This is the Candidate Recommendation (hopefully) issues list for (links need updating):
Please send comments about those documents to the mailing list (see public archive).
Also see the first Last Call Issues List, and the second Last Call Issues List.
Issues list for other deliverables of the WG can be found on the WS Description WG Issues List.
This document is live and can change at any time.
Color key: error warning note
Id:Title | State | Type | Open actions | Ack. |
CR001 : Suggestion Summary appendix? | agreed | request | Agreement | |
CR002 : Do <import> and <include> support extensibility elements? | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR003 : wsdl20-adjuncts vs RFC 4288 | declined | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR004 : <appInfo> for the WSDL | declined | request | Agreement | |
CR005 : Built in XML Schema types | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR006 : Correction for assertion BindingFault-0058 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR007 : Assertion required for property <constraint> | agreed | clarification | Proposal incorporated | |
CR008 : Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 SOAP 1.1 Binding: example @ section 2.4 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR009 : SOAP binding: empty SOAP Action | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR010 : Typo in HTTP binding | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR011 : CR Comment on WSDL Version 2, part 2: Adjuncts | agreed | request | Reviewer reply unaddressed | |
CR012 : Semantics of wsdl:import | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR013 : Relax IRI style cardinality | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR014 : CR ISSUE: Bug in SOAP binding (Section 5.5.2 of Adjuncts) | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR015 : value space of "extends" attribute Info Item [ WSL 2.0 Core Language] | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR016 : wrpc:signature for RPC style | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
CR017 : Action Item 2006-02-16 | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR018 : RE: Review of WS-A WSDL Binding | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR019 : Must XML schema elements by imported in WSDL 2.0? | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR020 : Bogus assertions in 3.1.3? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR021 : RE: WSDL describing Interface operation safety | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR022 : Component Values Must Be Context Independent | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR023 : typeDefinitions property optional? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR024 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR025 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR026 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR027 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR028 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | declined | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR029 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR030 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR031 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR032 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR033 : Part 2 Adjuncts Comments (1 -5) | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR034 : Comments on Part 2, Chapter 6 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR035 : Comments on Part 2, Chapter 6 | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR036 : Comments on Part 2, Chapter 6 | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR037 : Comments on Part 2, Chapter 6 | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR038 : editorial: part 2, table b-1 incomplete? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR039 : Mentions of "error" and "fatal error" in Part 2 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR040 : Comment on Part 2, Section 5.9.3 | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR041 : Comment on Part 2, Section 6.5.2 | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR042 : Re: Uniqueness of QNames in 'extends' attribute | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR043 : Part 2, 5.6.3 XML Representation of subcodes is inconsistent | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR044 : Parts 1 and 2 Treat Defaults Inconsistently with each other | declined | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR045 : Inline schemas with no target namespace | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR046 : Missing properties in the property summary (Core table d-1, second half) | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR047 : "interface" attribute info item on service component | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
CR048 : "interface" attribute info item on service component | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
CR049 : "interface" attribute info item on service component | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
CR050 : When does {safety} appear? | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR051 : when does wsoap:code appear? | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR052 : Serializing only part of the body with HTTP binding | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR053 : Allow absolute URI in {location} | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR054 : URIPath feedback | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR055 : Clarification needed on HTTP Transfer Coding | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR056 : Questions on {http method} and {safety} extension properties | declined | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR057 : HTTPHeader name should be xs:string, not xs:QName | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR058 : Suggestion to change {safety} to {safe} | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR059 : Editorial: Where does {http location ignore uncited} appear? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR060 : Why don't whttp:authenticationType and {http authentication scheme} match? | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR061 : service and binding name shown as QNames in example - should be NCNames | agreed | editorial | Objection | |
CR062 : Re:service and binding name shown as QNames in example - should be NCNames | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR063 : Prefix declarations in inlined schema | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR064 : WSDL 2.0 primer CR comments | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR065 : Re: WSDL 2.0 primer CR comments | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR066 : Endpoint component {name} property vs xml representation as a QName | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR067 : {http cookies} REQUIRED? | agreed | clarification | Proposal incorporated | |
CR068 : WSDL 2.0 part 2 comment - 2.3.x, 2.2.x wording problems | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR069 : Deconstructing MEPs | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR070 : Request 2 clarifications for RPC style | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR071 : Request 2 clarifications for RPC style | declined | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR072 : Questions on {http method} and {safety} extension properties | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR073 : Suggested editorial changes to adjuncts section 4.1.1 wrpc:signature | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR074 : Assetions covered by schema validation | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR075 : Suggested editorial changes for IRI and Multipart styles | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR076 : {rpc signature} REQUIRED when rpc style is not specified? | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR077 : URI comparison | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR078 : XML Schema requires a type in addition to name to identify an element | agreed | proposal | Agreement | |
CR079 : Fragment identifier syntax not XPointer Framework-compatible | agreed | error | No reply from reviewer | |
CR080 : Canonical component designators? | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR081 : Synchronous v/s Asynchronous, a WSA question, and few suggestions | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
CR082 : Header blocks in wrpc:signature | agreed | proposal | ||
CR083 : Editorial >> WSDL 2.0 definitions v/s WSDL 2.0 descriptions | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
CR084 : Re: New issue (editorial): Missing attribute/elements in syntax summary in part 2 5.1 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR085 : RE: F&P Primer work done. | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
CR086 : {http cookies} prohibited inconsistently | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
CR087 : Turning off http transfer coding | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
CR088 : Ambiguity in Part regarding built-in XML Schema types | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR089 : Definition of Interface Message Reference | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
CR090 : Ambiguity in Part regarding built-in XML Schema types | subsumed | editorial | ||
CR091 : WSDL 2.0 Fault Binding | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
CR092 : Re: WSDL 2.0 Fault Binding [Plus two Questions] | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR093 : Re: WSDL 2.0 Fault Binding [Plus two Questions] | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR094 : Assertion SOAPBinding-2503001 | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
CR095 : Part 2 - {element declaration} property for SOAP Header Block component | declined | clarification | Agreement | |
CR096 : Assertions that are not assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR097 : Assertions that are not assertions | declined | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR098 : Assertions that are not assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR099 : Assertions that are not assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR100 : Duplicate assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR101 : Duplicate assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR102 : Duplicate assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR103 : Duplicate assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR104 : One more duplicate assertion | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR105 : More Duplicate and Non-Assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR106 : More Duplicate and Non-Assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR107 : More Duplicate and Non-Assertions | declined | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR108 : Do MessageLabel-0006 and MessageLabel-0014 state the same requirement? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR109 : SOAP Fault code issue | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR110 : Semantics of {http cookies} Property. | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR111 : Mapping WSDL meps to the HTTP binding | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR112 : HTTP Location property definition | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR113 : SOAP Response query string issue | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR114 : Mapping WSDL MEPs to SOAP MEPs | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR115 : Suggested editorial change for assertion Import-0072 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR116 : Construction of the request IRI using the http location | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR117 : Re: Construction of the request IRI using the http location | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR118 : Suggested removal of 2 assertions | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR119 : Missing attribute in section 6.2 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR120 : SOAP Response and IRI style | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR121 : WSDL enhancement request | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR122 : Clarification about ignoreUncited behaviour | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR123 : HTTP Method selection | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR124 : editorial: features and properties in "xml representation" sections | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR125 : problem with pattern attribute definition? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR126 : Re: New interchange results | agreed | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR127 : Message Dispatching Primer Section | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR128 : Interface Inheritance Clarification | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR129 : RE: Comment on Fragment Identifiers | declined | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR130 : Question on double curly braces with HTTP Location | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR131 : Clarifying assertion for HTTP Location | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR132 : RE: Proposal for CR108 | agreed | proposal | Agreement | |
CR133 : {http location} ignored on SOAP request-response MEP? | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR134 : Operation dispatch when there isn't a SOAP body. | agreed | clarification | Agreement | |
CR135 : Operation dispatch when there isn't a SOAP body. | declined | proposal | Agreement | |
CR136 : What does this table row mean? | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR137 : Spelling mistake in Part 2 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR138 : {element declaration} for Interface Fault component | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
CR139 : Suggestion on Part - 2 : Adjuncts | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR140 : Re: Spec Issue - associating local names in HTTP location with element declarations | declined | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR141 : Re: Spec Issue - unmatched single curly braces in HTTP Location | subsumed | clarification | ||
CR142 : Leftovers of trailing slashes in replacement parameters | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR143 : Tranfer-Encoding vs Content-Encoding | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR144 : RE: LocationTemplate-1G totally hosed ;-) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR145 : Clarify 'scope' of {element declarations} and {type definitions} re SparqlQuerySimplified-1G | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR146 : Ignoring uncited and nillable | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR147 : RFC: operation safety as semantic annotation? | declined | request | No reply from reviewer | |
CR148 : Re: LocationTemplate-1G totally hosed ;-) | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR149 : Re: rpc:signature question. | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR150 : Assertion Summary Texts in Part 1 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR151 : XML Syntax Summary in Part 1 | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR152 : Assertion on Bindings for Interface that only define faults | agreed | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR153 : The WSDL 2.0 namespace - will it change? | agreed | proposal | No reply from reviewer | |
CR154 : InterfaceMessageReference-1205002 | agreed | editorial | Agreement | |
CR155 : Proposal for Assertion InterfaceMessageReference-0042 | moved | editorial | No reply from reviewer | |
CR156 : Query parameter separator value | agreed | clarification | No reply from reviewer | |
CR157 : RE: LocationTemplate-1G test | agreed | clarification | Agreement |
The WSDL 2.0 spec contains many suggestions. I'd like to propose that an appendix that captures the suggestions be created. This appendix will be similar to appendix E: assertion summary currently being created for the assertions. I'll propose the name "Suggestion Summary". This appendix may be useful to WSDL 2.0 parsers that wish to include the suggestions outlined in the WSDL 2.0 spec on validation reports for WSDL 2.0 instance documents. I see the suggestions being displayed as warnings on validation reports. I've included below five sample suggestions from the WSDL 2.0 spec. For each entry I've listed a suggested id (I've used the same structure as for the assertions but prefixed the assertion number with the letter S), the suggestion, and the location of the suggestion in the spec.: description-S0001 Section 2.1.2 The value of the targetNamespace attribute information item SHOULD be a dereferenceable IRI (see [IETF RFC 3987]) interface-fault-S0002 Section 2.3.1 For the above reason, it is considered good practice to ensure, where necessary, that the local name of the {name} property of Interface Fault components within a namespace are unique, thus allowing such derivation to occur without inadvertent error. interface-operation-S0003 Section 2.4.1 For the above reason, it is considered good practice to ensure, where necessary, that the {name} property of Interface Operation components within a namespace are unique, thus allowing such derivation to occur without inadvertent error. feature-ref-S0004 Section 2.7.1 This IRI SHOULD be dereferenceable to a document that directly or indirectly defines the meaning and use of the Feature that it identifies. property-ref-S0005 Section 2.8.1 This IRI SHOULD be dereferenceable to a document that directly or indirectly defines the meaning and use of the Property that it identifies. Lawrence Mandel Software Developer IBM Rational Software Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814 Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920
Agreed, using the same number space and using an attribute in the markup to indicate the SHOULD-ness.
Implement above resolution.
I'd like to clarify which WSDL elements support extensibility elements. Part 1, section 6.1 Element based Extensibility states: WSDL 2.0 allows namespace-qualified *element information item*s whose [namespace name] is NOT "" to appear among the [children] of specific *element information item*s whose [namespace name] is "". The word 'specific' suggests some WSDL elements do not support extensibility elements. This is backed up by the WSDL 2.0 schema at which indicates that all WSDL 2.0elements except <import> and <include> support extensibility elements. However, in Part 1 all of the sections that describe the xml representation for each WSDL element state that the [children] of the WSDL element may contain: Zero or more namespace-qualified *element information item*s whose [namespace name] is NOT "" i.e. this text applies to <include> and <import> too, in sections 4.1 and 4.2, which seems to contradict the schema. Is this correct? Can <include> and <import> have extensibility elements? Thanks, John Kaputin.
2005-12-08: Partial resolution: change the schema to make the elements extensible.
Closed with proposal and proposal.
Add Amy's proposed text. apparently encourages use and implementation of media types that are discouraged per RFC 4288 section 3.4. I don't think it is appropriate to do this, the document should be changed such that it does not encourage in- appropriate use of media types.
Would it be good to have an explicit <appInfo> for the <documentation> node for the WSDL 2.0 document?
