IRC log of wai-wcag on 2003-12-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:05:03 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag
15:05:09 [wendy]
zakim, who's on the phone?
15:05:09 [Zakim]
sorry, wendy, I don't know what conference this is
15:05:10 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, wendy, ben
15:05:17 [wendy]
zakim, list conferences
15:05:17 [Zakim]
I see DI_DIWG()10:00AM, HTML_WG()10:00AM, Team_W3M()8:00AM, WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM active and no others scheduled
15:05:22 [wendy]
zakim, this is WAI_WCAG
15:05:22 [Zakim]
ok, wendy
15:05:26 [wendy]
zakim, who's on the phone?
15:05:26 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Michael_Cooper, ??P12, Wendy, Mark
15:05:48 [wendy]
zakim, ??P12 is Ben_Caldwell
15:05:48 [Zakim]
+Ben_Caldwell; got it
15:05:59 [wendy]
zakim, Mark is Lisa_Seeman
15:05:59 [Zakim]
+Lisa_Seeman; got it
15:07:25 [ben]
zakim, ??P12 is Ben.
15:07:25 [Zakim]
sorry, ben, I do not recognize a party named '??P12'
15:11:33 [wendy]
15:13:38 [wendy]
another objective: contribute to solidity of guideline by developing techniques in parallel of guidelines.
15:14:30 [wendy]
if participating in TTF (4 hrs/week) then should be considered an active participant in wcag wg. need to check on process doc requirements related to task forces.
15:15:29 [wendy]
min 2 hours: 1.5 hours of that is the telecon.
15:16:25 [wendy]
say, "participation in TTF (min 4 hours/week) can get you good standing in wcag wg" ??
15:17:49 [wendy]
"how to join" specifically say something about working on task force?
15:18:16 [wendy]
be careful that people don't see this as an alternative to the WCAG WG, but a subgroup of.
15:19:55 [wendy]
"welcome to the WCAG WG..." talk about telecons, task force, etc.
15:20:20 [wendy]
(people who become new participants would get this)
15:22:20 [wendy]
QA stuff - next week
15:22:44 [wendy]
=== techniques gateway
15:28:11 [wendy]
ack lisa
15:31:27 [Zakim]
15:33:02 [wendy]
take each guideline and break it into scenarios. e.g., different instructions for writing a text equivalent.
15:33:09 [wendy]
(should we do this?)
15:33:55 [wendy]
img spacer, img background, img background w/implied content, bullet w/out info, bullet w/info (e.g., new item)
15:34:45 [wendy]
we've asked this question before, there is some amount of this that needs to be done in gateway other is general education.
15:35:58 [wendy]
wizard, decision tree.
15:38:50 [wendy]
action: lisa summarize ideas for "wizard/decision tree/scenarios" as proposal to group to start discussion on the list. provide a couple concrete examples to clarify possible direction to head.
15:41:27 [wendy]
action: ben, michael, wendy go through changes to techniques gateway and identify the current draft.
15:41:53 [Zakim]
15:43:44 [wendy]
15:43:46 [wendy]
15:44:24 [wendy]
jenae's message:
15:44:37 [wendy]
olivier's message:
15:45:05 [wendy]
people should read QA test framework guideline. then we can talk about each of the guidelines.
15:45:14 [wendy]
a group evaluation would be a good thing.
15:46:23 [wendy]
our proposed charter was written w/an older version of their materials. do we change our charter and if so, to which level?
15:51:11 [wendy]
use of rfc2119 (must/should/may) a "should" in a priority 2 checkpoin in spec GL. (checkpoint 7.1 of spec GL)
15:54:30 [wendy]
jenae has been brainstorming about a "getting started-like" document.
15:55:34 [wendy]
related to QA process document (it inspired these thoughts0
15:57:32 [wendy]
action: jenae contact olivier to talk about QA process document (brainstorm and questions)
16:01:44 [wendy]
proposed charter says "level 3" but QA has changed. won't update until they get to Recommendation (around june when we are renewing our charter?)
16:02:32 [wendy]
Checkpoint 1.3 Priority 3 is interesting it says we must commit to
16:02:32 [wendy]
complete test materials specifically one test cases for every
16:02:33 [wendy]
identifiable conformance requirement. WCAG WG Question #2: Would the
16:02:33 [wendy]
total of test cases for us be: Total = checkpoints * technologies?
