status of FTF goals:
14:38:07 [danbri_scribe]
Background: Guus' proposals:
14:38:07 [danbri_scribe]
14:38:08 [danbri_scribe]
7.1 OEP (Deb)
14:38:14 [danbri_scribe]
7.2 PORT (Alistair)
14:38:18 [danbri_scribe]
7.3 WordNet (Aldo)
14:38:22 [danbri_scribe]
7.4 XML Schema datatypes (Jeremey)
14:38:26 [danbri_scribe]
7.5 Vocabulary management (TomB)
14:38:32 [Ralph]
Darren, thanks for offer to do another review of DAWG Use Cases; see msg 0109 cited above for what specifically the DAWG requested of us
14:38:43 [danbri_scribe]
natasha: on OEP
14:38:43 [danbri_scribe]
...some discussion of future notes
14:38:43 [danbri_scribe]
...deb noted that few members will be at the f2f
14:38:43 [danbri_scribe] if you can schedule so west coast us folks can join by telephone, would be appreciated.
14:39:05 [danbri_scribe]
david: we've not fixed an agenda yet. but aim to allow OEP slot to suit telecon.
14:39:15 [danbri_scribe]
...some of us are prepared to make ourselves available in evening for this
14:39:22 [danbri_scribe]
Alistair, on PORT TF
14:39:27 [danbri_scribe]
al: i've not posted a summary
14:39:33 [aliman]
14:39:39 [danbri_scribe] f2f goals, see this msg
14:39:41 [aliman]
14:40:03 [danbri_scribe]
pls. send comments to list
14:40:04 [aliman]
14:40:10 [danbri_scribe]
...i've put together a framework for first note
14:40:14 [danbri_scribe]
the skos core vocab specification
14:40:20 [danbri_scribe]
...first note from the PORT TF
14:40:53 [danbri_scribe]
...script generated from the rdf schema
14:40:57 [danbri_scribe]
...there as a preview
14:41:06 [danbri_scribe]
...comments on structure or formal aspects would be appreciated
14:41:25 [danbri_scribe] far as contnt goes, this doc isn't ready to announce publically, as the structure of the schema likely to change over next 3 weeks or so
14:41:41 [danbri_scribe]
...also ongoing discussion going on around the skoscore vocab
14:41:48 [danbri_scribe]
...been proposals and discussions recently
14:41:52 [danbri_scribe]
(this on public-esw-thes)
14:42:01 [danbri_scribe]
...trying to link rdf and thes
14:42:10 [danbri_scribe]
...hopefully will reach consensus on those proposals
14:42:18 [danbri_scribe]
...then announce it as fairly stable
14:42:37 [Ralph]
zakim, who's talking?
14:42:44 [danbri_scribe]
14:42:47 [Zakim]
Ralph, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Jeremy (31%), Alistair (4%), David_Wood (30%), JosD (3%), Alan_Rector (56%)
14:43:17 [danbri_scribe]
al: we've just got into this issue of linking thesauri to ontologies on the public-esw-thes list, pls join in if you have something to contribute
14:43:40 [danbri_scribe]
david: are you comfortable w/ what you have planned between now and f2f
14:43:41 [danbri_scribe]
14:43:56 [danbri_scribe]
al: working on a guide too, using wiki
14:43:58 [danbri_scribe]
ack danbri
14:44:34 [aliman]
14:45:09 [danbri_scribe]
danbri: blah blah blah
14:45:16 [danbri_scribe]
al: we've hit a serious difference of perspective here
14:45:41 [danbri_scribe]
...trying to find a way to make progress, for those outside the RDF scene, they dont appreciate some of the RDF subtleties
14:45:48 [danbri_scribe]
danbri: yup
14:46:09 [danbri_scribe]
al: if we can get progress, and bridge the gap between the perspectives, ...
