16:54:10 RRSAgent has joined #webont 16:54:19 Zakim has joined #webont 16:54:56 Zakim, this will be WEBO 16:54:58 ok, DanC 16:55:53 DanC has changed the topic to: WebOnt 13Feb http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ chair: DanC/Guus; scribe: Heflin 16:58:07 hmm... were the 30Jan minutes approved? 16:58:28 heflin has joined #webont 16:58:43 SW_WebOnt()12:00PM has now started 16:58:52 +NickG 16:59:04 Hi Dan. 16:59:14 +DanC 16:59:39 -DanC 16:59:49 +??P15 16:59:59 +Tim_Finin 17:00:01 +DanC 17:00:02 ChrisW has joined #webont 17:00:32 +??P32 17:00:38 +??P33 17:00:40 +Mike_Ballantyne 17:00:53 +[IBM] 17:00:54 that's me 17:01:09 pfps has joined #webont 17:01:21 zakim, IBM is temporarily ChrisW 17:01:22 sorry, ChrisW, I do not recognize a party named 'IBM' 17:01:31 -Mike_Ballantyne 17:01:39 +Marwan_Sabbouh 17:01:41 zakim, [IBM] is temporarily ChrisW 17:01:42 +ChrisW; got it 17:01:43 +??P39 17:01:48 +??P34 17:01:49 tnx 17:02:14 IanH has joined #webont 17:02:17 i can do it 17:02:28 +PatH 17:02:32 +M_Smith 17:02:35 baget has joined #webont 17:02:43 +Evan_Wallace 17:03:02 zakim, tim_finin is jeffHeflin 17:03:03 +JeffHeflin; got it 17:03:24 +??P45 17:03:48 zakim, ??P45 is DeborahMcG 17:03:50 +DeborahMcG; got it 17:03:58 zakim, ??P32 is IanH 17:04:00 +IanH; got it 17:04:12 zakim, ??P33 is LeoObrst 17:04:13 +LeoObrst; got it 17:04:31 DeborahMc has joined #webont 17:04:33 zakim, ??P33 is Baget 17:04:34 sorry, pfps, I do not recognize a party named '??P33' 17:04:53 zakim, ??P34 is Baget 17:04:55 +Baget; got it 17:05:00 partial regrets from philips 17:05:05 Zakim, who's on the phone? 17:05:06 On the phone I see NickG, DanC, PeterFPS, JeffHeflin, IanH, LeoObrst, ChrisW, Marwan_Sabbouh, ??P39, Baget, PatH, M_Smith, Evan_Wallace, DeborahMcG 17:05:16 nmg has joined #webont 17:06:00 + +1.858.565.aaaa 17:06:08 zakim, ??P39 is Yassar 17:06:09 +Yassar; got it 17:06:17 zakim, aaaa is MikeDean 17:06:18 +MikeDean; got it 17:06:20 Zakim, who's on the phone? 17:06:21 On the phone I see NickG, DanC, PeterFPS, JeffHeflin, IanH, LeoObrst, ChrisW, Marwan_Sabbouh, Yassar, Baget, PatH, M_Smith, Evan_Wallace, DeborahMcG, MikeDean 17:06:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Feb/0184.html 17:07:09 PROPOSED 6feb record http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Feb/0126.html 17:07:38 POSTPONED: approval of minutes 17:07:44 1.3 Agenda Amendments 17:07:46 mdean has joined #webont 17:07:50 1.4 Telecon Schedule 17:08:04 Next telecon: February 20 17:08:09 RESOLVED 17:08:38 Scribe will be: Leo Obrst 17:08:43 minutes look OK to me 17:09:02 1.5 Tech plenary 17:09:11 Minutes of 6 Feb approved 17:09:44 Deb request speaker phone for editor's meeting at tech plenary 17:10:04 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/meetings/tech-200303/ 17:10:37 2. STATUS RDFCore LC REVIEWS (15-20 min.) 17:12:09 guus has joined #webont 17:12:45 +??P10 17:13:07 Zakim, ??P10 is ZivH 17:13:08 +ZivH; got it 17:13:08 +??P14 17:13:58 zakim, ??p14 17:14:00 I don't understand '??p14', guus 17:14:15 zakim, ??p14 is Guus 17:14:16 +Guus; got it 17:15:30 +??P25 17:15:43 zakim, ??P25 is Jeremy 17:15:45 +Jeremy; got it 17:17:21 jjc has joined #webont 17:18:11 Zakim, who's on the call? 17:18:12 On the phone I see NickG, DanC, PeterFPS, JeffHeflin, IanH, LeoObrst, ChrisW, Marwan_Sabbouh, Yassar, Baget, PatH, M_Smith, Evan_Wallace, DeborahMcG, MikeDean, ZivH, Guus, Jeremy 17:18:14 ... (muted) 17:22:03 ChrisW has joined #webont 17:22:32 Dan - WebOnt should report to RDF that "social meaning" section 17:22:45 causes problems for some in the WG 17:22:54 Wording should be clarified 17:23:47 ??? - change normative parts to "non-normative" 17:25:38 ACTION: Guus will do summary review of RDF docs 17:25:52 2.3 RDF Concepts Review 17:26:50 Only issue was social meaning, as discussed under 2.1 17:27:26 Asserted vs. non-asserted forms of meaning is problematic 17:28:41 JosD has joined #webont 17:29:27 +??P48 17:29:35 -Baget 17:29:55 Zakim, ??P48 is JosD 17:29:56 +JosD; got it 17:37:07 order? this is a matter of words, and we're not likely to get any useful words into our meeting record. And we've exhausted our scheduled time on item 2 17:39:24 baget's review of concepts, plus a couple other messages http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2003Feb/0056.html 17:40:04 Jeremy: Request to consider social meaning at tech plenary 17:41:39 3 ISSUETTES 17:41:51 3.1 Annotations 17:41:53 ACTION: jjc Send msg to RDFCore and WebOnt to get position statement on social meaning prior to Boston 17:42:03 ChrisW has joined #webont 17:42:10 (hmm... to www-rdf-interest too, jeremy?) 17:42:37 proposals on annotations and imports http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Feb/0128.html 17:44:06 Peter: annotations should be 2nd class citizens, not facts 17:44:17 yes, annotations are facts. that appeals to me. 17:45:11 +LynnT 17:47:05 Dan: What breaks if annotations are facts? 17:47:10 q+ 17:48:07 Ian: Wants to express things that don't affect semantics 17:49:24 Jeremy: Unrestricted use of annotations may allow metaclasses 17:49:44 in OWL-Lite/OWL-DL (which we decided previously are not allowed) 17:53:30 All entailment tests of the form P=>P *must* be positive, IMO. 17:53:51 Jeremy: could embed XML comment in RDFS comment (as an XML literal) 17:55:44 Pat: RDFS comments have no meaning; they have no entailments other than themselves 17:58:01 1st example in "Annotations and non-mon example" of 30Jan is unacceptable to me; is it in the test suite yet? http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jan/0542.html 17:58:53 Zakim, who's talking? 17:59:04 jjc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Jeremy (9%), JosD (15%) 18:02:02 Jeremy: Would like a way to indicate that a property is an AnnotationProperty 18:04:54 PROPOSAL: to adopt Peter's Proposal #2 (from Feb #0128) 18:05:06 +??P2 18:05:30 jjc, pls add that 0542 case to the test suite, ok? (I suppose I could, but can I play the busted finger card?) 18:05:37 AMMEND: add AnnototationProperty 18:06:11 ABSTAIN: Ian, Jos DeRoo, Mike Dean, Mike Smith 18:06:14 I concur (esp w jjc ;-) 18:06:21 I have to go...bye 18:06:29 ABSTAIN: Johnathan 18:06:47 ACTION: JJC to add 0542 case to test suite 18:06:57 -ChrisW 18:08:31 