While working on the Woden implementation of the WSDL 2.0 component model I came across an implementation detail that isn't spelled out in the spec. I'd like some input from the working group. Section 3.1 of the WSDL 2.0 spec states that the XML schema types are built in to WSDL 2.0 and do not have to be imported. Should these types be available from the type definitions within the Description component? i.e. In a WSDL 2.0 component model implementation, should I be able to access these types from the type definitions on the Description component?
Accept R2 from Arthur's proposals.
Implement above resolution.
The BindingFault-0058 assertion contains an error. The class is specified as compoent. It should be component. I've attached a patch that corrects the assertion class.
See - Part 1, 3.1.3 References to Element Declarations and Type Definitions The assertions include the following rule from this section about the 'element' attribute of <fault>, <input> and <output>: Schema-0020. An element attribute information item MUST NOT refer to a global xs:simpleType or xs:complexType definition.† I think there's a similar assertion that needs to be captured in the next paragraph: A constraint attribute information item MUST NOT refer to a global xs:element definition. ....although the text needs to be corrected to reflect that constraint is a child element of <property>, not an attribute, and it's the QName within <constraint> that must not refer to a global xs:element declaration.
Accept Roberto's proposal.
Implement fix.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 SOAP 1.1 Binding: example @ section 2.4 still uses WSDL 1.1 element <wsdl::definitions...> instead of <wsdl::description...> .
Implement fix.
Our specification says, for specifying SOAP Action[2]: {soap action} OPTIONAL. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as defined by [IETF RFC 3987], to the Binding Operation component. The value of this property identifies the value of the SOAP Action Feature for the initial message of the message exchange pattern of the Interface Operation bound, as specified in the binding rules of bindings to specific versions of SOAP (see 5.10.3 SOAP 1.2 Binding Rules for the SOAP 1.2 binding when the value of the {soap version} property of the Binding component is "1.2"). I.e., it doesn't allow an empty string as the value for {soap action}. However, in SOAP 1.1, SOAPAction may be equal to ""[3], and the WS-I BP 1.0 does allow it[1], which actually seems to be looser than what WSDL 1.1 allows[4], but that's another story. So I think that, in order to cover all the cases, we should allow the empty string for {soap action} in addition to an absolute IRI. SOAP 1.2 is not clear about whether an empty string is allowed or not[5]. As it's not forbidden and "" is part of the value space of xs:anyURI, I think it's fine. So, for a concrete suggestion, I would like to proposed: {soap action} OPTIONAL. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as defined by [IETF RFC 3987] *or an empty string*, to the Binding Operation component. Cheers, Hugo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Replace [quoted string value] with [quoted empty string value ("")].
Implement fix.
In the HTTP binding, in section Construction of the request IRI using the {http location} property: Strings enclosed within single curly braces MUST be element names from the instance data of the input message, possibly followed by a slash; any other strings enclosed within single curly braces are a fatal error. "possibly followed by a slash" is a remainder of the {foo/} notation which is not in the specification anymore and should therefore be removed.
Implement fix.
I would like to make a CR comment regarding the Adjuncts document <>. I am CC:ing the TAG, as custodians of the Web Architecture document. The WSDL Adjuncts includes a "HTTP Binding" in section six. While the binding developed by the group is much better than previous WSDL- based efforts, I am very concerned that it still may harm the Web. In particular; * There is little HTTP expertise in the Working Group; it is composed primarily of Members whose interest is in enterprise messaging, not Web-scale systems. Individual Participants have expressed interest, but often don't have the full support of their Members (see next point). * There are few (if any?) implementations of section six. * The Working Group has not seriously explored the space of use cases for HTTP/Web description; there are no Web-centric use cases in their Scenarios document <>. This reflects the RPC/SOA focus of WG Members. * The requirements, use cases and usage scenarios for Web description -- even outside the WSDL WG -- are still poorly understood. * It is not at all clear that a format optimised describing RPC and SOA services is also appropriate for describing Web resources. WSDL has a many-operations, few-services bias; the Web is about a constrained number of operations (methods) over a large number of services (resources). As such, while it may be technically possible to express many Web idioms in WSDL, it will not be easy to do so, because WSDL is designed to encourage good RPC and SOA practice, not good practice on the Web (as documented by the Architecture of the World Wide Web). This is because the Web (or REST, if you must) is based on a completely different abstraction; stateful resources, not messaging. * Even a cursory glance through section six shows a number of places where WSDL is mis-aligned with HTTP and the Web; a few (and this is by no means a complete list) include; - Section 6.4 betrays a lack of understanding of how HTTP versioning works; there is no good reason to put this information in a description. See RFC2145. - Section 6.6 constrains the data model of HTTP header field-values to XML Schema simple types. This is an unnecessary and crippling restriction; while those who are looking at the Web through a Web Services toolkit may not mind, it's bad for the rest of the Web. - Section 6.6.6 puts all HTTP headers in a WSDL-specific namespace, thereby fracturing it from other efforts to uniquely identify HTTP headers. * Section 6.9 specifies a mechanism for advertising transfer coding support, even though this is a hop-by-hop and dynamically negotiated facility. If an intermediary is interposed, this information will become useless and potentially harmful. - Section 6.10 encourages the use of cookies, which makes HTTP interactions stateful, thereby losing substantial benefits of the Web. * Section six fails to take into account more complete and mature efforts surrounding HTTP, such as WebDAV (e.g., the property model, WebDAV ACLs, collections), making it difficult to accommodate this work later. Section six may very well be still-born; there are few (if any?) implementations, and already there are several Web-specific description format proposals available (many authored by WG participants themselves!). However, it still concerns me, because I have seen a few instances where well-meaning architects reference it, assuming that a W3C Recommendation-to-be is of high quality and will be widely implemented. My concern is that a W3C Recommendation that purports to describe the Web may gain momentum because of its status alone. It may make development and deployment of a Web-friendly description format in the future more difficult. It may constrain the development of new (and the deployment of existing) Web capabilities and specifications ("You can't do that; it doesn't fit into WSDL well."). These risks, in my judgement, are not outweighed by the benefits of section six, especially considering the low level of interest in it. Generally, it would also be a shame if the W3C -- an organisation dedicated to "Leading the Web to its full potential" -- were to Recommend something so unsuited to the Web. I realise that some Participants in the Working Group have spent considerable time on this part of WSDL, and I don't mean to diminish their contribution. However, that effort is sunk cost, and decisions must be based upon future value, not past effort. Therefore, I request that section six be deleted from the Adjuncts document.
HTTP version: RESOLUTION: remove section 6.4 and associated editorial work HTTP headers/simple types: RESOLUTION: we'll reject that particular comment, not make any change. It is not clear what other types Mark thinks are appropriate. This is not a general http header description language. Section 6.6.6 puts all HTTP headers in a WSDL-specific namespace: RESOLUTION: what we identify here is components as opposed to header, we use the restriction of wsdl which says that one component per http header and we use this restriction to identify the component with the header name but we do not identify the header. Transfer Coding useless and potentially harmful RESOLUTION: keep transfer-encoding Cookie warning: RESOLUTION: No action. WebDAV: RESOLUTION: Have extensibility or separate binding, or use a different Language.
Remove section 6.4 and associated editorial work.
I am attaching the snippet from section 5.1.2 from WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 R2001 A DESCRIPTION MUST only use the WSDL "import" statement to import another WSDL description. R2002 To import XML Schema Definitions, a DESCRIPTION MUST use the XML Schema "import" statement. R2003 A DESCRIPTION MUST use the XML Schema "import" statement only within the xsd:schema element of the types section. Moreover, the section 4.1 in WSDL 2.0 2.0 Part 1 [Core Language] makes a clear statement regarding the point about "Including descriptions". See below. "A location *attribute information item* is of type xs:anyURI . Its actual value is the location of some information about the namespace identified by the targetNamespace *attribute information item* of the containing description *element information item*.It is an error if the IRI indicated by location does not resolve to a WSDL 2.0 document." If I am right, it would be necessary to make a similar and explicit statement on "import descriptions".[Section 4.2]
Proposing the relevant part of Hugo's mail as a CR issue. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Hugo Haas Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:39 AM To: Subject: Belated comments on SPARQL Protocol for RDF 25 January 2006 LC WD Following Jonathan's email[6], I looked at the WSDL 2.0 use made in SPARQL Protocol for RDF: SPARQL Protocol for RDF W3C Working Draft 25 January 2006 ... - "The sequence MUST contain only local element children. These child elements MAY contain the nillable attribute, and the attributes minOccurs and maxOccurs MUST have a value 0 or 1." This one is more of a problem. Having more than one element in the instance data with the same local name is something that we have never allowed as we wanted to be sure we could reconstruct the instance data accurately. We actually have another related restriction: "The sequence MUST NOT contain multiple children elements declared with the same local name." The problem is that if you have whttp:location="{b}" and the instance data is "<a><b>2</b><b>1</b></a>", we do not know which b element we are talking about. This is a limitation of our syntax. So they actually can't do that. The problem comes from the maxOccurs="unbounded" of the default-graph-uri and named-graph-uri attributes. It turns out that their use does not have the micro-syntax problem as default-graph-uri and named-graph-uri will be serialized as query parameters, but it is not very simple to allow IMO. It looks like this actually was already in their first draft and we missed it in our first review. We should probably engage in a discussing with the DAWG as I don't see any simple fix. ... Cheers, Hugo 1. s-http 2. urlencoded 3. 4. yle 5. s-soap 6. -- Hugo Haas - W3C -
Accept proposal at
Implement above resolution.
As mentioned in today's F2F meeting, I would like to raise the following issue against the Adjuncts document... Section 5.5.2 [1] currently states that the {soap underlying protocol} property contains an IRI *to the Binding component*. This is not correct, and in fact I believe we meant to say something along the lines of: --- begin --- A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as defined by [IETF RFC 3987]. This IRI refers to an appropriate SOAP underlying protocol binding (see [SOAP Binding Framework]), which is to be used for any of the SOAP interactions described by the WSDL Binding. ---- end ---- I propose we fix this by using the above text (with editorial discretion). [1]
Accept proposal.
Implement above resolution.
Section of WSDL 2.0 Core Language quotes "The type of the extends *attribute information item* is a list of *xs:QName *.". Would it be better to explicitly mention that the type is list of QNames that are "whitespace separated", or the fact that the "list" used here is congruent with the "list" type as per XML Schema. Am I missing something here ?
Add in section 2.16 that list means whitespace separated "things".
Implement above resolution.
I had a question on the wrpc:signature extension. [section 4.1.1 - WSDL 2 Part 2:Adjuncts], in conjunction with usage of XSD substitution Groups. In the RPC signature for the operations, would it be better in terms of clarity, to allow specification of substitution group members in place of the head elements, esp., in the scenario where the latter are defined to be abstract in the type system ? Illustrating with an example..... <types> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name="InfoProduct" type="ProductType"/> <xsd:complexType name="ProductType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="Code"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="Code" type="CodeType"/> <xsd:element name="ProductCode" substitutionGroup="Code"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="CodeType"> <xsd:attribute name="zone" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:complexType name="CodeType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="organization" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:schema> </types> Can I define my operation rpc signature to be <interface .....> <operation name="ProductSearch" .... wrpc:signature="*ProductCode*" #in > *<!-- "ProductCode" can substitute "Code" as per schema -->* <input messageLabel="In" element="sch:InfoProduct"/> </operation> rather than <interface .....> <operation name="ProductSearch" .... wrpc:signature="*Code*" #in > <input messageLabel="In" element="sch:InfoProduct"/> </operation> The scenario becomes even more practical when the element "Code" is defined as "abstract" in the XSD, and ProductCode/some other element is defined to always substitute the "Code" element in the isntance.. So, the statement could be something like "If the type system defines an element to be abstract in the definition, and such elements are used for defining message structures within the WSDL definition, then the rpc signature could optionally hold/substitute those elements with alternate element definitions that are defined to be substitutable for the former, as per the type system. "
Closed with no action, per this rationale.
We decided to allow extension attributes that are not part of the signature for RPC style. I noticed that neither the IRI style nor the multipart style have a similar allowance. I believe we included this allowance to RPC style to put metadata assertions as attributes for the signature. Similar metadata may be useful for the other styles, but I do not have any use cases.
RPC is different than IRI or multipart in that the extension attributes won't appear in the message. There is therefore no utility in such attributes, and no positive reason to change the spec at this point.
I think we could make some editorial improvements re #2. I'm glad the intension of the spec is to allow reference to <description> elements, but if I as an editor forgot that, then maybe the text is unclear. Normally, when the term "document" is used, it means a complete XML document rooted at the "document element". I looked at the spec and I can't see where we define WSDL 2.0 document to be a description element. I suggest we revise the spec so that wherever we allow an IRI to a WSDL 2.0 document we change it as follows: "The IRI is the location of a WSDL 2.0 document or a <description> element information items within an XML document." Perhaps put this text in chapter 7 [1] and refer to it from elsewhere in the spec. [1]
Proposal, and any editorial license required, accepted.
