14:54:23 RRSAgent has joined #simile 14:54:29 zakim, this will be Simile 14:54:29 ok, em; I see SW_Simile()11:00AM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 14:54:43 RRSAgent, pointer? 14:54:43 See http://www.w3.org/2004/04/15-simile-irc#T14-54-43 14:58:28 SW_Simile()11:00AM has now started 14:58:35 +SteveG 14:58:46 +??P10 14:59:20 -??P10 14:59:38 zakim, dial emiller-bos 14:59:39 ok, em; the call is being made 14:59:40 +Emiller 14:59:47 pshab has joined #simile 15:00:45 hi em 15:01:11 +??P5 15:01:34 zakim, ??P5 is pshab 15:01:36 +pshab; got it 15:04:08 regrets: mackenzie, mick 15:04:18 regrets: markb 15:04:30 present: em, steve, paul 15:05:35 expected - stefano, ryan, david 15:05:57 http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/MeetingAgenda15April2004 15:06:04 ^ agenda 15:06:38 +Ryan_Lee 15:07:06 ryanlee has joined #simile 15:12:12 stefanom has joined #simile 15:12:14 [discussing DevDay] 15:12:23 about to join 15:13:40 Steve: maybe Wednesday or Thursday, but not DevDay 15:13:55 ryanlee: can be there for the whole thing 15:14:15 pshab: will be there 15:14:29 em: we should figure out who will speak 15:14:42 SteveGarland: stefano will have had a dry run in Crete by then 15:15:18 can you guys give me the phone number to call 15:15:24 I'm having trouble with my email 15:15:33 +1.617.761.6200 15:16:00 code 7464 15:16:02 what else do i need? 15:16:08 ok 15:16:18 + +1.857.222.aaaa 15:17:07 zakim, +1.857.222.aaaa is stefano 15:17:07 +stefano; got it 15:17:48 em: stefano, have you thought about attending www2004? 15:18:07 em:uk digitisation projects part of New Opporuntities Fund are listed here. Might be some potential collections there. 15:18:11 http://www.enrichuk.net/ 15:18:12 stefano: i would like to go, i don't have a problem presenting or with someone else presenting 15:19:04 em: i strongly suggest you go (if a travel budget exists) 15:19:18 ...having the whole simile team there would be good 15:19:26 ...will ask Mark what his plans are 15:20:26 stefano: it would be nice to rotate speakers 15:21:55 +Karger 15:22:45 em: people from the MESMUSES project woudl be useful to hear at Dev Day http://galileo.imss.firenze.it/mesmuses/index.html 15:22:57 in the context of museum and sem web 15:23:09 em: david, are you planning on being at www2004? 15:23:32 Karger: not resolved yet 15:23:41 AndyS has joined #simile 15:23:42 === Additional datasets === 15:23:51 em: stefano, any updates from MacKenzie? 15:24:02 ah. need to fix convention - I was using em: to say I was talking to em: rather that em: was speaking! 15:24:18 stefano: getting in touch with the ArchNet guys, not much time to work on it 15:24:22 AndyS has left #simile 15:24:41 ...MacKenzie ran into some problems with another team 15:25:12 ...i can try to keep working on it, but she's the one with the contacts 15:25:46 em: what was the purpose of these datasets? 15:26:07 stefano: certainly to try to scale on the schema level and experiment on ui, etc 15:26:19 ...though Mark is the one who requested those specifically 15:28:15 em: different datasets would be useful to show off 15:28:29 stefano: we'd like to focus on more connections between data instead of just more data 15:28:40 em: so diversity of datasets 15:28:46 stefano: yes 15:29:13 http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/DatasetsKnowledgeBase 15:29:29 - Datasets Knowledge Base 15:30:28 stefano: just keep adding to the wiki page 15:31:15 em: it would be good to indicate the redistribution license on that page as well 15:33:04 === Infrastructure === 15:33:10 q? 15:33:18 stefano: i'm satisfied with the results 15:33:27 ...the subversion repository is in place 15:33:43 http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/TodoList 15:33:59 ...the discussion we had about where to host the mailing lists 15:34:19 ...branding is more the issue than technology 15:34:44 -Karger 15:35:06 zakim, who is here? 15:35:06 On the phone I see SteveG, Emiller, pshab, Ryan_Lee, stefano 15:35:07 On IRC I see stefanom, ryanlee, pshab, RRSAgent, Zakim, SteveGarland, em 15:35:39 http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/TodoList 15:35:46 ...there's also a list of other things in place 15:35:51 http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/HardwareSoftwareUsed ? 15:36:04 http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/HardwareSoftwareUsed 15:36:43 +Karger 15:36:53 welcome back david :) 15:36:57 stefanom: the infrastructure right now is hurting us 15:37:23 stefanom: i believe we should have two lists: general for non-code folks, dev for developers 15:37:56 ...all the knowledge will be broadcast across the lists 15:38:24 ...if the information flows well across the infrastructure, it could reduce coordination needs 15:38:47 ...i'm cloning the Apache infrastructure, getting the Apache infr. team input 15:39:21 ...the password protection on the server is for any incoming data, including the wiki 15:39:57 ...which is to avoid spam, since right now i don't think we have outside contributors 15:40:36 ...questions? 