RESOLVED: Accept above proposal and ammendment 18:09:23 ACTION Schreiber: explain AnnototationProperty in ref 18:09:50 Pat: rdfs:comment, label, seeAlso, isDefinedBy should all be AnnotationProperty 18:10:05 Guus: can change owl.owl to include this 18:10:08 ACTION Schreiber: specify in owl.owl that label, seeAlso, isDefinedBy are AnnotationProperty 18:11:08 ACTION: Mike will update guide to discuss annotations 18:11:10 ChrisW has joined #webont 18:12:48 == 3.2 Imports and entailments 18:13:07 proposal (3?) in pfps 10Feb http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Feb/0128.html 18:19:23 ACTION: Ian to get Sean to generate syntax checker test case for imports (on failure assume doc is OWL-FULL) 18:20:17 ACTION Jos: send negative experience on imports to list 18:20:41 == 3.3 rdf:XMLLiteral, xml:lang in OWL Lite 18:20:42 == 3.3 XMLLiteral 18:21:38 at the risk of sounding like a broken record, is there an example/test case I can look at? 18:21:51 ChrisW has joined #webont 18:23:43 nmg has joined #webont 18:26:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jan/0533.html 18:26:53 -Yassar 18:30:14 Peter: Adding XML literals require a theory of equality 18:33:13 -Marwan_Sabbouh 18:37:59 Jeremy: Could go with an RDF solution that doesn't work for XSLT but does work for OWL 18:42:20 Dan: Use case for XML literals and cardinality constraints: A product has XML descriptions in different files, but can only have one description. Are the two files consistent? 18:50:42 proposal - abstract syntax uses same syntax as RDF for literals 18:51:19 Connolly abstains 18:51:41 zakim, who is talking 18:51:43 I don't understand 'who is talking', guus 18:51:47 Zakim, who's talking? 18:51:47 on the basis that I can't endorse the XMLLiteral design. 1/2 ;-) 18:52:00 jjc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Guus (8%), Jeremy (17%), JosD (9%) 18:52:19 RESOLVED: abstract syntax uses same syntax as RDF for literals 18:53:47 ACTION Jeremy: to produce test case for XML literal 18:55:17 4. DOCUMENT STATUS 18:56:26 -ZivH 18:56:28 PROPOSED: Rename AS&S to S&AS 18:56:29 (Semantics & 18:56:29 Abstract Syntax). 18:56:55 abstains: Pat 18:57:17 ACTION: Massimo publish reference (continued) 18:57:50 ACTION: Connolly get Tests published 18:59:52 ACTION: Jeremy make Test updates by Monday 19:00:23 -LeoObrst 19:00:26 -Evan_Wallace 19:00:30 -M_Smith 19:00:32 -LynnT 19:00:36 -JosD 19:00:37 -NickG 19:00:40 RRSAgent, pointer? 19:00:41 See http://www.w3.org/2003/02/13-webont-irc#T19-00-40 19:00:41 -Jeremy 19:00:41 -IanH 19:00:44 -PeterFPS 19:00:45 -PatH 19:00:48 -??P2 19:00:50 -MikeDean 19:02:07 what happened? 19:02:50 -DeborahMcG 19:02:50 phone stopped, and trying to call back I had az message "conferebce restricted at this time" 19:03:06 we're adjouned 19:03:49 bye 19:04:08 -JeffHeflin 19:04:19 Zakim, actions? 19:04:20 I don't understand your question, heflin. 19:04:29 Zakim, list actions? 19:04:30 I see SW_WebOnt()12:00PM 19:12:13 -Guus 19:12:24 -DanC 19:12:25 SW_WebOnt()12:00PM has ended 19:35:54 heflin has left #webont 19:56:32 x 20:15:30 DanC has left #webont 21:29:58 Zakim has left #webont