15:34:01 RRSAgent has joined #pf 15:34:10 Zakim, make log public 15:34:18 RRSAgent, make log public 15:34:29 RRSAgent, make log world-access 15:34:48 Zakim has joined #pf 15:34:56 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 15:34:57 ok, Al; I see WAI_PF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 26 minutes 15:35:34 Wendy, will you take the lead in getting WCAG people identified with their Zakim ports (in the "on the phone" list) as they arrive? 15:37:09 al, yes 15:38:45 al, do we only have 16 ports for today? 15:41:40 Lisa has joined #pf 15:45:16 We have 16 ports reserved. My understanding is that Zakim does not enforce this if there are ports available. 15:47:16 The union of people who RSVPed or who posted material on topic on XTECH does not exceed about 12. If we find we have actual capacity problems we can throw people off onto IRC but I don't expect to have to go there either on the basis of the numbers or what I understand to be the Zakim actual behavior. 15:50:30 agenda+ http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2004Aug/0008.html 15:51:17 agenda+ greeting, getting Zakim names 15:51:29 agenda+ identify scribe(s) 15:53:14 agenda+ preview of agenda [Al] 15:53:39 agenda+ connecting with help for natural language terms 15:54:24 agenda+ connecting with definitions for 'role' etc. values. 15:54:31 WAI_PF()12:00PM has now started 15:54:38 + +1.202.785.aaaa 15:54:58 agenda+ next steps 15:55:34 agenda+ review actions with attention to where responses go 15:55:39 agenda? 15:56:29 MattSEA has joined #pf 15:58:43 +??P10 15:58:43 dpoehlman has joined #pf 15:59:26 +Matt 15:59:44 +??P14 16:00:07 +??P15 16:00:10 +Wendy 16:00:20 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:00:20 On the phone I see +1.202.785.aaaa, ??P10, Matt, ??P14, ??P15, Wendy 16:00:25 +[IBM] 16:00:26 lisa 16:00:36 Zakim, call AlGilman-home, please 16:00:36 ok, Al; the call is being made 16:00:38 zakim, +1.202.785.aaaa is Katie 16:00:38 +Katie; got it 16:00:39 +AlGilman 16:00:52 RichS has joined #pf 16:00:53 +DPoehlman 16:01:00 zakim, mute me 16:01:00 DPoehlman should now be muted 16:01:08 zakim, ??P10 may be Lisa 16:01:08 +Lisa?; got it 16:01:12 Gottfried has joined #pf 16:01:13 zakim, ??P14 may be David 16:01:13 +David?; got it 16:01:14 +Gottfried 16:01:22 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:01:22 On the phone I see Katie, Lisa?, Matt, David?, ??P15, Wendy, [IBM], AlGilman, DPoehlman (muted), Gottfried 16:01:27 zakim, [IBM] is Rich 16:01:27 +Rich; got it 16:01:30 +Janina 16:01:46 zakim, who's making noise? 16:02:00 wendy, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 11 (9%), Katie (38%), Lisa? (30%), Gottfried (54%), Janina (13%) 16:02:04 david please correct zakim for me. I'm dpoehlman and need to be dpoehlman 16:02:35 +John_Slatin 16:02:36 zakim, mute Gottfried 16:02:36 Gottfried should now be muted 16:02:45 zakim, unmute me 16:02:45 DPoehlman should no longer be muted 16:02:57 zakim, mute me 16:02:57 DPoehlman should now be muted 16:02:58 +Mark 16:03:02 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:03:02 On the phone I see Katie, Lisa?, Matt, David?, ??P15, Wendy, Rich, AlGilman, DPoehlman (muted), Gottfried (muted), Janina, John_Slatin, Mark 16:03:41 bengt, did you just call? 16:03:46 if so, you are cutting out 16:04:12 its me 16:04:28 zakim, mute bengt 16:04:28 sorry, wendy, I do not see a party named 'bengt' 16:04:35 zakim, Mark is Bengt 16:04:35 +Bengt; got it 16:04:37 zakim, mute bengt 16:04:37 Bengt should now be muted 16:04:59 zakim, who is making noise ? 16:05:04 zakim, who's muted? 16:05:04 I see DPoehlman, Gottfried, Janina, Bengt muted 16:05:12 bengt, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Katie (16%), Lisa? (10%), David? (26%), ??P15 (1%) 16:05:23 +Becky_Gibson 16:05:41 Becky has joined #pf 16:05:46 gregg has joined #pf 16:05:48 janina has joined #pf 16:05:51 wh is p15? 