Introduction to the Semantic Web

Ivan Herman, W3C Head of Offices
Madrid, 22 October, 2003

Slides of the presentation held in Madrid, on the 22nd October, 2003, at the Next Generation Internet Workshop, organized by the Madrid Polytechnics University.

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  1. [Title Page]
  2. Some history
  3. A World Wide Consortium...
  4. Goals of W3C
  5. Some Guiding Principles at W3C
  6. W3C Recommendations
  7. Results: Cca. 50 Different Technologies!
  8. Towards a Semantic Web
  9. What Is Needed?
  10. Problem Example
  11. Statements
  12. Resource Description Framework
  13. Simple RDF statements
  14. URI-s Play a Fundamental Role
  15. Adding a new predicate
  16. More on RDF
  17. Merge shown as graphs
  18. Use of RDF in our example
  19. RDF or XML?
  20. Where Does the Metadata Come From?
  21. RDF is not Enough…
  22. Possible Issues to Handle
  23. Ontologies
  24. W3C's Ontology Language (OWL)
  25. OWL is also RDF
  26. An Example in OWL
  27. Deduction Possibilities
  28. OWL Examples: Classes
  29. OWL Examples: Properties
  30. Property Characterizations
  31. Miscellaneous possibilities
  32. However: Ontologies are Hard!
  33. Semantic Web Stack
  34. Available Specifications: Primers
  35. Available Specifications: RDF
  36. Available Specifications: Ontology
  37. Public Fora at W3C
  38. Some Tools
  39. SW Applications
  40. SW Application Examples
  41. SW Application Examples (cont)
  42. SW Application Examples (cont)
  43. SW Application Examples (cont)
  44. Further Information