Implement above resolution.
The following question arose while developing Woden [1]. Assertion Schema-0016 (from section 3.1) states: "A WSDL 2.0 document MUST NOT refer to XML Schema components in a given namespace unless an xs:import or xs:schema element information item for that namespace is present or the namespace is the XML Schema namespace which contains built-in types as defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition [XML Schema: Datatypes]." The end of the sentence, "...which contains built-in types..." seems to imply that only XML Schema types are implicitly available in WSDL 2.0. Are schema elements also implicitly available in WSDL 2.0? For example, if I want to define an input as follows <wsdl:input element="xsd:schema" /> do I need to import the schema namespace? If the answer is yes, I suggest the assertion text be modified to explicitly state that the schema namespace must be imported if schema elements are to be used. As a suggestion, "...XML Schema namespace and an XML Schema type has been referenced. XML Schema contains..." If the answer is no, I suggest the assertion text be modified to make it clear that both elements and types are available. As a suggestion, "...which contains elements and built-in types...". [1]
Add: "If a WSDL 2.0 document refers to any component (element, simple type, complex type, etc) of the namespace except the built-in simple types, then it MUST import"
Implement above resolution.
I was just reviewing the CR issue resolutions wrt. their impact on the RDF mapping and I noticed what I think are bogus assertions in section 3.1.3 or part 1 [1]. In particular, it says that "An element attribute information item MUST NOT refer to a global xs:simpleType or xs:complexType definition." and "A constraint attribute information item MUST NOT refer to a global xs:element definition." First, I think that the "an element AII" and "a constraint AII" (should be EII) should use the definite article "the element AII" and "the constraint EII" with links to the proper part of the text. But, I want to say that these assertions should be removed because they give pose constraints that can never be violated. In particular, the element AII refers, by definition, to an element declaration, and in XML Schema the symbol spaces for element declarations and type definitions are disjoint, therefore the element AII cannot refer to a type definition. Even if there is a WSDL file that contains a schema that defines a type ex:foo and declares no element with such a name, if a message reference has element="ex:foo" on it, this will result in "element declaration ns:foo not found" problem, not in "ns:foo is a type defn not an element decl" problem. Same for the constraint EII, just flip the element decls and type defns. The assertions are not directly harmful, but indirectly they may confuse the reader to have the wrong image of how Schema works. I suggest we simply remove the two assertions from 3.1.3. Jacek [1];%20charset=utf-8#references-definitions
Agreed. Editor given license to correct this editorially.
Implement above resolution.
David and WSD-WG, Thank you for the update and for respodning to our issue. The TAG discussed this on 26th April [1] and actioned me to respond on its behalf. The TAG is generally pleased with the direction the WSD WG has taken. However, it wants continue to track this issue through actual deployment and use of the property. We have a small concern about the potential for marking an unsafe operation as safe, and we would like to encourage the WG to provide some discussion of potential mis-uses (accidental or malicious). We would also like to encourage that examples of correct and incorrect use of the property be included in any test-suites the WG may be working on. Best regards Stuart Williams On Behalf of W3C TAG [1] > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > On Behalf Of David Orchard > Sent: 7 April 2004 21:22 > To: > Cc: > Subject: WSDL describing Interface operation safety > > > Dear TAG, > > On behalf of the WSD Working Group, I would like to inform > you of the WSD WGs decision regarding description of safety > of operations, part of TAG issue 7. > > The recently published WSDL 2.0 Part 1: Core WD provides a > property called "safety" on interface operations [1]. With > this, we believe that we have delivered an appropriate > solution to the request to describe the safety of operations. > > We welcome any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the > wsdl 2.0 description of safety of operations, including > support for our solution. > > Cheers, > Dave Orchard > On behalf of the WSD WG. > > [1] >
Components can be brought into a component model instance through <import> and <include>. For scalability purposes, it is highly desirable for the value of a component to be independent of the context that it was brought it. The use case is a development tool for SOA applications that needs to support hundreds or thousands of services. The tool needs to validate the service definitions. The requirement is that the time to do this be linear. We are currently experiencing performance problems validating large sets of WSDL 1.1 documents. We need to have an spec-compliant optimization for WSDL 2.0. Ideally, a tool should be able to compute the components directly defined in a document without looking at any of the imports or includes. There are two problems now that prevent this: 1. In theory, we allow extensions that could alter the semantics of imported or included components. However, there is no requirement or use case for this flexibility, much less a realistic, compelling one. Note that this is actually a real problem in XML Schema, e.g. due to "features" such as cameleon includes, and <redefine>, you need to know the context in which a document is included. 2. The current definition of component equivalence is recursive in the sense that to test if two components are equivalent, it is necessary to determine if all of the components they refer to are equivalent. In effect this means that you have to construct the entire component model instance in order to resolve the references to the other components. Since WSDL documents typically include or import others, a collection of WSDL documents is likely to be moderately connected when viewed as a graph. Therefore, when you validate the collection, you end up processing a given document many times in general. You process it a number of times equal to the number of documents that refer to it directly or indirectly (+ 1). This is non-linear. The exact degree of non-linearity depends on how connected the graph is. Consider a simple chain of n WSDL documents. A1 includes A2 includes A3 includes ... An Validating A1 requires reading n documents. Validating A2 requires reading n-1 documents. ... Validating An requires reading 1 document. Therefore validating the whole set of documents requires readiing n + (n-1) + ... + 1 = n(n+1)/2 = O(n^2), i.e. this is quadratic, not linear. On the other hand, if the meaning if each document is independent of how it is used then a smart tool could cache the results and only read n documents. The fix is as follows: 1. Add the following assertion. An extension MUST NOT affect the value of components that are added to the component model via <import> or <include>. 2. State the definition of component equivalence as follows. Two components are equivalent when: A) All of their child components are equivalent. B) All of their non-component properties are equal. C) All of their non-child component properties refer to components that have the same keys (e.g. names). The difference is that to test for equivalence, you only have to look at a component's value-based properties and child components. You don't have to traverse the component graph, which might take you into another document. You only have to compare referred to components via their keys. We then add a statement to each component explicitly stating what its key values are. This is straight-forward. We already implicitly defined keys when stating uniqueness rules, i.e. each Interface component in a Description component must have a unique {name}. The key is usually the {name} property. For Features and Properties, it is the {ref} property. The complete list is: 1. ElementDeclaration: {name} 2. TypeDefinition: {name} 3. Interface: {name} 4. InterfaceFault: {name} 5. InterfaceOperation: {name} 6. InterfaceMessageReference: {message label} 7. InterfaceFaultReference: {interface fault}.{name}. {message label} 8. Binding: {name} 9. BindingFault: {interfaceFault}.{name} 10. BindingOperation: {interfaceOperation}.{name} 11. BindingMessageReference: {interface message reference}.{message label} 12. BindingFaultReference: {interface fault reference}.{interface fault}.{name}, {interface fault reference}.{message label} 13 Service: {name} 14. Endpoint: {name} 15. Feature: {ref} 16. Property: {ref} In general, any extension component that might be refered to needs to define a key value, since that is how the reference is represented in the XML serialization.
Closed by adopting the proposal at, and the proposal at, amended as per
Implement resolution.
Section 2.1.2 defines the typeDefinitions property as optional, but then states that it contains the build-in simple types from Schema. I think the result is that it's really not optional at all. Should we change it to REQUIRED? Also, we might also mention in the mapping that this is the minimum, contrary to the minimum suggested there.
Change OPTIONAL to REQUIRED, plus other editorial work (esp. in the mapping) to better reflect the presence of the built-in schema types.
Implement resolution.
1. In 4.2 IRI Style, the content model of the initial is constrained to have a sequence of child elements. What are the occurrence contraints? Are there any?
Add clarification that there are no occurance constraints.
Implement resolution.
2. In 4.2 IRI Style, the last bullet says: "If the children elements of the sequence are defined using an XML Schema type ...". What else could they be defined as? Don't all elements have a type?
Add clarification.
Implement resolution.
3. In 5.3 SOAP Binding Rules, the rule about mustUnderstand seems weak. If the SOAP Header block is marked as mustUnderstand=true in WSDL, then shouldn't the header in the SOAP message also have mustUnderstand=true?
strengthen "should" to "MUST".
Implement resolution.
4. In 5.6.2, isn't {soap fault codes} really a set and not a list? The order of subcodes is irrelevant and it doesn't make sense to repeat a subcode. Sounds like a set. Also, is there a difference between having an empty set of subcodes and #any. I assume #any means any subcode may be used. Does an empty set mean the subcodes are never used?
Add clarification along the lines "The value of this property identifies one or more subcodes for this SOAP fault. The list of subcodes is the nested sequence of subcodes, an empty list represents a fault code without subcodes."
Implement resolution.
5. Global comment on organization: Part 1 is organized by component, and then by properties within a component. In Part 2 this structure in not used. Components and properties are described together. I think it would be clearer is we followed the Part 1 organization, i.e. have a section for each Core and Extension component involved, then list and describe the properties that apply to each compoinent. e.g. 5.7.2 lists a set of properties, but some apply to Binding and some apply to Binding Operation - sort of confusing I think.
6. In 5.7.2 is there any constraint between WSDL meps and SOAP meps, i.e. if an operation uses a given WSDL mep, then does that restrict the allowed SOAP mep used in the biniding?
Adopt Amy's proposal.
Implement resolution.
7. In 5.7.2 there are defaulting rules for {soap mep} but is a value for the actual SOAP mep required, i.e. must the defaulting rules produce a definite value?
Add a reference to 5.10.3, where the "rollup" is specified.
Implement resolution.
8. In 5.8.2 there should be a constraint on {soap modules} that each soap module component is uniquely identified by its {ref} property, i.e {ref} is a key. No two different soap modules in the {soap modules} property may have the same {ref}.
Add a constraint to 5.8.2 that a soap module on a given binding, {ref} will be unique.
Implement resolution.
9. Similarly, in 5.9.2 there should be a contraints on {soap headers} that each soap header component is uniquely identified by is {element declaration} property (I assume).
Require {element declaration} to be unique (i.e., can describe at most one header with a given QName.)
Implement resolution.
10. In 5.9.6, the design of the fragment identifier for wsoap.header is inconsistent since it represents the element QName as namespace#name. All other components use the QName and define the namespace using an xmlns pointer part. This should be changed to use QName too, c.f. the element declaration component itself.
Change "namespace#name" to "qname".
Implement resolution.
1. In 6. the paragraph: "As allowed in [WSDL 2.0 Core Language], a Binding component MAY exist without indicating a specific Interface component that it applies to. In this case, there MUST NOT be any Binding Operation or Binding Fault components present in the Binding component." Is not a new requirement. It reproduces a requirement from Part 1. It should contain the keywords MAY, MUST NOT since it is not a new requirement. It should be rephrased as a note. It is equivalent to the Part 1 assertion: "If a Binding component specifies any operation-specific binding details (by including Binding Operation components) or any fault binding details (by including Binding Fault components) then it MUST specify an interface the Binding component applies to, so as to indicate which interface the operations come from.? " which is Binding-0054. Perhaps include a reference to Part 1 here.
Reword to avoid MUST NOT, add link to part 1.
Implement resolution.
2. In 6.3.1 HTTP Method Selection, there is no value specified when all the conditions fail. What is the default? I suggest POST.
Add a fourth bullet to 6.3.1; "Otherwise, the value 'POST'".
Implement resolution.
3. In 6.5.3 HTTP Header Component the {type definition} component is defined as a QName reference to a Type Definition component. This is inconsistent with the way refrences are handled in the Core spec. This property should be changed to be a Type Definition component, i.e. the resolved value of the QName. Note that Table 6-3 correctly decsribes this property as a Type Definition, not a QName.
Change the type of the {type definition} property to a Type Definition Component.
Implement resolution.
4. In 6.7 Serialization Format of Instance Data, Table 6-5, why is the application/xml the only mime type that can be returned on the output message? The other two types might also be useful in outputs. Multipart output seems reasonable. URL encoded output is less likely.
Hi, it seems to me that table b-1 [1] in part 2 of WSDL 2.0 CR draft lacks several of the {* default} properties in the lower part. Those are {http transfer coding default}, {http query parameter separator default}, {soap mep default} for Binding, and {http transfer coding default} for Binding Operation.