16:05:57 bcaldwell has joined #pf 16:06:00 don't know who p15 is 16:06:06 +??P45 16:06:07 hi greg! 16:06:16 zakim, ??P45 is Charles 16:06:16 +Charles; got it 16:06:21 David_MacDonald has joined #pf 16:07:08 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:07:08 On the phone I see Katie, Lisa?, Matt, David?, ??P15, Wendy, Rich, AlGilman, DPoehlman (muted), Gottfried (muted), Janina (muted), John_Slatin (muted), Bengt (muted), Becky_Gibson, 16:07:11 ... Charles 16:07:44 zakim, ??P15 is Gregg_and_Ben 16:07:44 +Gregg_and_Ben; got it 16:08:48 zakim, can we have more ports? 16:08:48 I don't understand your question, wendy. 16:10:50 -Matt 16:11:38 +Michael_Cooper 16:11:50 Michael has joined #pf 16:12:14 oh, please don't go. 16:12:20 +??P7 16:12:56 Zakim, who is on the call? 16:12:56 On the phone I see Katie, Lisa?, David?, Gregg_and_Ben, Wendy, Rich, AlGilman, DPoehlman (muted), Gottfried (muted), Janina (muted), John_Slatin, Bengt (muted), Becky_Gibson, 16:12:59 ... Charles, Michael_Cooper, ??P7 16:13:16 -??P7 16:13:55 count was 16 ? 16:14:02 +EricM 16:14:13 echo? 16:14:15 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:14:15 On the phone I see Katie, Lisa?, David?, Gregg_and_Ben, Wendy, Rich, AlGilman, DPoehlman (muted), Gottfried (muted), Janina (muted), John_Slatin, Bengt (muted), Becky_Gibson, 16:14:18 ... Charles, Michael_Cooper, EricM 16:15:23 em has joined #pf 16:16:31 scribe: Michael 16:16:31 rrsagent, pointer? 16:16:31 See http://www.w3.org/2004/08/11-pf-irc#T16-16-31-1 16:16:38 Michael will scribe for a while 16:19:29 I'll go. 16:19:48 -DPoehlman 16:20:06 thanks, dpoehlman 16:20:15 +Matt 16:20:21 I'm now only on irc so no presure, bu I hope someone takes good notes. 16:21:16 Topic: Agenda overview 16:21:24 Agenda at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2004Aug/0008.html 16:22:14 ag: Need to get all the stuff we're working on to converge 16:22:17 zakim, how many ports are reserved at 12:45? 16:22:17 on Wed Aug 11 12:45:00 2004 I see 92 reserved, 144 ports 30 minutes later, and 110 ports 60 minutes later 16:22:28 gv: also need solutions for the next 12 months 16:24:01 gv: in long run we have AT for people with sensory/physical disabilities 16:24:15 for cognitive disabilities ability to reshape page to be more usable 16:24:44 programatically determined: appears to require markup at a minute level, couldn't generally require 16:24:50 programmatically located: easier to require 16:24:59 -Bengt 16:25:18 WCAG looking at various levels of things that can be done for people with various levels of disability and various levels of effort 16:26:25 Eric: Semantic Web sees lots of overlap 16:26:56 this meeting a first step to bring that about 16:27:15 zakim, mute Michael_Cooper 16:27:15 Michael_Cooper should now be muted 16:27:54 ability to identify extended information from trusted third parties.... 16:28:15 consider overlapping metadata requirements, architecture, use cases 16:29:03 q+ 16:29:06 q+ 16:29:50 ag: pf group working on dynamic content 16:30:41 UA using accessibility API may not know important facts about the content e.g., it's focusable, link-like in behaviour 16:30:49 David_MacDonald has joined #pf 16:31:13 XAG says you should make semantically rich formats and export the ideas in a notation that other processors can understand 16:31:41 e..g., annotation space in XSD can have link to metadata 16:31:45 q+ 16:32:14 haven't really worked this through yet though 16:32:32 .me notes the xsd:annotation space is human readable, but not machine processible... wonders if RDF-general, SKOS-like-specific approach in xsd:annotation may be a point to make as another possible connection 16:32:52 Looking at XHTML 2 hoping to make sure it handles all this 16:33:12 Need to make sure Device Independence and Accessibility agendae synched 16:33:21 DI about to have a workshop 16:34:03 q? 16:34:05 q? 16:34:11 ack Lisa 16:34:26 .me wonders if someone can provide a pointer to the current WAI dictionary discussion, proposal? 16:34:31 ls: on WCAG and PF 16:34:39 bring semantic web for accessibility 16:35:04 Web accessibility wasn't helping as much for LD as hoped 16:35:13 bengt has joined #pf 16:35:49 eric, it's in the RSVP message you received, I'll try to recover it here. 16:35:54 develop tools to build annotations in RDF 16:36:03 .me wonders if someone can provide pointers to lisa's example while she's talking? 