15:40:58 em: yes, though i've said it all over email - who's on which lists? 15:41:15 stefano: four developers on dev, eight of us on general 15:42:05 Karger: no strong feelings; i'm willing to cede the decision to stefano 15:42:44 stefanom: i'm willing to be in charge of the infrastructure 15:44:45 em: your branding points are good, but i am concerned about single points of failure 15:44:59 ...we have an installed userbase on the www-rdf-dspace list 15:45:12 ...and they haven't seen much going on 15:46:00 ...part of the infrastructure isn't there, i'm concerned about spending too much time building what's already there 15:46:18 s/already there/readily available elsewhere/ 15:46:44 ...archives and long term preservation are important to me 15:47:05 ...taking advantage of the Apache method is appropriate here 15:47:20 ...but there's a balancing act between branding and effort 15:48:29 stefanom: do you have an issue with the mailing list, or some other part? 15:49:14 em: primarily with you taking everything on, secondarily with what already exists 15:51:00 stefanom: it's not a critical point of failure here, there are library sysadmins to help 15:51:14 ...i don't expect to maintain much after setting up 15:51:50 em: by experience, i think you will be maintaining quite a bit 15:52:04 ...for the time being, i suggest focusing on what's not available elsewhere 15:53:27 ...so i suggest a phased approach, and if it all turns out rock solid, then move the rest 15:53:49 stefanom: i can appreciate that 15:54:16 ...one minor thing, it makes a bigger impact if there's a unified announcement of change 15:56:46 em: so we'll think of it as a phased thing 15:57:52 stefanom: ok, i think we've reached concensus 15:58:32 ...i have a patch for sending diffs, like CVS 15:59:02 ...the wiki should be read-only for all, write for us 15:59:48 Karger: i'll be in HP-Palo Alto on Monday and Tuesday 15:59:58 -Karger 16:00:00 ...and i can meet with those interested in simile then 16:00:30 stefanom: i'll be gone next week, probably gone for telecon 16:00:36 pshab: as will i 16:00:41 --- next telecon - apr 22 16:00:48 regrets: stefano, paul 16:01:02 stefanom: MacKenzie wants feedback on the milestones document 16:01:27 ...since she has to turn it in at the end of the month 16:01:50 ...one thing missing from it is the decision to build an open-source framework for semweb browsers 16:03:19 em: if we go with that, i'd like to mention it at DevDay 16:03:59 SteveGarland: i plan to spend some time polishing it next week 16:04:07 em: who owns this document? 16:04:38 SteveGarland: i'm the one editing it on the dev team 16:05:22 === development status 16:05:45 ryan: mark, has gotten (some datasets) into RDF 16:07:34 q+ 16:07:43 q+ to ask about which datasets and where they are at 16:09:16 me/ phone connection disconnected... 16:09:32 q+ to talk about symbolic / sub-symbolic ideas 16:09:39 zakim, who is here? 16:09:39 On the phone I see SteveG, Emiller, pshab, Ryan_Lee, stefano 16:09:40 On IRC I see stefanom, ryanlee, pshab, RRSAgent, Zakim, SteveGarland, em 16:09:55 pshab, zakim thinks your still here? 16:10:07 q? 16:10:09 acm em 16:10:11 ack em 16:10:11 em, you wanted to ask about which datasets and where they are at and to talk about symbolic / sub-symbolic ideas 16:10:11 :-) I'm not! 16:11:29 sorry about this my phone is playing up... can't dial out... 16:12:18 action: stefano to create simile.mit.edu page of data-sets and their RDF representatinos and/or translation tools) 16:13:24 my phone is out... will watch irc 16:13:51 stefanom: i think it would take a lot of work to make it industrial solid 16:14:07 em: it would be good just to have the page for now 16:14:18 ...translation services would be cool, but that's another task 16:16:05 -pshab 16:19:01 meeting adjourned 16:19:08 rssagent, make this public 16:19:14 rrsagent, make this public 16:19:14 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make this public', em. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:19:17 -stefano 16:19:30 bye 16:19:32 stefanom has left #simile 16:20:10 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 16:20:20 rrsagent, pointer? 16:20:20 See http://www.w3.org/2004/04/15-simile-irc#T16-20-20 16:27:24 -SteveG 16:27:29 zakim, who is here? 16:27:29 On the phone I see Emiller, Ryan_Lee 16:27:30 On IRC I see ryanlee, RRSAgent, Zakim, SteveGarland, em 16:30:06 -Ryan_Lee 16:35:06 disconnecting the lone participant, Emiller, in SW_Simile()11:00AM 16:35:07 SW_Simile()11:00AM has ended 16:35:08 Attendees were SteveG, Emiller, pshab, Ryan_Lee, stefano, Karger 18:34:23 Zakim has left #simile