As per my action item: ? 2006-03-16: Hugo to check Part 2 for instances of the terminology "fatal error". I looked at part 2, and have replaced those instances by MUST and MUST NOT sentences. I did it directly in the draft as it was simpler. Here is the diff: And the final result:;%20charset=utf-8 Jonathan, I didn't find a CR issue associated to this. We probably should have one, and have the WG approve the changes.
The {element declaration} property of SOAP Header Block is defined as a QName but it should be an Element Declaration component.
Change the type of the {element declaration} property to a Element Declaration Component.
Implement resolution.
In the {http headers} property, is the {name} of the HTTP Header component, a key? i.e., is each HTTP Header component in {http headers} uniquely identified by it's {name}? This is implied by 6.5.6 IRI Identification Of An HTTP Header component which uses the {name} in the frag id, so it had better be unique.
John, Thx for the comment. I think that we should require uniqueness of interfaces at the XML infoset level since it makes no sense to extend from an interface twice. Therefore, a duplicate would be a programming error and raising it would be helpful to authors who may have forgotten to edit a QName after a copy and paste: "Each QName in the extends attribute information item MUST be unique." Arthur Ryman, ---- "John Kaputin (gmail)" <> Subject Uniqueness of QNames in 'extends' attribute When I implemented interface extension in Apache Woden recently I noticed that the WSDL 2.0 spec does not say that the QNames in the 'extends' attribute of the <interface> element have to be unique, although it seems sensible that they should be. Anyway, my implementation just checks for duplicate QNames before resolving them to Interface components. You may want to add a uniqueness constraint to this section.... extends attribute information item The extends attribute information item lists the interfaces that this interface derives from. The extends attribute information item has the following Infoset properties: A [local name] of extends A [namespace name] which has no value The type of the extends attribute information item is a whitespace-separated list of xs:QName. regards, John Kaputin
Add constraint "The list of QNames in an extends attribute MUST NOT contain duplicates."
Implement resolution.
The pseudo BNF of wsoap:sibcodes should be: union of (list of xs:QName), xs:token Currently, it omits the xs:token which can take the value #any.
Editorial: fix the pseudo-syntax.
Implement resolution.
In Part 1 the <interface> element has a styleDefault attribute but there is no corresponding property in the component model. The styleDefault attribute is only used to determine the {style} property on the Interface Operation component via the XML mapping rules However, in Part 2 there are four default attributes and they do get mapped to component model properties: {soap mep default} {http transfer coding default} {http method default} {http query parameter separator default} These default properties are matched up with corresponding non-default properties on the component model: {soap mep} {http transfer coding} {http method} {http query parameter separator} The "actual" values of the property in the message are defined by the binding rules, not the XML mapping. I find this confusing. It also has the disadvantage that it removes the rules from the component model so the component model builder can't evaluate them. It just copies the XML attributes into the component model. Instead a message builder has to have this logic. The Part 1 approach makes the component model simpler since the "actual" value of the property is computed and stored in the component model. However, the Part 2 approach is also good because it makes WSDL generation simpler. For example, suppose you have the same style on several operations. It would be simpler to specify the default in the component model and serialize the WSDL with the style ommitted on the operations that matched the default. I propose that we improve the spec by using the best aspects of Part 1 and 2, and make them consistent. This requires the following changes: 1.In Part 1, add a {style default} property to the Interface component. 2. In Part 2, specify the rules for the properties in the XML mapping instead of the message binding, e.g. {http method} is determined by the actual value of the attribute if present, or the {http method default} if present, or is GET if the operation is safe, and it POST otherwise. This way, e.g. {http method} is the actual value used in the message.
No substantial change - add rationale for why defaults are necessary in Part 2, i.e. interfaceless bindings.
2006-09-21: Additional editorial work:
Implement resolution.
Implement additional editorial work as related to Part 1.
Implement additional editorial work as related to Part 2.
Section of the Core Langage spec says "WSDL 2.0 modifies the XML Schema definition of the xs:schema element information item to make this attribute information item required". There is a scenario where I have an existing XSD that I am intending to re-use while designing the WSDL. The XSD has no target namespace, and has a bunch of elements and attributes defined within it. What it also does is to import a couple of XSDs that have a non-null target namespace. the wsdl intends to define the message parts to point to one of the nodes defined in the imported XSDs within the nonamespace XSD. The nodes that had been directly defined in the no-namespace XSD are not used by the WSDL, but are consumed by other applications. In this case, do yo think that it would be "really" invalid to inline such an XSD into the WSDL ? I was wondering that atleast theoretically, this should be possible. The question is - "Do we need to make some statements around this in the spec" ?
Remove removing assertion #Schema-0019-summary (no requirement schemas have a target namespace.)
Implement above resolution.
For instance, BindingOperation.{binding message references}, BindingOperation.{binding fault references}. Probably others.
Would it be useful to add a clause for the <service> component stating The "interface" attribute information item should point to an interface that has non zero number of "operation" element information items within it. If not, we cd as well have service components that could possible be empty, and allow them to extend other service components, reflecting the same semantics we have defined for interface inheritance - considering that one service component is related to exactly one interface.
Am I right if I state that if all "binding" attribute info items that had been defined on the endpoint node should have been associated with an "interface" attribute information item? What does it mean to be otherwise ?
Moreover, if the service component has an interface attribute info item that extends from two other interfaces, can the endpoint defined within it refer to bindings that were defined for the parent interfaces ? If yes/no, should this be reflected in the core language spec ?
The wsdlx:safe extension is optional "extension MAY be used", but adds the "REQUIRED" {safety} property. The property has a default value of "false". From this I assume that an implementation that supports the extension will always have the safety property present, regardless of whether wsdlx:safe appears in the WSDL. I ask because the Woden interchange results don't seem to add the property unless the attribute appears in the WSDL -- which is entirely reasonable, and what I also prefer. Namely, the absence of the property should clearly be equivalent to the value "false". I think the simple fix is to make the property OPTIONAL and remove the defaulting to "false". Then, if the attribute doesn't appear, the property will be absent. [1] html?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#safety
Similarly to safety, it's not clear when wsoap:code and wsoap:subcode should appear. Both of these properties are OPTIONAL, yet the mapping defaults the value to "#any". Thus whether the property appears isn't deterministic to the WSDL. One implementation could leave it out (e.g. Woden) when it's not in the WSDL, another could always put it in. The fix seems to be to make the property REQUIRED when the soap binding is in effect, or to remove the "#any" default and say that no value is the same as "#any".
My understanding of table 6-5 ( is that all the whole instance is always transmitted when the input serialization is "application/xml". This seems to defeat a use case such as the following one: I wan to create a blog system conform to the REST principles. To create a new blog entry, I POST the following item to a generic location (for instance +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POST /blog/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic XXXsaXN0OmVpbGF0XXX= Host: Content-Length: XXX Content-Type: application/xml <item> <title>Validatting microformats</title> <description> <p>This blog entry is folowing up...</p> .../... </description> </titem> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The server might answer something such a: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 16:26:52 GMT Location: Content-Length: XXX Content-Type: application/xml <item id="2277"> <title>Validatting microformats</title> <description> <p>This blog entry is folowing up...</p> .../... </description> </titem> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I notice the typo in the first paragraph and update the item using a PUT at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PUT /blog//2277_Validatting_microformats HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic XXXsaXN0OmVpbGF0XXX= Host: Content-Length: XXX Content-Type: application/xml <item id="2277"> <title>Validatting microformats</title> <description> <p>This blog entry is following up...</p> .../... </description> </titem> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ and the server returns: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 14:05:30 GMT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I notice the typo in the title and update the item using a PUT at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PUT /blog//2277_Validatting_microformats HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic XXXsaXN0OmVpbGF0XXX= Host: Content-Length: XXX Content-Type: application/xml <item id="2277"> <title>Validating microformats</title> <description> <p>This blog entry is following up...</p> .../... </description> </titem> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ and the server returns: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 14:05:45 GMT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Of course, cool URIs don't change and the URI of this post is still even if the title has changed. This scenario creates several issues with the current Working Draft: * In the first PUT, the rule to derive the URI from the instance should be clever enough to map @id="2277" and <title>Validating microformats</title> into "2277_Validatting_microformats". This is already quite a challenge knowing that other blog systems migth want to follow other rules and map the same value into "2277%20Validatting%20microformats" or "2277+Validatting +microformats" or "2277ValidattingMicroformats" or whatever. * In the second put we definitely run out of chance since the information that has been used to generate the URI is no longer in the instance document. A suggestion to solve this problem would be to define in the WSDL document the input instance as: <whateverRoot> <location>2277_Validatting_microformats</location> <item id="2277"> <title>Validating microformats</title> <description> <p>This blog entry is following up...</p> .../... </description> </titem> </whateverRoot> And to add an HTTP binding attribute to give the XPath expression (that could be a subset of XPath) of what needs to be serialized as XML. The binding operation could be something such as: <operation ref="tns:retrieveByReservationQuery" whttp:location="{location}" whttp:method="PUT" whttp:inputSerialization="application/xml" whttp:inputPayload="/whateverRoot/item" />
The second comment I have is that it should be possible to "follow an hyperlink" and give an absolute URI in the whttp:location attribute. There seems to be no reason why the URIs should follow a predefined hierarchical structure and in this blog system example, we could imagine a central server powering different domains. The first POST could be at and the server could determine from my credentials a specific (and dynamic) domain name for the location of the blog entry ( My understanding of the current WD is that whttp:location="{location}" wouldn't work if location was containing an absolute URI. Couldn't that behaviour be changed?
Adopted proposal at, as amended by
Implement above resolution.
The question I have is about the "URIPath Feedback Requested" in the WD: "The inclusion of elements of the instance data in the path of the request URI, whilst supported by WSDL 1.1, is not supported by XForms 1.0. Hence this mechanism MAY be removed in a future version of this specification. Feedback on this issue from users and implementers is highly encouraged." Although the mechanism isn't supported by XForms as such, I am wondering if it isn't need to support relative URIs in XForms submissions. Imagine we have a blog system that is more conform to the current WD and that the item is available at This should allow to express whttp:location as "{@id}" (BTW, are attributes supported in these expression?). Using content negotiation the server could send an XHTML/XForms document to the user agents that support it and the XForm if the XForms submissions in this document use relative URIs, the value of the /item/@id attribute would be part of the URI even if XForms isn't aware of that fact. Isn't it a case where XForms would kind of implicitly support these URIPath mechanism?
Can someone please clarify some points about the http transer coding extension properties defined in Part 2 section 6.8.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model [1]? It says the Binding has a {http transfer coding default} property that is available to InterfaceMessageReference and InterfaceFaultReference components. Is this worded correctly? Do components from the abstract interface need http binding information? It also says BindingOperation has a {http transfer coding default} property that is available to BindingMessageReference and BindingFault components. Is 'BindingFault' a mistake, should this say BindingFaultReference? There are no semantic rules about the relationship between the two {http transfer coding default} properties (i.e. in Binding and BindingOperation), so they could potentially be different. I don't think this would make sense, but it seems to be possible according to the way this section is described. Finally, there are no semantic rules about the relationship between BindingOperation's {http transfer coding default} property and the {http transfer coding} properties if its two child components. As an implementor I can infer what that relationship might be, but it would be better if the spec stated in explicitly as it does for default and actual extension properties elsewhere. [1];%20charset=utf-8#http-transfer-coding-relate
Closed by adopting the proposal at, minus the sentences beginning "If this property is not present ..." on the last two bullets, plus the proposal at plus a final bullet in each list reading "Otherwise none."
Implement above resolution.
In 3.1 Operation Safety at [2] the {safety} property is defined as REQUIRED with a default value of "false" if not specified in the WSDL, so is the wording at [1] "...if a {safety} property ... is present ..." redundant (i.e. {safety} will always be present)? And there's a possible typo in section 3.1 at [2]. The assertion refers to "...a safe interaction defined in Section 3.5 of [Web Architecture<> ]". I think this should say Section 3.4 (i.e. section 3.4 Safe Interactions). [1];%20charset=utf-8#_http_binding_default_rule_method [2]
I think there is an error in the HTTP Header component section 6.5.4 XML Representation [1]. The XML representation shows the 'name' attribute as type xs:QName, but the other sections describe it as type xs:string. I assume xs:QName is incorrect and have implemented it as a String in Woden. [1];%20charset=utf-8#http-transfer-coding-relate
Ensure that HTTPHeader name is of type xs:string, and not XS:Qname.
Implement resolution.