16:36:27 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#understandable 16:36:29 +Bengt 16:36:55 http://ubaccess.com/swap.html 16:37:42 ontology (private to UBAccess) mapped to XAG 16:38:29 this is useful to device independence, accessibility, semantic, etc. 16:38:58 can take accessibility further than by changing HTML code because you're outside the interface 16:39:42 cascading lexicon needs to be part of a full paradigm for marking up what statements are important 16:39:49 want to strip out the rubbish that may exist 16:40:29 so this is just a first step, need to roadmap the rest 16:40:38 ack RichS 16:40:43 q+ to ask, "(re: lisa's point about making content accessible from outside the html) if not in html, what is the author's responsibility?" 16:41:23 rs: question re content management systems 16:41:40 and metadata about documents 16:42:09 looked at semantic metadata about the object tree in a site? 16:42:35 ??: yes, have handlers for particular rendering situations 16:42:43 could add other handlers for other needs 16:43:45 q- 16:44:10 during next steps - Eric, can we play with these examples? 16:44:14 q? 16:44:16 ack gregg 16:44:47 gv: as we talk about technologies do they work at the word/phrase level? 16:45:02 as we talk about technologies do they work across the variety of technologies used on the Web? 16:45:16 .me thinks gregg is asking an important and hard question 16:45:18 ack Charles 16:46:07 cmn: re stuff in 12 months, what exactly does that mean? 16:46:15 what technology is WCAG prepared to use? 16:46:49 e.g., only stuff that works in NS 4, or do we accept a modern browser requirement (and which modern browser?) 16:47:13 gv: WCAG WG interested in things that affect design of WCAG 2.0 16:47:17 q+ 16:47:59 need something that is reasonable, general public can use at time WCAG 2.0 comes out 16:48:08 q? 16:48:17 ag: PF sees different profiles of processing w/ different timelines 16:48:28 different maturity thresholds, appropriate to pursue in different processing chains 16:48:32 q+ 16:48:33 q- 16:48:49 cmn: hard to answer specific questions w/o having a specific application 16:49:16 q+ 16:49:46 q- 16:50:21 ~we're arguing about if we have enough zakim ports so DP can participate~ 16:50:31 david poehlman - we are freeing up a port on the call so you may call in 16:50:35 ~gv will patch in DM so DP can dial in~ 16:50:37 -Lisa? 16:50:52 zakim, who's on the call? 16:50:52 On the phone I see Katie, David?, Gregg_and_Ben, Wendy, Rich, AlGilman, Gottfried (muted), Janina (muted), John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Charles, Michael_Cooper (muted), EricM, Matt, 16:50:55 ... Bengt 16:50:55 q? 16:50:57 zakim, David? is Lisa 16:50:57 +Lisa; got it 16:51:16 david - please try calling in 16:51:18 q? 16:51:19 ack lisa 16:51:52 ah 16:52:00 ls: middleware/transcoding is part of answer to Charles' question 16:52:30 bingo 16:52:35 dpoehlman: care to join in? 16:52:52 q? 16:52:58 ack Charles 16:53:38 +DPoehlman 16:53:43 zakim, mute me 16:53:43 DPoehlman should now be muted 16:53:56 to extent we can standardize what we want to do, agree on ontology for describing roles, we can move forward faster 16:54:04 dpoehlman, would you like to speak? 16:54:47 benifit of semantic web technology is that for two things that do the same stuff, it's relatively easy to describe them as a single kind of thing 16:55:05 q+ 16:55:12 it's been covered for me so far. 16:55:21 ack lisa 16:56:08 yes! 16:56:15 ls: if we decide on a standard lexicon, and somebody else creates one, all we have to do is map them with RDF and the system should work 16:56:22 relates to backward compatibility 16:56:27 the answer is 16:56:28 no 16:56:30 fear is "are we going to get it right first time" 16:56:35 bingo 16:56:42 doesn't matter because of mapping ability 16:58:12 Topic: Programatically Determined and Programatically Located 16:58:47 gv: pd is uniquely identified, pl is findable 16:58:59 q+ to ask if 3rd party services are considered acceptable in this context? 16:59:10 strings of gibberish? 