14:24:35 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 14:24:55 regrets: AndyS, YoshioF, Kendall Clark, Jos De Roo, Eric Prud'hommeaux 14:24:56 donm is 24 aug, not 23 as in agenda? 14:25:20 phpht. should be 24 aug, yes 14:25:44 KevinW has joined #dawg 14:26:36 regrets: AndyS, YoshioF, Kendall Clark, Jos De Roo, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Alberto Reggiori, Tom Adams, Hiroyuki Sato, Howard Katz, Thompson, Bryan B. 14:27:26 SteveH has joined #dawg 14:28:54 Zakim, this will be DAWG 14:28:54 ok, DanC, I see SW_DAWG()10:30AM already started 14:29:08 +DanC 14:29:39 +Kevin 14:29:39 Zakim, mute aaaa temporarily 14:29:40 +1.781.497.aaaa should now be muted 14:29:54 +1.781.497.aaaa should now be unmuted again 14:29:58 Zakim, ??P20 is SimonR 14:29:58 +SimonR; got it 14:29:59 ericP has joined #dawg 14:30:17 zakim, please dial ericP-941 14:30:17 ok, ericP; the call is being made 14:30:18 +EricP 14:30:21 Zakim, aaa is Faruk 14:30:21 sorry, DanC, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 14:30:24 +NickG 14:30:32 Zakim, NickG is SteveH 14:30:32 +SteveH; got it 14:30:43 +??P24 14:30:44 -??P24 14:30:48 Zakim, aaaa is FarrukhN 14:30:48 +FarrukhN; got it 14:30:52 +??P25 14:30:54 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:30:54 On the phone I see SimonR, FarrukhN, DanC, Kevin, EricP, SteveH, ??P25 14:31:12 +??P24 14:31:34 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:31:34 On the phone I see SimonR, FarrukhN, DanC, Kevin, EricP, SteveH, DaveB, JanneS 14:32:14 Zakim, take up agendum 1 14:32:14 agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review record, agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JulSep/0277.html" taken up [from DanC] 14:32:19 Zakim, who is on the phone? 14:32:19 On the phone I see SimonR, FarrukhN, DanC, Kevin, EricP, SteveH, DaveB, JanneS 14:32:33 regrets: AndyS, YoshioF, Kendall Clark, Jos De Roo, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Alberto Reggiori, Tom Adams, Hiroyuki Sato, Howard Katz, Bryan Thompson 14:34:39 Minutes of RDF DAWG telecon 2004-07-27 for review http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JulSep/0224.html 14:35:01 resolved to accept minuites of 07-27 14:35:39 resolved to accept minuites of 2004-07-27 14:35:54 EricP to script on 2004-08-24 14:36:15 agenda + public comments 14:36:42 continue 6 actions 14:37:25 Zakim, who's talking 14:37:25 I don't understand 'who's talking', DanC 14:37:28 Zakim, who's talking? 14:37:39 DanC, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: SteveH (34%), DanC (48%) 14:37:49 -SteveH 14:38:09 Zakim, next agendum 14:38:09 agendum 2. "SOURCE, "provenance"/data-management"" taken up [from DanC] 14:38:38 ACTION DanC: explain evolution of log:semantics/log:includes from uri-is-graph to uri-is-doc in cwm, to inform discussion of SOURCE. CONTINUES 14:38:44 +SteveH 14:38:59 redland contexts doc http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/large_scale_demo/ 14:40:23 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#i_sourceImplExp 1.25 2004/08/16 12:23:00 14:41:11 Zakim, who's on the phone? 14:41:11 On the phone I see SimonR, FarrukhN, DanC, Kevin, EricP, DaveB, JanneS, SteveH 14:41:38 ericP has joined #dawg 14:41:40 views on SOURCE: 14:41:58 sinon: we implement it and its something we get for free 14:42:08 simon: its something an RDF database should do 14:42:41 simon: dont use it much, used for securitry, people dont use it much 14:43:04 Farrukh: provenance is an important feature 14:43:46 Kevin: sporadic requests, but its non-standard RDF 14:43:53 Kevin: definate need 14:44:24 -JanneS 14:44:35 ericP: its used in algae, useful for his tool, but not sure it should set standard 14:44:49 DaveB: big need from users 14:45:15 SteveH: users rely on it 14:46:05 q+ SimonR 14:46:09 Farroukh: distingcintion between need, and wether DAWG should address it 14:46:36 ack simon 14:46:45 +??P18 