16:02:33 [wendy]
Checkpoint 1.4 Priority 1 requests that we enumerate QA deliverables and
16:02:33 [wendy]
expected milestones.
16:02:56 [wendy]
are we doing test cases for techniques or guidelines? for guidelines, it might be different.
16:03:06 [wendy]
for techniques, at least one test case per technique.
16:03:40 [wendy]
do techniques test cases satisfy test cases needed for guidelines?
16:04:14 [wendy]
ack lisa
16:04:28 [wendy]
similar to euroaccessibility group. working on methodology for testing evaluation tools.
16:04:53 [wendy]
also creating list of test cases.
16:05:16 [wendy]
use evaluation tools to go through the test cases to evaluate a tool.
16:05:38 [wendy]
coordination w/euroaccessiblity is starting. hope for shared test cases.
16:05:39 [Zakim]
16:06:11 [wendy]
zakim, ??P25 is Tom_Croucher
16:06:11 [Zakim]
+Tom_Croucher; got it
16:08:10 [wendy]
euroaccessibility looking at WCAG 1.0 and HTML. plans to branch out to other technologies?
16:08:32 [wendy]
CSS likely.
16:09:05 [wendy]
resource for developing test cases, for jenae's question the answer is the number of test cases is the number of techniques (at the minimum).
16:09:52 [wendy]
(previous discussion about shared resources for developing test cases. process of developing test cases. jenae's question is how many test cases total)
16:10:09 [wendy]
WCAG WG Question #3: Do we need to complete the QAPD (QA Process
16:10:09 [wendy]
Document template) [7], create a mailing list just for test and create
16:10:09 [wendy]
the test web page?
16:10:53 [wendy]
16:11:40 [wendy]
this page becomes our QA process document?
16:11:41 [wendy]
16:12:20 [wendy]
they say you should use /tests/ as starting point for all test cases.
16:14:10 [wendy]
they are in candidate recommendation and we are providing them feedback to help them complete the process.
16:14:52 [wendy]
thus, we shouldn't wait to implement these things. (wait on charter, because of w3c process constraints, but not on other guidelines).
16:15:19 [wendy]
Guideline 5. Plan test materials development.
16:15:25 [wendy]
WCAG WG Question #4: Since I have just recently re-joined the group I'm
16:15:25 [wendy]
not sure where we stand on this.
16:15:55 [wendy]
we've done some of this informally but don't have a formal process.
16:16:22 [wendy]
we should put a formal process in place. do they provide info about how?
16:16:38 [wendy]
some should be answered by our process document.
16:21:56 [wendy]
so - jenae and olivier will talk and discuss a proposal
16:21:58 [wendy]
16:22:01 [wendy]
next week's meeting:
16:22:07 [wendy]
- techniques gateway and css techs
16:22:13 [wendy]
perhaps QA if jenae has answers by then
16:22:25 [wendy]
rdf techniques likely to be postponed (for variety of issues)
16:22:40 [wendy]
16:23:28 [wendy]
techniques gateway: text equivalents section changed and nothing else (ala Tom).
16:25:13 [wendy]
zakim, mute Tom
16:25:13 [Zakim]
Tom_Croucher should now be muted
16:26:15 [wendy]
16:26:18 [wendy]
user agents support page
16:26:33 [wendy]
for next week
16:28:23 [wendy]
no meetings 24 and 31 december?
16:28:52 [wendy]
16:29:03 [Zakim]
16:29:04 [Zakim]
16:29:05 [Zakim]
16:29:06 [Zakim]
16:29:07 [Zakim]
16:29:08 [Zakim]
16:29:08 [Zakim]
16:29:09 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG(techniques)10:00AM has ended
16:29:10 [Zakim]
Attendees were Michael_Cooper, Wendy, Ben_Caldwell, Lisa_Seeman, David_D, [Microsoft], Tom_Croucher
16:30:28 [wendy]
[Microsoft] is Jenae Andershonis
16:43:43 [ben]
ben has left #wai-wcag
18:27:03 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wai-wcag