14:46:33 [danbri_scribe]
ralph: looks like interesting piece of work
14:46:45 [danbri_scribe]
al: is getting into the business of migrating thesauri to rdf/owl
14:47:01 [danbri_scribe] is my long attempt to explain
14:47:28 [danbri_scribe]
ralph: see irc log for url for darren
14:47:30 [Zakim]
Ralph, you wanted to comment to Darren
14:47:55 [danbri_scribe]
danbri: re port, some of us met up f2f this week, as part of swad-europe team meeting
14:48:04 [danbri_scribe]
Jeremy , re XSD TF
14:48:15 [danbri_scribe]
...aiming for draft of a 1st WD
14:48:20 [danbri_scribe]
... tf description already specs it out
14:48:36 [aliman]
Zakim, mute Alistair
14:48:36 [Zakim]
Alistair should now be muted
14:48:40 [danbri_scribe]
... in particular, sketch solutions to the problems
14:48:47 [danbri_scribe]
...and progress those during f2f
14:49:00 [danbri_scribe]
...other thing that's relevant, Q of what participation we seek from non-WG members
14:49:17 [danbri_scribe]
...having read the XML Schema WG's materials, should probably go back and invite them to participate
14:49:23 [danbri_scribe]
...and also xml query and xslt wgs
14:49:34 [danbri_scribe] suggested by xml schema folk
14:49:58 [danbri_scribe]
...which makes sense, issue of equality between values between xml schema'd types, is addressed to some extent by xpath 2 operators
14:50:13 [Ralph]
Regrets+ BenB, BenA, Brian
14:50:14 [danbri_scribe]
david: do you get sense that xml schema wg is catchup up / supplanting this TF's work?
14:50:45 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: not really. everything they've asked me to read has been pertinent. but doesn't change need for an easy to read, single shot doc, for people in the sw re where next in datatyping
14:51:14 [danbri_scribe]
...since we stop short in current rdf/owl recs of both userdefined types and formal semantics for them
14:51:27 [danbri_scribe]
...since those things partially available elsewhere, ...
14:51:39 [danbri_scribe]
...alll the stuff i've been asked to read is still in WD form
14:51:49 [danbri_scribe]
...the SW community, if they read and understood these WDs, might be happy
14:52:05 [danbri_scribe]
...functions and operators, for eg., as far as i can tell.... suggests that numerics should be compared as numbers
14:52:22 [danbri_scribe]
...but for instance, hex-encoded and base64 binary, are necessarily different, even if they encode the same bianry
14:52:48 [danbri_scribe]
...a choice needs to be made
14:53:38 [danbri_scribe]
...if we work relatively quickly, we'd be in time to reflect any disquiet back while xml specs are in WD form
14:53:47 [danbri_scribe]
david: i have an action to talk to jjc re f2f goals
14:54:07 [danbri_scribe]
...looking at guus's goals, do you have a comfort level before the f2f that you can meet them?
14:54:30 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: [missed point]
14:54:46 [danbri_scribe]
...what i've reviewed and posted will help others here do more reviewing
14:54:51 [danbri_scribe]
david: anyone signed up to do that?
14:54:54 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: volunteers?
14:55:09 [danbri_scribe]
...either the XML Schema component descriptions, or the Functions and Operators doc?
14:55:47 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: note comes after f2f, need sketch before
14:55:56 [danbri_scribe]
jjc: i can take an action to make a first cut pre-f2f
14:56:31 [danbri_scribe]
action: jjc make a first sketch of short guideline note for using xml schema datatypes (in rdf/owl)
14:57:00 [danbri_scribe]
q+ to solicit a new scribe (I'll send minutes tho); I need to leave.
14:57:12 [ChrisW]
i'll do it
14:57:17 [danbri_scribe]
14:57:21 [danbri_scribe]
thanks ChrisW
14:57:54 [danbri_laptop]
rrsagent, please make log publically visible
14:57:54 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make log publically visible', danbri_laptop. Try /msg RRSAgent help
14:58:42 [ChrisW]
Agenda moves to VM
14:59:39 [ChrisW]
jjc: send message to XSLT and Xquery wg?
14:59:46 [Tbaker]
Re: topic 7.5: no further comments. Will follow up with DanBri on setting up Wiki and related process.
14:59:51 [Zakim]
+ +1.441.179.aacc
15:00:09 [Zakim]
15:00:32 [ChrisW]
dwood enourages jjc to do so
15:00:49 [ChrisW]
action: jjc to send message to XSLT wg and query
15:01:15 [ChrisW]
action: jjc to send message to xmls wg
15:01:32 [ChrisW]
agenda now moves to VM
15:01:47 [ChrisW]
tomb: no further comments, will follow up with danbri
15:02:00 [David_Wood]
[RDF-XHTML] TF update
15:02:00 [David_Wood]
15:02:06 [ChrisW]
agenda moves to rdf xhtml
15:03:03 [Ralph]
15:03:32 [ChrisW]
benA not here. Had joint telecon with xhtml wg.
15:03:44 [Ralph]
15:03:57 [ChrisW]
ralph: no comments back from html wg. Found editors wd (above)
15:04:38 [ChrisW]
dated 9/15 (after joint telecon) but no changes other than including text of email. So not sure where it is.