14:46:48 ack SimonR 14:47:29 SimonR: its important that we can address source, even though its outside RDF 14:47:53 Zakim, ??P18 is JanneS 14:47:53 +JanneS; got it 14:47:56 SimonR: just because RDF doesnt address it, doesnt mean we shouldn't address in it DAWG 14:48:14 JanneS: dont support it, can see that it is useful 14:48:22 Jannes: does it cause problems 14:48:26 q+ 14:49:24 JanneS: what do you do if the source is unknown 14:50:02 DaveB: main use case is for returning it as a result 14:50:23 ack steveh 14:51:31 ok 14:52:15 ACTION DaveB: explain the main uses seen for redland contexts with respect to the provenance. CONTINUES 14:52:19 issues about source - can it be made optional, impl issues 14:52:22 ACTION DaveB: propose an way to address the SOURCE issue. CONTINUES 14:52:30 Zakim, next agendum 14:52:30 agendum 3. "Collections" taken up [from DanC] 14:53:14 discussion of handling collenctions on list 14:53:30 Andy's action completed 14:54:50 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#i_collections is open. 14:54:56 Danc: at one time we will discuss capabilities of your service 14:55:17 Zakim, next agendum 14:55:17 agendum 4. "Reporting b-nodes" taken up [from DanC] 14:55:33 ACTION SimonR: write about the "returning bnodes from a query" issue. CONTINUES. 14:56:24 Zakim, next agendum 14:56:24 agendum 5. "XQuery integration requirements/objective" taken up [from DanC] 14:56:27 ericP has joined #dawg 14:56:28 related to issues with DESCRIBE 14:57:22 document done for the september F2F 14:57:53 ACTION SimonR "XQuery integration requirements/objective" CONTINUED 14:57:55 ACTION SimonR: write a document ... continues. still expecting something to read for sep ftf 14:59:07 SimonR: returning bNodes is awkward becasue you can't assign them names outside the document thier in 14:59:30 SimonR: we assign then URLs and treat them as URI references 15:01:33 SimonR: dont know of a good solution 15:02:19 DONE: ACTION DanC: notify Semantic Web CG 15:02:30 Zakim, next agendum 15:02:30 agendum 6. "review "Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition"?" taken up [from DanC] 15:02:53 I note in passing, that bnodes will (have to?) be able to be created at least in CONSTRUCTing triples is in the language. 15:03:22 "Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition" has query expressions 15:03:39 Danc: wonrderes if they are similar, and should we be including ECMAScript 15:03:49 I can't find 'query' in the spec 15:03:49 DanC: some people should read it 15:04:13 EricP and SteveH will also read 15:04:31 ACTION EricP: read http://www.w3.org/TR/semantic-interpretation/ and let DAWG know what, if any, dependencies there are/should be 15:04:42 ACTION SteveH: read http://www.w3.org/TR/semantic-interpretation/ and let DAWG know what, if any, dependencies there are/should be 15:05:28 Danc: Has anyone looked at using the expression syntax from JavaScript 15:05:49 ericP has joined #dawg 15:05:57 Zakim, next agendum 15:05:57 agendum 7. "public comments" taken up [from DanC] 15:06:36 ACTION DanC: evaluate Tom's proposed reply 15:06:43 -DaveB 15:06:54 Tom's action is done 15:07:34 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 15:07:38 RRSAgent, pointer? 15:07:38 See http://www.w3.org/2004/08/17-dawg-irc#T15-07-38 15:07:41 ADJOURN. 15:08:15 EricP: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/ Revision 1.28 2004/08/17 14:43:42 has some pictures. Whaddya think? 15:08:26 -DanC 15:08:28 -FarrukhN 15:08:29 -JanneS 15:08:34 -Kevin 15:08:37 KevinW has left #dawg 15:08:55 -SteveH 15:08:58 ericP has joined #dawg 15:15:10 ericP_ has joined #dawg 15:15:22 http://www.w3.org/2004/07/16-FA/ 15:49:02 -SimonR 15:49:14 -EricP 15:49:15 SW_DAWG()10:30AM has ended 15:49:16 Attendees were +1.781.497.aaaa, DanC, Kevin, SimonR, EricP, SteveH, FarrukhN, DaveB, JanneS 16:04:29 ericP has joined #dawg 18:54:01 DanC has left #dawg 18:56:09 Zakim has left #dawg