16:59:23 relates to abbreviations, acronyms, foreign phrases, etc. 16:59:35 anything where user is confused on encountering a word 17:00:06 for some terms you could search forever if it's not common 17:00:27 so a way of referencing where a person would look important 17:00:33 depends on how often you like hearing the words 17:00:39 "not found" 17:01:07 ack em 17:01:07 em, you wanted to ask if 3rd party services are considered acceptable in this context? 17:01:32 em: re pd, how are third party services viewed? 17:01:43 e.g., IBM sem-tagger (sp?) 17:02:20 q+ 17:02:25 pd is user classifications, programmatic classifications? 17:03:00 gv: tool can be used by author or at run time 17:03:07 free/cheap tool ok 17:03:14 but if tool expensive, doesn't help 17:03:51 em: semantic web trying to encourage architecture in which you can go to a page and ask for information about it 17:04:12 there are high-end and low-end tools, but all working within same architecture 17:04:53 ag: there are different symbol/sense pairings with different policy implications 17:05:28 q+ 17:05:38 there may be users who don't want to assume something is definitive unless it comes from an authority chain 17:05:53 this data mining would support author 17:06:10 to understand what things are likely to be misunderstood 17:06:43 q+ 17:06:56 WCAG only has authoring requirements 17:07:12 gv: but we look at what UA do and not require author to do what UA already does 17:07:27 q? 17:07:34 also lean on UA to do things they "should" do 17:07:50 wonders if wcag will also not require things that are in uaag that user agents don't but need to do? 17:08:23 q+ 17:08:24 q- 17:08:32 running through a third party service would require author to deal with things the generic service can't handle 17:08:43 ack charles 17:09:54 cmn: system where user can click on a word and ask for a definition (e.g., babylon which uses user-defined dictionaries) 17:10:17 http://babylon.com/ 17:10:25 also european project to develop thesaurus 17:10:45 q? 17:10:48 these are example implementations of what we're looking for 17:11:20 right now we're missing ability for page to state to tool which vocabulary it's using 17:11:45 q+ to talk about community examples and trust wrt cooperative cataloging - mindful of the time 17:12:04 CMS developers are building ability to build/reference special dictionaries as needed 17:12:52 Concept coding framework: symbol-based communication systems to map between symbolic representations 17:13:44 should have way to say "these are the kinds of requirements I have" 17:13:50 em, we do need to hear from you. My model is mike time shares per group. 17:15:11 q+ to make the point, if this group is thinking abuot dictionary and glossary, then RDF general, SKOS specific is something that can be done now 17:15:32 charles, please wrap up 17:15:36 these are worth looking at 17:15:41 question is how standardized they are 17:16:09 q+ to make the point the problem is not technical, but social and organizational at this point 17:16:45 SKOS reference - http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/thes/1.0/guide/ 17:17:06 do people know about the W3C glossary project? and how it is using SKOS? 17:17:11 david will scribe now. 17:17:14 q? 17:17:16 ack Lisa 17:17:28 -Janina 17:18:22 LS laguages with direction ambiguities pose problems. ambiguity not resolved using context 17:18:30 +Janina 17:18:39 Gregg can you turn my phone up? 17:19:57 LS people who don't want accessibility reliant on pripriatory is not realistic 17:21:06 .me not sure if 'alt' tag is enough - perhaps i might not have a full understanding of the problem 17:21:10 LS what is needed is a simple authoring tool that isa simple as adding an ALT tag etc. she thinks it will be available in 12 months . She says the Ontology peices arenot too difficult 17:21:33 nothing to do with alt tag 17:21:50 -Katie 17:21:53 meant it as a metaphor 17:21:57 ah 17:21:58 I will call in 17:22:08 (not a very good one ) 17:22:09 I got the adjustment Lisa 17:23:00 +??P2 17:23:09 zakim, ??P2 is David 17:23:09 +David; got it 17:23:15 Zq? 17:23:17 q? 17:23:18 q? 17:23:23 ack RichS 17:23:27 Rich S 17:24:21 I also said 17:24:22 added what we thought might be needed