15:05:08 [ChrisW]
ben has had conversations about navigational links and semantic ones.
15:05:19 [ChrisW]
other TF members should get involved
15:05:59 [ChrisW]
ben concerned if xhtml 2.0 will be sufficiently relevant to "us" in time.
15:07:29 [ChrisW]
ralph things technically they are close but editorially need work
15:07:42 [ChrisW]
15:08:02 [ChrisW]
how critical is rdf xml syntax in this picture
15:08:40 [ChrisW]
dwood agrees we can't ignore xhtml but isn't sufficient
15:08:45 [ChrisW]
agenda moves to adtf
15:08:51 [Ralph]
ralph agrees w/david
15:09:20 [ChrisW]
libby will summarize before f2f progress has been slow because not much time
15:10:18 [Benjamin]
Sorry I have to leave, bye folks.
15:10:24 [Zakim]
15:10:57 [ChrisW]
agenda moves to tutorial page
15:11:19 [ChrisW]
Link in agenda - please send suggestions to list
15:11:33 [ChrisW]
agenda moves to AOB
15:11:49 [libby]
chrisw will you action me to send that note?
15:12:04 [ChrisW]
action: libby to summarize ADTF before f2f
15:12:15 [libby]
thanks :)
15:13:01 [jjc]
Hotel info is the same as on
15:13:11 [ChrisW]
dwood solicting community feedback for wg expectations
15:13:45 [Ralph]
[David refers to SICoP - Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice ]
15:13:58 [ChrisW]
wants to strike a balance between guidance for practitioners and "plugging holes"
15:14:50 [ChrisW]
action: PhilT to summarize interests from UK National Govt
15:17:10 [ChrisW]
dwood is generally against the idea of observers
15:17:23 [Zakim]
15:17:25 [ChrisW]
resolved: no observers at FTF
15:17:39 [Zakim]
15:17:39 [ChrisW]
dwood closes meeting
15:17:42 [Zakim]
15:17:44 [Zakim]
15:17:45 [Zakim]
15:17:46 [Zakim]
15:17:46 [Zakim]
15:17:47 [Zakim]
15:17:48 [Zakim]
15:17:49 [aliman]
bye all
15:17:49 [Zakim]
15:17:51 [Zakim]
15:17:54 [Zakim]
15:17:55 [Zakim]
15:17:57 [Zakim]
SW_BPD()10:00AM has ended
15:17:58 [Zakim]
Attendees were Ralph, David_Wood, PhilT, Alistair, Benjamin_Nguyen, +1.703.326.aaaa, Evan_Wallace, Darren_Govoni, danbri, libby, +1.914.671.aabb, Chris_Welty, JosD, Phil_Tetlow,
15:18:00 [Zakim]
... Tom_Baker, Natasha_Noy, Jeremy, Benjamin_Nguyen?, Alan_Rector
15:18:04 [ChrisW]
15:18:14 [Ralph]
yes, Chris?
15:18:27 [ChrisW]
do I need to do anything to get the IRC log published as the minutes?
15:18:58 [Ralph]
I think DanBri as initial scribe has that action
15:19:05 [ChrisW]
15:19:07 [libby]
yep he said he'd do it chrisw
15:19:10 [Ralph]
ideally a summary of the irc log with a pointer to the log is sent to the list
15:19:43 [ChrisW]
ok, bye
15:21:01 [Ralph]
rrsagent, bye
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
I see 17 open action items:
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jjc to update f2f by tuesday next [1]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
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ACTION: BenB read ODM documents [2]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
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ACTION: Guus contact Pat and Jos about Web Arch comments [3]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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ACTION: Guus send e-mail about telecon attendance, as it's getting low [4]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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ACTION: Ralph create a WBS registration page for the FtF [5]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph post his attendance analysis ('good standing' record) to the list (done, but msg needs to get to list) [6]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: gary ng review ODM [7]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: chris welty review ODM [8]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph to ask WG for feedback on requirement to embed RDF/XML markup in an XHTML document [9]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jeremy to check semantics on DAWG use of XSD in abstract query model. [10]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: darren review DAWG use cases document [11]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: danbri circulate links for his existing feedback/review to dawg [12]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jjc make a first sketch of short guideline note for using xml schema datatypes (in rdf/owl) [13]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jjc to send message to XSLT wg and query [14]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jjc to send message to xmls wg [15]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
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15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: libby to summarize ADTF before f2f [16]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: PhilT to summarize interests from UK National Govt [17]
15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
recorded in