A bit late in the day (sorry), but I'd like to suggest renaming the extension property {safety} to {safe} to better describe one of the binary states (safe vs unsafe) of this property, which in turn will map neatly to a boolean API method like isSafe(). It also reflects the discussion of this property in the spec which talks about operations being 'safe' or 'unsafe'. getSafety() is cumbersome and isSafety() doesn't sound quite right. As an example, the {required} boolean property describes a binary state (required vs not required) that maps neatly to the boolean method isRequired(). Our options in Woden are to just adopt the isXXX() convention for a boolean property {XXX} and not worry about how it sounds or diverge from the exact property-to-method naming convention we have been using and construct a more suitable boolean method name (i.e. for the boolean properties {http cookies} and {http location ignore uncited}).
Rename property to {safe}.
Implement resolution.
Part 2 Section defines the {http location ignore uncited} property. In other definitions, it is explicit what component properties are assigned to. In this case it's not explicit, though the appendix shows in on the (obvious) Binding Operation component.
Add mention of Binding Operation to property definition.
Implement above resolution.
Is there a reason the attribute isn't called whttp:authenticationScheme? Or the property {http authentication type}?
Rename attribute to whttp:authenticationScheme.
Implement resolution.
The XML representation of the service component in part 1 [1] describes the service name attribute as being of type xs:NCName. However, example WSDL elsewhere in part 1 [2] has a service element as: <service name="ns1:BankService" interface="tns:Bank"> i.e. with name attribute as a QName. I believe the service name should be simply "BankService" without qualification. The binding name in the same example suffers a similar problem. [1];%20charset=utf-8#Service_XMLRep [2];%20charset=utf-8#Feature_composition_model_example
Remove the extra namespace prefixes.
F & P removed, this editorial point is now moot.
Implement above resolution.
I'm Graham Turrell, and I've recently started working with Jeremy and the other contributors on woden development. I used the feature composition example as a basis for quickly testing the woden wsdl2 parser, which prompted Jeremy's mailing. I modifed the feature composition example according to the current Core spec (which incidentally parses successfully with woden). I've included here both " "pseudo-wsdl2" of the form used in the example, and the "real wsdl2" from which it is derived. The former could be used to directly update the example if desired. Hope thats of use, at least as a starting point... Here's a summary of changes to my copy of the pseudo-wsdl2: - added xnlns:tns declaration - removed xmlns:ns1 - redundant - added xsi:schemaLocation (may wish to remove that from the pseudo-wsdl however) - changed interface name attribute from QName to NCName - operation pattern attribute added (mandatory) - binding name attribute changed from QName to NCName - binding type attribute added - mandatory - service nameattribute changed from QName to NCName - endpoint name attribute added (mandatory) - (also, endpoint binding attribute prefix changed to tns. Prefix ns1 probably redundant here). Pseudo-wsdl2: ------------- <description targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation= ""> <interface name="Bank"> <!-- All implementations of this interface must be secure --> <feature ref="" required="true"/> <operation name="withdrawFunds" pattern=""> <!-- This operation must have ACID properties --> <feature ref="" required="true"/> ... </operation> <operation name="depositFunds" pattern=" "> <!-- This operation requires notarization --> <feature ref=" " required="true"/> ... </operation> </interface> <binding name="BankSOAPBinding" type=" "> <!-- This particular binding requires ISO9001 compliance to be verifiable --> <feature ref=" " required="true"/> <!-- This binding also requires notarization --> <feature ref=" " required="true"/> </binding> <service name="BankService" interface="tns:Bank"> <endpoint name="BankSOAPEndpoint" binding="tns:BankSOAPBinding"> ... </endpoint> </service> </description> ----------------- real wsdl2: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <description targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation= ""> <interface name="Bank"> <!-- All implementations of this interface must be secure --> <feature ref="" required="true"/> <operation name="withdrawFunds" pattern=""> <!-- This operation must have ACID properties --> <feature ref="" required="true"/> </operation> <operation name="depositFunds" pattern=" "> <!-- This operation requires notarization --> <feature ref=" " required="true"/> </operation> </interface> <binding name="BankSOAPBinding" type=" "> <!-- This particular binding requires ISO9001 compliance to be verifiable --> <feature ref="" required="true"/> <!-- This binding also requires notarization --> <feature ref="" required="true"/> </binding> <service name="BankService" interface="tns:Bank"> <endpoint name="BankSOAPEndpoint" binding="tns:BankSOAPBinding"></endpoint> </service> </description>
Hi, section 3.1.2 of part 1 [1] says about inlining XML schema: "It may be viewed as simply cutting and pasting an existing schema document to a location inside the types element information item." Doing this could mean a namespace declaration, declared in the enclosing <description> is redeclared in the <schema> element. Of course, this won't be a problem - I'm more interested in the case where the inlined schema relies on the enclosing <description>'s namespace declarations. Meaning the <schema> uses prefixes only declared in the enclosing <description> element. So ... Is it necessary to respecify namespace declarations already specified in the enclosing WSDL or do the default scoping rules apply? [1];%20charset=utf-8#inlining-xsd
Add "Conceptually, " to the start of the quoted sentenced.
Implement above resolution.
The WSDL 2.0 Primer CR contains a number of editorial errors: * Sections 1.3's heading says "Use of URI and IRI." Since the section talks about URIs and IRIs, and not about the words "URI" and "IRI," the section title should probably say "Use of URIs and IRIs." * Section 2.1.1 says: ... a floating point number in USD$ ... "USD$" should be "USD" (or some other valid option). (Also, is "floating point number" valid outside the realm of fixed-size storage with an exponent field?) * Section 2.2 says: A language specification must therefore define the set sentences in that language ... That should be "... set of sentences ..." * Section says: ... how the children elements of the description element ... That should say "child elements" instead of "children elements" (because that use of a noun as an adjective requires the singular form). * Section also says: Thus, the order of the WSDL 2.0 elements matters, in spite of what the WSDL 2.0 schema says. The wording "in spite of ..." implies that there is a contradiction, namely, that the schema implies that the order does not matter, and that what the schema implies is to be ignored. Perhaps saying something like "... the order ... matters, even though the schema doesn't specify that it does" would avoid implying something false to the reader. * Section 2.2.3 says: (Whew!). The period (full stop) is extraneous. (The exclamation point already ends the statement.) * Section 2.3.3 says: So far we have briefly covered both WSDL import/include and schema import/include. Since slash means (or usually means) "or" (recall, for example, that "and/or," which means "and or or"), that should be written out as "... WSDL import and include and schema import and include" (also because text should probably be readable without having to figure out to which word a punctuation character was intended to map). * Section 4.4.1 says: ... is signaled by attribute wsdl:required="false" ... That wording isn't quite right. The construct "attribute xyz" only works when "xyz" is the name of the attribute. The text should say something like: ... is signaled by setting attribute wsdl:required to "false" ... or: ... is signaled by setting wsdl:required="false" ... or: ... is signaled by wsdl:required="false" ... (The next paragraph has another instance of the same problem.) * Section 4.2.3 still says: <min 3, max 7> <!-- check schema for syntax --> * Section 5.1 repeatedly refers to "uniquely identify[ing] a message" when it really means uniquely identifying a message _type_. For example, the first sentence says: It is desirable for a message recipient to have the capability to uniquely identify a message in order to handle it correctly. That makes it sound like it's about to talk about per-message IDs (per-instance IDs). The wording should be reworked appropriately. * Section 5.2 says: ... a wide ranging debate ... That should be: ... a wide-ranging debate ... Additionally: * Section 5.6.2 refers to RFC 2396, which has been obsolete for over a year. The section should probably refer to RFC 3986.
Delegated to editor.
Implement above resolution.
I wrote: > > The WSDL 2.0 Primer CR contains a number of editorial errors: > ... Also: * Section 5.5.1 says: All relationships in WSDL 2.0 (like an Operation belonging to an Interface ...) are ... That should be: All relationships in WSDL 2.0 (like an Operation's belonging to an Interface ...) are ... (It's not the Operation itself but its belonging (again, note the possessive word before the word "belonging") that is the relationship.)
Delegated to editor.
Implement above resolution.
Section 2.15.1 makes this statement: "Endpoint components are local to a given Service component; they cannot be referred to by QName" but then the XML representation section ( says: "The name attribute information item together with the targetNamespace attribute information item of the description element information item forms the QName of the endpoint." surely this is inconsistent. What use is the targetNamespace of the name attribute if it isn't exposed in the component model? In any case you can't refer to an endpoint component uniquely by way of a QName - you need a service component {name} (a QName) and the endpoint component {name} (an NCName).
Remove the phrase about QNames: "Endpoint components are local to a given Service component (see A.2 Fragment Identifiers). "
Implement above resolution.
I noticed from Arthur's updates to the interchange format that BindingOperation.{http cookies} is required when the SOAP binding is engaged. The text before that makes it sound optional (e.g. "may", "allowed".) I think Arthur's reading is probably most nearly literally correct, but if so, the "may" and "allowed" might need to be strengthened a little. But I wonder if this reading is really what we intended. The bigger question is, whether support for the defined subset of {http *} properties are required by all implementations of the SOAP binding or whether the whttp:* attributes are an "optional extension" of the SOAP binding. The latter seems a bit strange, as we don't seem to require implementations to support a {soap underlying protocol} value of "", yet everyone is required populate the {http cookies} property, which is called out as specifically only having meaning when used with "". Not sure what the right solution is, but it seems like we should at least make the {http *} properties optional in the component model unless the right {soap underlying protocol} is in use. More difficult but possibly better would be to figure out how to treat this "nested" extension the same as the top-level ones.
Clarify that in the SOAP binding, the HTTP properties occur only when the transport is HTTP (e.g. override REQUIRED).
Implement resolution.
Implement suggested improvements at
Regarding the WSDL 2.0 part 2 CR document currently at * The sections on the message exchange patterns (2.3.1, 2.3.2, ..., 2.3.8) have a small wording problem. They all begin with: This pattern consists of ... instead of something such as: The in-out pattern consists of ... (or The In-Out message exchange pattern consists of ... or whatever). Specifically, the main text does not stand on its own (independent of the headings) as it should. Headings are not part of the text (not supposed to be required to be read to understand the text); they are just guides for finding or skipping portions of the text. (For example, notice how, say, section 4.1.2, XML Representation of the wrpc:signature Extension, starts off: The XML representation for the RPC signature extension is an attribute information item with ... instead of beginning: This is an attribute information item with ... Also, see any professionally edited book.) (Additionally, notice that with the current wording, nothing in the text or header clearly indicates what the patterns' names are. For example, neither the text nor the header says of section 2.3.1 ever says "the In-Only MEP." The header text "In-Out" does indicate that "In-Out" has something to do with the following text, and even the pattern described in it, but doesn't make clear that is the name of the pattern.) * More seriously, section 2.2.3 has a similar problem that does strongly affect the semantics of the text. The section begins: Faults MUST NOT be propagated. Note how that current wording clearly says that faults must not be propagated, period (full stop). (There is no mention that that applies only for a/the No Faults rule, as apparently intended.) The text should probably begin somewhat like this: Under the No Faults fault propagation rule, faults MUST NOT be propagated. * Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 have similar definitional problems. * Presumably, the document is likely to have the same types of errors in other places, so it should be reviewed and corrected as necessary.
Accept proposals to fix (though we don't think we need to search further for similar stylistlic issues.)
Implement above resolution.
There has been a practice of modeling essentially request-response interactions (especially in the absence of WS-Addressing) as two one-way messages. IIRC, we recommend this strategy when the request and response are over two different transports. However, there seems to be a missing piece. If I have an in-out MEP, I should be able to deconstruct it into it's component parts fairly easily. "in" of "in-out" -> "in-only" "out" of "in-out" -> "out-only", only, "in-out" uses the fault propagation rulset "fault replaces message" and "out-only" uses "no faults". This shows our primitive in-only and out-only MEPs might not be adequate to decompose our multi-message MEPs. Do we want to enable such a scenario? If so, do we need a "fault-only" with "no-faults" MEP? Or do we need "out-only" with a "fault-replaces message" MEP?
1. "The sequence MUST contain only local element children.? " [1] I believe this assertion refers to both input element and output element sequences. The other assertions for RPC style explicitly state input or output. I'd like to see this assertion hardened as: "Both the input and output sequences MUST contain only local element children." [1];%20charset=utf-8#RPCStyle-5013-summary
Proposal accepted.
Implement resolution.