hear 17:24:22 predicate for pointing mechanism 17:24:22 class for lexical info 17:24:37 what else do we need? 17:24:37 maybe ontology for mapping from one lexicon to another 17:25:14 address Greggs comments c..can't expect people to buy $$$ systems. But large companies can adapt middleware. Tell user agent how to adapt... ie widgets on a page ..what object it is the state it is in and how to map with it. ifthe AT wants to access it i can query the UA 17:25:24 .me notes this is exactly how Haystack renders content - http://haystack.lcs.mit.edu/ 17:26:28 q? 17:26:30 Eric- part of question is where to focus on standardization and where to lethealthy competition to take place. eg. (one on the server level and one on client both use RDF identical architechtures 17:26:51 Eric RDF Lib? and redfoot 17:26:53 redfoot.net, rdflib.net 17:27:35 Haystack on client side universal data viewer, an experiment that associates different handlers with different classes of objects 17:28:25 open EM source David Carter? heads up project 17:28:50 GUidelines do a good job but the next step is to implement them in the handles and doing a demo to prove a concept 17:28:53 q+ 17:28:58 ack em 17:28:58 em, you wanted to talk about community examples and trust wrt cooperative cataloging - mindful of the time and to make the point, if this group is thinking abuot dictionary and 17:29:01 ... glossary, then RDF general, SKOS specific is something that can be done now and to make the point the problem is not technical, but social and organizational at this point 17:29:40 for the minutes: eric mentioned Redfoot 17:30:08 [13:26] redfoot.net, rdflib.net 17:30:36 EM continues summarizes Charles. Dics and Glossaries, offers adtional context..library navigation management of data etc. data integration stitching together navigation of thesaurus dics etc. Skos 17:30:39 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/thes/1.0/guide/ SKOS 17:30:56 http://simile.mit.edu/longwell/demo/tr/longwell?http%3A%2F%2Fsimile.mit.edu%2F2004%2F04%2Fontologies%2Fglossary%23defines=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2003%2F03%2Fglossary-project%2Fdata%2Fglossaries%2Frfc2616%23resource 17:31:00 SKOS in action 17:31:33 EM good Skos... lots of open sourse browsers know what to do with SKOS EM recommends tapping into this work 17:31:54 EM this could be benefit for Accessible community 17:32:03 em: SKOS is a likely focus of next steps 17:32:36 EM recording terms in a way that they could e stitched up later 17:32:52 also: SKOS core RDF vocabulary: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core/ 17:33:19 EM Longwell browsers work with SKOS... 17:33:22 longwell - http://simile.mit.edu/longwell/index.html 17:34:48 EM lot to cover but this would be helpful. Agrees with Lisa need to build front ends to the SKOS related glossaries, User interface could be made in a day among symantic web user groups 17:35:28 Chair how can we annotate HTML, Notation 17:35:38 must leave the meeting. Thanks. 17:35:41 Sorry what is our chair's name? 17:35:42 dpoehlman has left #pf 17:35:50 david, our chair is Al Gilman 17:35:51 -DPoehlman 17:36:18 AL - asks gregg suggestion 17:37:42 w? 17:37:45 q? 17:38:26 GV not restrict to any technology, but something that is a general strategy with web resourses in general. Character string (word, Acronym, phrase, etc), identify techniques that would adress the issue well enough that we could put it in the Guidleines. Should work with strings 17:38:34 ack charles 17:38:55 17:38:55 English cuisine 17:38:55 English dishes 17:38:55 English food 17:38:56 17:38:58 17:39:00 17:39:31 17:39:31 Bangers and mash 17:39:32 Sausage and mash 17:39:32 Sausage and mashed potato 17:39:32 17:39:34 17:39:37 17:39:55 Charles - link between any type of information such as pitures and text. in XML nice way to address any run of characters. in modern tag pdf there is a way to do it but there are formats of not addressing a particular word 17:40:02 ack lisa 17:40:07 some formats easy some not 17:41:39 LS a bad HTML is bad...Flash and Adobe are looking at RDF as a way to address accessibility 17:42:56 LS when