2. "If elements with the same qualified name appear as children of both the input and output elements, then they MUST both be declared using the same named type.? " [2] In this case local elements do not have qualified names only local names. This looks like a mistake to me. I'd like to see this corrected to avoid any confusion. My suggested correction is: "If elements with the same local name appear...." I've attached a patch for wsdl20-adjunts.xml that contains these changes. [2];%20charset=utf-8#RPCStyle-5018-summary
Some questions arose while implementing HTTP extensions from Part 2 Adjuncts. In 6.3.1 HTTP Method Selection at [1] is there a default value for {http method} if the {safety} property is "false"? In 3.1 Operation Safety at [2] the {safety} property is defined as REQUIRED with a default value of "false" if not specified in the WSDL, so is the wording at [1] "...if a {safety} property ... is present ..." redundant (i.e. {safety} will always be present)? And there's a possible typo in section 3.1 at [2]. The assertion refers to "...a safe interaction defined in Section 3.5 of [Web Architecture<> ]". I think this should say Section 3.4 (i.e. section 3.4 Safe Interactions). [1];%20charset=utf-8#_http_binding_default_rule_method [2]
Section 4.1.1 of the WSDL adjuncts document contains some complex assertions. (Assertions that have two assertion statements or are difficult to understand.) I'd like to propose some changes. Note that I don't think any of my proposed changes change the meaning of the specification. The changes are simply editorial/formatting changes that should make it easier to understand the assertions and, for implementations and the test suite, easier to identify when an assertion has been violated. I've attached a patch for wsdl20-adjuncts.xml that contains these changes. 1. "For each child element of the input and output messages of the operation, a pair (q, t) whose first component q is equal to the qualified name of that element MUST be present in the list, with the caveat that elements that appear with cardinality greater than one MUST be treated as a single element.? " I'd like to suggest a simple grammatical correction to make this more readable. For each child element of the input and output messages of the operation, a pair (q, t), whose first component q is equal to the qualified name of that element, MUST be present in the list, with the caveat that elements that appear with cardinality greater than one MUST be treated as a single element.? 2. "For each pair (q, #in), there MUST be a child element of the input element with a name of q and there MUST NOT be a child element of the output element with the same name.?" For each pair (q, #in), there MUST be a child element of the input element with a name of q. For each pair (q, #in), there MUST NOT be a child element of the output element with the name q. 3. "For each pair (q, #out), there MUST be a child element of the output element with a name of q and there MUST NOT be a child element of the input element with the same name.?" For each pair (q, #out), there MUST be a child element of the output element with a name of q. For each pair (q, #out), there MUST NOT be a child element of the input element with the name q. 4. "For each pair (q, #inout), there MUST be a child element of the input element with a name of q and there MUST be a child element of the output element with the same name. Furthermore, those two elements MUST have the same type.?" For each pair (q, #inout), there MUST be a child element of the input element with a name of q and there MUST be a child element of the output element with the same name. In this case I'd like to drop the "Furthermore, those two elements MUST have the same type." as this is redundant with assertion RPCStyle-5018. If it's felt that this should be kept I think the statement should be removed from the assertion and preferably rephrased to remove the MUST keyword that indicates an assertion. (I think it's potentially dangerous for the spec to define the same assertion twice.) 5. "For each pair (q, #return), there MUST be a child element of the output element with a name of q and there MUST NOT be a child element of the input element with the same name.? " For each pair (q, #return), there MUST be a child element of the output element with a name of q. For each pair (Q, #return), there MUST NOT be a child element of the input element with the name q.
Accept proposal, assuming the intention for #4 is also to split the sentence in two and drop the "Furthermore" sentence.
Implement resolution.
I have noticed that the following two assertions are covered by the schema validation itself. So i see no reason to for their explicit declaration. May be we could get rid of them.
Fix those assertions by removing the assertion markup and changing "MUST be" to "is".
Implement resolution.
I have two editorial changes (again that are not meant to change the meaning of the statements) that I'd like to recommend for the IRI and Multipart style sections of the WSDL adjuncts. I identified these proposed changes while creating tests for the test suite. I've attached a patch that contains my suggested changes. Section 4.2 1. "The sequence MUST contain only local element children. These child elements MAY contain the nillable attribute." This assertion contains both an assertion and a suggestion. I suggest splitting the assertion and suggestion. "The sequence MUST contain only local element children." "These child elements MAY contain the nillable attribute." Section 4.3 2. "The sequence MUST contain only local element children. These child elements MAY contain the nillable attribute, and the attributes minOccurs and maxOccurs MUST have a value 1.? " This assertion contains 2 assertions and a suggestion. I suggest splitting the assertions and suggestion. "The sequence MUST contain only local element children." These child elements MAY contain the nillable attribute." "The attributes minOccurs and maxOccurs MUST have a value 1 for these child elements".?
Split the assertions as requested, including also the last bullet in 4.2, and reword the suggestions using "Note, ..." and "may" so they aren't assertions any more.
Implement resolution.
Section 4.1.1 of the Adjuncts specifies {rpc signature} as a required property. Per our recent clarifications, this will appear in the component model whenever the implementation supports the rpc extension. Thus, even if the {style} property does not include the rpc-style uri, the {rpc signature} property will appear. No default value is supplied either. Instead, I believe it would be cleaner to make the {rpc property} optional, and state that when the rpc style is engaged, the property MUST appear. [1];%20charset=utf-8#InterfaceOperation_RPC_Signature_Definition
Add co-occurance constraint (that must be there if the style is RPC), and make the property OPTIONAL.
Implement resolution.
I dug into some of the WSDL documents for which our wsdl parser does not match with the baseline. Some differences are due to the use in some documents (Echo-1G for instance) of the following binding URI: wsoap:protocol="" Our parser recognizes the use of the SOAP1.2 HTTP binding with the following URI: wsoap:protocol="" The sole difference is the last character '/'. We currently use a simple character-by-character comparison to match the URI against the SOAP1.2 binding URI, as defined IIRC somewhere in part 1. Arthur, do you know how Woden is handling URI processing and comparison ?
Add a slash to the soap1.1 binding http uri and do a consistency check in the primer and test-suite to have soap 1.2/1.1 binding http uris with the slash.
Add the change to the spec.
Make sure examples are consistent with the change above.
Make sure test suite is consistent with the change above.
This is implementation feedback on the Candidate Recommendation WSDL 2.0. WSDL 2.0 uses the element name to identify a message. The example from the primer below uses the element names “ghns:checkAvailability” and “ghns:checkAvailabilityResponse” as references to messages. <operation name="opCheckAvailability" pattern="" style="" wsdlx:safe="true"> <input messageLabel="In" element="ghns:checkAvailability"/> <output messageLabel="Out" element=" ghns:checkAvailabilityResponse"/> <outfault ref="tns:invalidDataFault" messageLabel="Out"/> </operation> The problem is that the name of an element is not sufficient to identify the message type when using XML Schema. The type of the element must also be supplied in addition to the name. This is because XML Schema allows the type to be overridden using the xsi:type construct. In the below example the type of the element is overridden in the root node by the use of xsi:type. <FpML version="4-2" xsi:type="DataDocument" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../fpml-main-4-2.xsd" xmlns=""> …. </FpML> This is an example from the FpML schema FpML is the XML Schema standard banks, brokers, and fund managers use to communicate within the Financial Services industry sector. FpML is frequently extended and used internally by the participants in the Financial Services sector, so these patterns are widespread within this sector. FpML is an example of a schema using the Universal Root pattern In the FpML schema the root element is FpML and is declared as being of type Document. This means that the hundreds of different types of FpML message all use the same element as their root. This makes the root element name useless in distinguishing between messages because all messages have the same root element. FpML is declared of type Document. <xsd:element name="FpML" type="Document"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The FpML element forms the root for any conforming FpML instance document. The actual structure of the document is determined by setting the 'type' attribute to an appropriate derived subtype of the complex type Document.</ xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> The Document complex type is abstract. This means that as the type of the universal root element is abstract, then all XML instance documents must override the type using xsi:type. Every XML document has the same element name, and only the type changes. <xsd:complexType name="Document" abstract="true"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The abstract base type from which all FpML compliant messages and documents must be derived. </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:attributeGroup ref="StandardAttributes.atts"/> </xsd:complexType> I suggest the type of the element is added to the Interface definition. This would support the usage of xsi:type in XML Schema. This would change the primer example to the below structure. <operation name="opCheckAvailability" pattern="" style="" wsdlx:safe="true"> <input messageLabel="In" element="ghns:checkAvailability" type ="ghns:tcheckAvailability"/> <output messageLabel="Out" element=" ghns:checkAvailabilityResponse" type="xs:double"/> <outfault ref="tns:invalidDataFault" messageLabel="Out"/> </operation> This implementation feedback is the product of using WSDL 2.0 to define services using the FpML messaging schema defined in XML Schema. The aim is to use WSDL 2 in conjunction with XML Schema and WS-CDL within the International Standard for Financial Services Messaging, ISO 20022
While participating in the TAG discussion at [1], I noticed that our fragment syntax does not support unknown fragment schemes, or multiple fragment schemes in general. This prevents the fragment identifier syntax from being crafted for use with more than just the wsdl+xml media type. I believe the following are not currently a legal WSDL 2.0 fragment identifiers, though IMO they should be: In effect, instead of defining a compatible subset of XPointer, we should be defining XPointer extensions. The offending sentence is [2]: A WSDL 2.0 fragment identifier consists of zero or more xmlns pointer parts (see 3.4 Namespace Binding Context in [XPointer Framework]) followed by a WSDL 2.0 pointer part as defined below. A fix to allow other fragment schemes would be: A WSDL 2.0 fragment identifier is an XPointer [XPointer Framework], augmented with WSDL 2.0 pointer parts as defined below. Note that many of these parts require the pre-appearance of one or more xmlns pointer parts (see 3.4 Namespace Binding Context in [XPointer Framework]). The constraint to have only a single WSDL pointer part (plus any necessary xmlns declarations) is still valuable, in the context of defining a canonical WSDL 2.0 IRI, as in [3], so I'd change The IRI provided by the namespace name of the {name} property is combined with a fragment identifier as defined in A.2 Fragment Identifiers. To The IRI provided by the namespace name of the {name} property is combined with a zero or more xmlns pointer parts (see 3.4 Namespace Binding Context in [XPointer Framework] followed by a single WSDL 2.0 pointer part as defined in A.2 Fragment Identifiers. One more thing - are these URIs supposed to be fully canonical? If so, we might want to constrain the order of the xmlns() parts - e.g. they appear in the order in which the prefixes are used in the WSDL pointer part, and ensure no unused xmlns() declarations may appear. [1] [2];%20charset=utf-8#frag-ids [3];%20charset=utf-8#wsdl-iris
Proposal accepted.
Implement resolution.
From issue CR079: One more thing - are these URIs supposed to be fully canonical? If so, we might want to constrain the order of the xmlns() parts - e.g. they appear in the order in which the prefixes are used in the WSDL pointer part, and ensure no unused xmlns() declarations may appear. Arthur also noted that we don't constrain prefixes either. What other aspects might we want to constrain? Whitespace between pointer parts?
Add (modulo editorial discretion) "For ease of comparison, Component Designators SHOULD conform to the following canonicalization rules:"
Implement resolution.
Section 2.9.1 in the Core Language Spec states that "A Binding component that defines bindings for an Interface component MUST define bindings for all the operations of that Interface component". Shouldnt a similar assertion be made regarding the Faults declared in the interface as well? i.e. "A Binding component that defines bindings for an Interface component MUST define bindings for all the faults of that Interface component"
Add "A Binding component that defines bindings for an Interface component MUST define binding for all the faults of that Interface component that are referenced from any of the operations in that Interface component."
Implement resolution.
Several toolkits allow for the mapping of a SOAP header to a parameter, this is not allowed by the current description of wrpc:signature in section 4.1.1. Would it be possible to clarify this to allow for root elements that are out of message bounds as specified by the appropriate binding extension? This would allow for both http and soap headers.
Close with no action - rpc:sig is an interface construct, headers are a binding construct, and it's too late in the process anyway.
Attempt to clarify the scope of the request.
Commenter accepts the time constraints in play.
I suggest a minor editorial change to the Part 1 [Core Language] regarding the usage of the terms "WSDL 2.0 definitions" and "WSDL 2.0 descriptions". Quoting snippet from Section 2.1.2 [WSDL 2.0 definitions are represented in XML by one or more WSDL 2.0 Information Sets (Infosets), that is one or more description *element information item*s] Quoting snippet from Section 4.2.1 [ Its actual value indicates that the containing WSDL 2.0 document MAY contain qualified references to WSDL 2.0 definitions in that namespace ] These could be changed to WSDL 2.0 "descriptions" from "definitions" - ensures consistent terminology.
Implement above suggestion.
Implement resolution.
On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 11:27 -0400, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote: > The XML Syntax Summary in part section 5.1 is missing: > - http location whttp:location="xs:anyURI"? on operation > - http cookies whttp:cookies="xs:boolean"? on binding > - http authentication scheme/realm > whttp:authenticationScheme="xs:token"? > whttp:authenticationRealm="xs:string"? on the endpoint scrap this. Only the http cookies attribute is missing on the binding. The others are there.
Fix as editorial.
Suggest implementing resolution even before formal WG approval ;-).
Implement resolution.
I believe you're right. I also notice that figure mentions features and properties (invisibly to my source search :-( ) that need removal. _____ From: Ramkumar Menon [] Just curious, but in the Primer, Figure 2-1 indicates that the cardinality of the association between an interface and the operations it owns is 1-*. Shouldnt this be 0-* ?
Fix as editorial.
Implement above resolution.
Section 5 of Adjuncts includes: * {http < l?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#property-Binding.httpcookies#prope rty-Binding.httpcookies> cookies} on Binding < nt-Binding> components, as defined in < l?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#http-cookies-decl#http-cookies-dec l> 6.9 Specifying the Use of HTTP Cookies. This property can be used only when the underlying protocol is HTTP. The last sentence seems to be placed strangely. In the introduction to the list of http properties, the spec says the properties: "when the SOAP binding uses HTTP as the underlying protocol, for example, when the value of the {soap < l?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#property-Binding.soapunderlyingpro tocol#property-Binding.soapunderlyingprotocol> underlying protocol} property of the Binding < nt-Binding> component is "". So the properties are allowed and have defined meaning when HTTP is the underlying protocol. The other properties are allowed when some other underlying protocol is used, but there is no defined meaning for them. Except for {http cookies} which is prohibited. Why is {http cookies} special? Shouldn't these properties all be prohibited when the protocol isn't HTTP? (E.g. move the sentence "These properties can be used only when the underlying protocol is HTTP." To the introduction to the list. Or should this inconsistent prohibition of the {http cookies} property be simply stricken?
Move sentence and turn it into an assertion.
Implement above resolution.
I presume omitting the {http transfer coding} property results in no content coding being specified. How do I get that behavior if there is an {http transfer coding default} in effect? Namely, is an empty value allowed for whttp:transferCoding and whttp:transferCodingDefault? <binding . whttp:transferCodingDefault="gzip"> <operation . wtthp:transferCodingDefault=""> A literal read says the value has to be a transfer coding token (which doesn't include an empty string). It's also not clear whether an implementation will attempt to specify an empty transfer coding in this case, or whether it will simply ignore the transfer coding property completely.
Add text that says {http transfer coding} = "" means no assertion as to the transfer coding.
Implement above resolution.
Part 1 seems to be ambiguous about which data types from the XML Schema namespace are automatically available in the component model, without the need to import the XML Schema namespace. Part 1 Section 3.1 says: "A WSDL 2.0 document that refers to any element declaration or type definition component of the XML Schema namespace, except the built-in simple types, MUST import" Part 1 Table 2-1 says of {type definitions}: "In addition, the built-in datatypes defined by XML Schema ... namely the nineteen primitive datatypes .... and the twenty-five derived datatypes". Table 2-1 uses the terms "primitive" and "derived" which are consistent with the Built-in datatypes section in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes at [1] and the table implies that 44 built-in XML Schema datatypes (19 primitive plus 25 derived) are available in {type definitions} without requiring an import of the XML Schema namespace. Section 3.1 uses the term "built-in simple types" which is inconsistent with Table 2-1 and is not mentioned under Built-in datatypes at [1]. I'm not sure if "simple" means "primitive" only or "primitive" and "derived" so it's not clear whether this section implies that 19 or 44 built-in XML Schema types are automatically available in {type definitions}. Can the working group please comment on this. [1]
Implement Amy's proposal.
Implement above resolution.
Part 1 defines Interface message reference as follows. "An Interface Message Reference<>component associates a defined element with a message exchanged in an operation. By default, the element is defined in the XML Infoset [XML Information Set <>]." But it may not always associate a defined element with the message rite ? - in case the message content model is #none, the message is not associated with any element. Also, in the second sentence above, what does it mean to say "by default, the element is defined in the XML infoset" ? Where is the defaulting defined?
Fix editorially.
Implement above resolution.
Part 1 seems to be ambiguous about which data types from the XML Schema namespace are automatically available in the component model, without the need to import the XML Schema namespace. Part 1 Section 3.1 says: "A WSDL 2.0 document that refers to any element declaration or type definition component of the XML Schema namespace, except the built-in simple types, MUST import" Part 1 Table 2-1 says of {type definitions}: "In addition, the built-in datatypes defined by XML Schema ... namely the nineteen primitive datatypes .... and the twenty-five derived datatypes". Table 2-1 uses the terms "primitive" and "derived" which are consistent with the Built-in datatypes section in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes at [1] and the table implies that 44 built-in XML Schema datatypes (19 primitive plus 25 derived) are available in {type definitions} without requiring an import of the XML Schema namespace. Section 3.1 uses the term "built-in simple types" which is inconsistent with Table 2-1 and is not mentioned under Built-in datatypes at [1]. I'm not sure if "simple" means "primitive" only or "primitive" and "derived" so it's not clear whether this section implies that 19 or 44 built-in XML Schema types are automatically available in {type definitions}. Can the working group please comment on this. [1]
Assume a fault is defined in an operation, and let's assume the fault is referring to the element foo in the types section. When a fault occurs how would be the SOAP message looks like? Where will this Foo element go? From my little WSDL 1.1 knowledge, Foo element comes under Detail element, when it is a SOAP 1.2 fault. Is this the same for WSDL 2.0? Where should this be defined? I can not find details on this in any of the docs of the spec. Seems I am missing something some where :( The spec mentions that one can specify about Code and Subcode to be used inside the binding element. But there is no mentioning anywhere about the above case. If you want me to more clear on this, please look at the GreatH wsdl ( When the server throws an InvalidDataFault, how will the SOAP message coming to the client from it. What should it contain? I presume the fault should be bound to Detail element, but like to have a confirmation on this.
Add requested clarification editorially.
Implement above resolution.
[Section 5.4.5 of SOAP 1.2 Part 1] SOAP 1.2 states the following - "All child *element information items* of the Detail *element information item*are called detail entries ". This means that the "Detail" element information item can have multiple detail entries. Does that mean that the user shd be able to define multiple element info items while describing a Fault in a WSDL Document, or cd the child elements of a fault element in the WSDL be directly copied under the <Detail> element in a SOAP Fault EII ?
Add and say that the soap1.2 fault details element will contain a WSDL-described element, but may also contain other stuff that is not described.
See also
Implement above resolution.
[Section of SOAP 1.2 Part 1] states that "Each detail entry MAY have a [namespace name] property which has a value, that is the name of the element MAY be namespace qualified." This means that the detail entries may alternatively come from "null/No Namespace". How wd a user be able to model this in a WSDL description ?
I do not see the assertion "SOAPBinding-2503001" defined in the "Assertion Summary" section in Part 2 [] . Its been referred from the Assertion Report.
Add the missing Message assertion table. (Bonus points for combining the tables into a single one.)
Implement above resolution.
{element declaration} for a SOAP header block component is defined in Part 2 as follows. "The element declaration from the {element declarations<>} resolved to by the value of the element *attribute information item*. It is an error for the element *attribute information item* to have a value and that value does not resolve to a global element declaration from the {element declarations<>} property of the Description<>component. † <>" The assertion SOAPHeaderBlock-5052<> has been defined to enforce this. My Question is - Does this prevent the header blocks to be defined using "#any" as opposed to an explicit element declaration ? If the answer is a yes, should we prevent this in first place ? If so, what are the known issues in allowing such a definition ?
Close with no action. #any is not allowed in the syntax. To allow it would be redundant, since the SOAP binding already allows arbitrary SOAP headers to be described beyond those called out by the wsoap:header element.
The following assertions do not appear to really be assertions at all. I suggest removing them from the assertions table and removing their assertion identifiers. Description-1201000 WSDL 2.0 definitions are represented in XML by one or more WSDL 2.0 Information Sets (Infosets), that is one or more description element information items. LM: I think this is too broad to be an assertion.
Close by removing the cited assertion.
Implement above resolution.
The following assertions do not appear to really be assertions at all. I suggest removing them from the assertions table and removing their assertion identifiers. Description-1201005 Zero or more element information items amongst its [children], in order as follows: LM: I don't think this statement contains an assertion and if this is an assertion there are many other instances of this statement that should be added to the assertions table.
Assertion provides information not present in the schema, namely the order of elements is not enforced in the schema, but instead using the rules described here. It differs from other similar-looking assertions in this regard. To test, write a document that passes WSDL schema validation yet has items out of order.
The following assertions do not appear to really be assertions at all. I suggest removing them from the assertions table and removing their assertion identifiers. Types-1300002 Specifically components that the schema imports via xs:import are NOT referenceable. LM: This assertion does not use the MUST NOT convention and I think is covered by the other schema import assertions although I think the text is still useful in the WSDL spec.
Close by accepting proposal
Implement above resolution.
The following assertions do not appear to really be assertions at all. I suggest removing them from the assertions table and removing their assertion identifiers. Types-1300003 Similarly, components defined in an inlined XML schema are NOT automatically referenceable within WSDL 2.0 document that imported (using wsdl:import ) the WSDL 2.0 document that inlines the schema (see 4.2 Importing Descriptions for more details). LM: This assertion does not use the MUST NOT convention and I think is covered by the other schema and WSDL import assertions although I think the text is still useful in the WSDL spec.
Close by accepting proposal
Implement above resolution.
While creating some tests for assertions I've come across some assertions that I think specify the same requirement. I'll point these out here and suggest that a single assertion be defined for each restriction as multiple assertions may lead to problems interpreting the spec and will lead to ambiguity wrt the assertion that should be flagged as an error for a WSDL document that does not comply with the spec. 1. Import-0001 However, any WSDL 2.0 document that contains component definitions that refer by QName to WSDL 2.0 components that belong to a different namespace MUST contain a wsdl:import element information item for that namespace (see 4.2 Importing Descriptions ). Import-0070 As with XML schema, any WSDL 2.0 document that references a foreign component MUST have a wsdl:import element information item for the associated foreign namespace (but which does not necessarily provide a location attribute information item that identifies the WSDL 2.0 document in which the referenced component is defined).
Drop the assertion markup from Import-0001.
Implement above resolution.
While creating some tests for assertions I've come across some assertions that I think specify the same requirement. I'll point these out here and suggest that a single assertion be defined for each restriction as multiple assertions may lead to problems interpreting the spec and will lead to ambiguity wrt the assertion that should be flagged as an error for a WSDL document that does not comply with the spec. 2. QName-0002 Furthermore, all QName references, whether to the same or to different namespaces MUST resolve to components (see 2.17 QName resolution ). QName-resolution-1219000 A Description component MUST NOT have such broken references. Types-1300000 Every QName reference MUST resolve (see 2.17 QName resolution).
Keep the assertion markup in 121900 and remove the other assertion markup.
Implement above resolution.
While creating some tests for assertions I've come across some assertions that I think specify the same requirement. I'll point these out here and suggest that a single assertion be defined for each restriction as multiple assertions may lead to problems interpreting the spec and will lead to ambiguity wrt the assertion that should be flagged as an error for a WSDL document that does not comply with the spec. 3. Import-0003 Imported components have different target namespace values from the WSDL 2.0 document that is importing them. Import-0071 This value MUST NOT match the actual value of targetNamespace attribute information item in the enclosing WSDL 2.0 document.
Remove assertion markup from Import-0003 and rewrite the assertion to avoid talking about imported components.
Implement above resolution.
While creating some tests for assertions I've come across some assertions that I think specify the same requirement. I'll point these out here and suggest that a single assertion be defined for each restriction as multiple assertions may lead to problems interpreting the spec and will lead to ambiguity wrt the assertion that should be flagged as an error for a WSDL document that does not comply with the spec. 4. Schema-0016 A WSDL 2.0 document MUST NOT refer to XML Schema components in a given namespace unless an xs:import or xs:schema element information item for that namespace is present or the namespace is the XML Schema namespace,, which contains built-in types as defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition [XML Schema: Datatypes]. Types-1300001 When resolving QNames references for schema definitions, the namespace MUST be imported by the referring WSDL 2.0 document.
Reword the assertion Types-1300001, remove assertion markup, and add a reference to Schema-0016. Plus move the last sentence of to Section 3.1.2.
Implement above resolution.