defining a role, RDF is a good thing. RDF instances are useful 17:43:10 q? 17:44:03 MattSEA has joined #pf 17:44:36 AG if we are not dealing in middleware how is this available to AT. 17:44:58 q! 17:45:04 q+ 17:45:46 AG we need to get into the DOM... slow replacement of HTML in the Authoring community. A significant portion of authors still in old HTML. 17:47:32 AG relative to HTML 4 if you want to talk a bout a specific element make sure it has an ID, ie. this is a SPAN that is functioning as a hyperlink. give it a class mark. place a tlken on it and with the right dictionalry it will tell youwhat to do with it. Use Dublin core 17:48:33 Strings that are marking what kind of an element it is that is presently undefined but connected to the cheap sheet that tells you what it is 17:49:41 AG we can create a concept node sometimes represent by this or that string. .. sit down at the table and announce convention. 17:50:15 Eric , how would I do that in an HTML doc. A one liner in HTML 17:51:13 ERICthis is an important question but hard to include in HTML... perhaps in a supporting document..REL= the meta data doc 17:51:24 q? 17:51:28 that would be great 17:51:36 ... an example from Eric 17:51:40 it is in the red tech doc... 17:51:56 I can provide some CCF examples for that 17:52:04 Eric can give an example 17:52:48 AL asks Wendy is there a draft... Wendy says latest is on Lisa's site. 17:52:55 lisa, is this it? http://www.ubaccess.com/rdf.html 17:53:05 no 17:53:08 hmm... 17:53:17 that is something else 17:53:27 old old old 17:53:27 action: wendy and lisa, send reference to latest rdf techs to xtech 17:54:03 action: eric look at rdf techniques and either say "that's it" or edit or provide own example 17:54:14 Action item Eric looks at this and will decide whether to leave it or adapt it. Eric will follow up 17:54:26 You're too fast wendy :-) 17:54:50 lisa, here is the last source that i have: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/sources/rdf-tech-src.xml 17:54:59 i'm pretty sure the last rdf techs in html was on your site 17:55:13 ok, will look 17:56:01 Eric Haystack like MAX... revolutionary powerful universal viewing client but requires big CPU, open source nerdy thing hard to understand. it's a work in project 17:56:07 have to go folks 17:56:09 buy 17:56:12 Lisa has left #pf 17:56:13 oops not MAX, EMAX 17:56:28 emacs ? 17:56:41 ohh 17:57:34 <-- will test the haystack 17:57:37 Eric On behalf of Haystack group he would be glad to see it happen 17:59:32 -Lisa 18:00:52 .me does this group know about GRDDL? - http://www.w3.org/TR/grddl/ 18:01:19 Need to go--good-bye. 18:01:26 -Janina 18:02:10 AG Open to another meeting, but we will cook on it and discuss it.. 18:02:43 GV WCAG group needs concrete stuff to put in to the GUidelines 18:03:39 AG Al is concerned about backward compatibility how could we implement this so it requiers mimal changes to status quo and predeccessor technologies 18:05:17 EM Next meeting, we will talk RDF XHTL relationship. 18:05:20 -Wendy 18:05:33 RRSAgent, make log world 18:06:06 -Michael_Cooper 18:06:08 -EricM 18:06:09 -Becky_Gibson 18:06:10 -Bengt 18:06:11 -John_Slatin 18:06:13 -Rich 18:06:14 -Gottfried 18:06:15 -Gregg_and_Ben 18:06:16 -David 18:06:17 -Charles 18:06:27 -Matt 18:06:28 WAI_PF()12:00PM has ended 18:06:29 Attendees were Matt, Wendy, Katie, AlGilman, DPoehlman, Lisa?, Gottfried, Rich, Janina, John_Slatin, Bengt, Becky_Gibson, Charles, Gregg_and_Ben, Michael_Cooper, EricM, Lisa, David 18:06:38 Wendy, should you or I wrap the minutes (post link to XTECH)? 18:06:49 Michael has left #pf 18:07:09 Zakim, bye 18:07:09 Zakim has left #pf 18:07:40 bengt has left #pf 18:07:46 RichS has left #pf 18:08:30 bcaldwell has left #pf 18:08:36 RRSAgent, bye 18:08:36 I see 2 open action items: 18:08:36 ACTION: wendy and lisa, send reference to latest rdf techs to xtech [1] 18:08:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/08/11-pf-irc#T17-53-27-1 18:08:36 ACTION: eric look at rdf techniques and either say "that's it" or edit or provide own example [2] 18:08:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/08/11-pf-irc#T17-54-03