There is another assertion that I think has been duplicated or rather further clarified in other assertions in the WSDL 2.0 spec. According to the assertions, if, for example, Interface-0030 fails Description-0024 will also fail. Although I like the broad coverage of Description-0024 I don't like the redundancy in the other assertions I've highlighted. Description-0024 Each WSDL 2.0 or type system component of the same kind MUST be uniquely identified by its qualified name. Interface-0030 For each Interface component in the {interfaces} property of a Description component, the {name} property MUST be unique. Binding-0057 For each Binding component in the {bindings} property of a Description component, the {name} property MUST be unique. Endpoint-0065 For each Endpoint component in the {endpoints} property of a Service component, the {name} property MUST be unique. InterfaceOperation-0035 For each Interface Operation component in the {interface operations} property of an Interface component, the {name} property MUST be unique. Server-0063 For each Service component in the {services} property of a Description component, the {name} property MUST be unique. Schema-0018 A WSDL 2.0 document MUST NOT define the same element or type in more than one inlined schema.
Remove markup from Description-0024.
Implement above resolution.
Duplicates: 1. InterfaceOperation-1204000 This xs:anyURI MUST be an absolute IRI (see [IETF RFC 3987]). InterfaceOperation-1204002 Its value MUST be an absolute IRI (see [IETF RFC 3987]).
Remove markup from InterfaceOperation-1204002.
Implement above resolution.
Duplicates: 2. InterfaceOperation-1204001 These xs:anyURIs MUST be absolute IRIs (see [IETF RFC 3986]). InterfaceOperation-1204003 Its value MUST be an absolute IRI (see [IETF RFC 3987]).
Remove markup from InterfaceOperation-1204003.
Implement above resolution.
Non-Assertion: 1. InterfaceOpeation-0038 An Interface Operation component MUST satisfy the specification defined by each operation style identified by its {style} property. ? LM: There is nothing to check here. The styles defined in the adjuncts document all specify that in order to use them all the rules must be followed.
MessageLabel-0006 states The messageLabel attribute information item of a binding message reference element information item MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction. ? MessageLabel-0014 states If the messageLabel attribute information item of a binding message reference element information item is absent then there MUST be a unique placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction. ? The way I read these assertions the first states the requirement for a message label in terms of the binding message reference and the second states the requirement in terms of the interface message reference. Do these two assertions state the same requirement?
Remove assertions MessageLabel-0004 and MessageLabel-0006.
Implement above resolution.
Related to MessageTest-1G document, I have the following comment with the specification. Currently, the soap fault code property can take any qname value. It is fine for soap 1.1 but soap 1.2 constraints the qname value to be in a set of 5 predefined QNames. It would be good if we could put an assertion to the spec stating that if soap1.2 is engaged the fault code qname must be in the predefined QName set.
Add an assertion that when using SOAP 1.2 the fault code QName is constrained to the five values from the spec.
Implement above resolution.
This came up at the interop event in Dinard: 1. The spec is unclear.[1] What is the meaning of the {http cookies} property? Does is state whether the service will send cookies or whether the client needs to understand cookies. I recommend that it mean that the service uses cookies in some meaning way and that the client will be unable to use the service effectively unless it supports cookies. 2. The spec is inconsistent. It says Binding components MAY indicate ..., and also that the property is REQUIRED. The XML attribute is optional, but the property is REQUIRED. Therefore, a Binding component MUST indicate... [1];%20charset=utf-8#http-cookies-decl
1) Clarify that "true" means the service relies on cookies and client must understand them; 2) change "MAY indicate" to "indicates".
Implement above resolution.
Reading the HTTP binding specification I have the following comment. Currently the mapping from WSDL meps to HTTP binding messages is described in section 6.4.1. Basically it says that the wsdl input message is the http request message and the wsdl output message, if any is the http response message. I wonder whether this description is sufficient for the inonly and especially robust-inonly wsdl meps. At least, we might need to specify the HTTP code to use in the response, especially for the robust-inonly. Should it be 200, 202 or left unspecified as it is currently? Are there other things that need to be specified?
Specify 202 for the response to in-only, and 204 for the response to robust-in-only.
Implement above resolution.
Digging into the HTTP binding, I have the following comment, which is editorial IMHO. As per section 6.4.2, the HTTP location property is currently computed from the HTTP location attribute (if present) and the http endpoint address property, which does create some issues especially with bindings with no or multiple endpoints. I think we should change this part and have a direct @location to http location property mapping. If this change is agreed, we should check that every part of the specification making reference to the http location property is not broken. For instance, section checks that no question mark is present in the location property to add a question mark before the generated query string. This check should be applied to both the location property and endpoint address property.
Accept proposal plus add a note (to {address}?) warning that ? and # in addresses can conflict with that added by the http/soap response bindings.
Implement Philippe's proposal.
Add warning note to {address}.
Continuing on the SOAP/HTTP Binding review, I have a comment related to the SOAP binding section When using the SOAP-Response MEP, one needs to serialize the input data, if any, in the URI as a query string, following what is done in the HTTP binding (section 6.7.2). The issue is that section 6.7.2 serialization is based on the query parameter separator and query parameter default separator properties. These properties, while present in the HTTP binding, are not brought in the SOAP binding. Here are two suggestions to solve this small issue: - add to the soap/http binding the query parameter separator default property, which has the '&' value by default - do NOT add any of the @whttp:queryParameterSeparator and @whttp:queryParameterSeparatorDefault attributes, as this flexibility is not required by the soap binding IMHO. This way, the serialization algorithm will always use the '&' character as the query parameter separator character.
Add the query separator and query separator default properties to the SOAP binding.
Implement above resolution.
Reviewing the soap binding, I have the following comments. As of today, the SOAP binding defines how to map the inout mep to the request-response and soap-response meps. The mapping from in-only and robust in-only meps to SOAP meps are not defined, which makes difficult or at least not very interoperable the use of these two WSDL meps with the SOAP binding. It seems that the newest version of the SOAP1.2 specification ( will provide the SOAP/HTTP binding with the support of the request-optional response mep. This mep fits well with the robust-in-only mep at least. It may therefore be interesting to add in the WSDL SOAP binding section a robust-inonly mep to soap mep mapping description. Concerning the in-only mep, the situation seems less clear. Of course we could also bind the in-only mep to the request-optional response mep. On the other hand, a SOAP1.2 one way mep is under way but has no support in the SOAP1.2/HTTP binding.
Specify in section 5.10.4 the mapping of in-only and robust-in-only MEPs to the SOAP request-response MEP, taking advantage of the new 202.
Implement above resolution.
I'd like to suggest a change for assertion Import-0072. The assertion currently contains two assertion statements. I'd like to split the assertion into two separate assertions. The current Import-0072 If the location attribute in the import element information item is dereferencible then it MUST reference a WSDL 2.0 document and the actual value of the namespace attribute information item MUST be identical to the actual value of the targetNamespace attribute information item of the referenced WSDL 2.0 document. Suggested change If the location attribute in the import element information item is dereferencible then it MUST reference a WSDL 2.0 document. The actual value of the namespace attribute information item of the import element information item MUST be identical to the actual value of the targetNamespace attribute information item of the referenced WSDL 2.0 document. where the following assertion numbers will apply Import-0072 If the location attribute in the import element information item is dereferencible then it MUST reference a WSDL 2.0 document. Import-???? The actual value of the namespace attribute information item of the import element information item MUST be identical to the actual value of the targetNamespace attribute information item of the referenced WSDL 2.0 document.
Accept proposal, though adding "If the location attribute in the import element information item is dereferencable, then ..." to the start of the new assertion.
Implement above resolution.
Given this instance data: <root> <foo>1</foo> <foo>2</foo> </root> With http:location="t" we should obtain "t?foo=1&foo=2" With http:location="t/{foo}" we should obtain "t/1?foo=2" With http:location="t/{foo}/{foo}" we should obtain "t/1/2" With http:location="t/{foo}/{foo}/{foo}" should we obtain an error (we don't have 3 foo elements in the instance data) or, should we obtain "t/1/2/1" or "t/1/2/2" ? As a side comment, using element names in the http:location adds an additional message schema constraint, in addition to the ones already defined the IRI style: those element names shouldn't be optional. If one of those http:location element names is defined as optional in the schema, not including it in the instance data could result in a runtime error.
1) Rewrite HTTPSerialization-5073 to talk about types rather than instances.
2) Say each token SHOULD match something in the instance.
3) If there is no match, replace the token with the empty string.
4) A token may appear more than once, in which case it is replaced by corresponding repeated elements in the instance. [ednote: I think this is already in the text.]
Implement above resolution.
Following on philippe's message, there are also ambiguous cases that might happen. Given this schema: <element name=root> <sequence> <element name=person type=string minOccurs=0/> <element name=address type=string minOccurs=0/> <element name=surname type=string minOccurs=0/> </sequence> </element> Given this instance data: <root> <person>foo</person> <address>/</address> <surname>foo</surname> </root> with http:location="foo/{person}/{address}/{surname} we will obtain foo/foo///foo, which leads to ambiguous parsing on the server side (as address='' and surname='/foo' will also lead to the same uri-encoded data). Should we prevent this case and escape the '/' character in url path encoded data? There is also the case of the '?' special character that may lead to issues in determining when begins the query string. Should we prevent this case and escape the '?' character in url path encoded data?
Resolved by accepting proposal for Option 1, plus correct placement of "/" and "?" (should be allowd in query params, not in paths), change syntax to "!" from "~", and add a constraint that the query parameter separator must be encoded.
Implement above resolution.
I'd like to request that the following 2 assertions be removed from the WSDL 2.0 spec. as they are all handled by the WSDL 2.0 schema and schema validation. Endpoint-0065 For each Endpoint component in the endpoints property of a Service component, the name property MUST be unique. InterfaceFault-0032 For each Interface Fault component in the interface faults property of an Interface component, the name property must be unique.
Remove assertion markup from Endpoint-0065, InterfaceFault-0032, and InterfaceOperation-0035.
Implement above resolution.
I assume this is editorial but it seems that wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/@whttp:queryParameterSeparator is missing in the HTTP binding syntax summary while present in section 6.4.4.
Fix editorially.
Implement above resolution.
When the soap response MEP is used to bound an in-out operation, the input being defined by a schema, the input is serialized in the URI following the url-encoded serialization (section 6.7.2). This serialization requires the use of the IRI style which puts a constraint on the kind of operations that can be bound to the soap response mep. It seems sensible to me that inout operations can be bound to the soap-response mep if: - the input message is a #none kind of message (I did not found any text about this case by the way, I may have missed something) - the input message is a #element kind of message with the element schema following the IRI style constraints Does this make sense? Should we add some text in the specification to clarify this?
Agreed, allow #none in addition to IRI style.
Implement above resolution.
We would like the WSDL format to support deprecation. If I deprecate a web method in my java middleware I would like it to show up as obsolete in my .Net client.
Reading section 6.7.2, I am not entirely sure of the right behaviour of the whttp:ignoreUncited property. Here is my current understanding. Can someone verify and correct it if needed? Input parameters not cited in whttp:location are serialized to build a query string. This query string is then added to the message body or the request IRI If the operation is POST or PUT, the query string value is serialized in the message body, no matter the value of whttp:ignoreUncited. It is unclear then whether section should be considered in that case. If we do consider it, then if ignoreUncited=false, we are requested to serialize the data in the request IRI according section This section dealing only with GET/DELETE requests, we can conclude that the data is not serialized in the request IRI (?) The example in section follows that rule. If my understanding is right, then we should maybe clearly state that section is only applicable to requests that have no body. If the operation is GET or DELETE, we have two cases: - If ignoreUncited=false, the query string is serialized in the request IRI - If ignoreUncited=true, the query string is not serialized in the request IRI. In the latter case, part of the input data is not serialized at all in the request. Is it the expected behaviour?
Yes, this is the expected behavior. It is possible to bind some XML data in such a way that parts of that data are omitted from the message. It is also possible that this may cause problems in some cases. But adding a constraint about using these features together is somewhat unnatural and may constrain away useful behavior in other cases. WG did not change the spec in response to this issue.
Reading section 6.3.1 of the latest draft, the presence of the safe property may change the selected HTTP method (GET or POST typically). If we have operation foo that is marked as safe: - a processor supporting the HTTP binding and the safety extension will select the GET method for operation foo - a processor supporting the HTTP binding but not the safety extension will select the POST method for operation foo This may prevent interoperability. To ensure interoperability, the engagement of the HTTP binding extension should in fact generally imply the engagement of the safety extension. The cost of the safety extension being low, I think it makes sense to tighten the link between the safety and HTTP extensions.
Add the dependency on the safety extension from the HTTP binding.
Implement above resolution.
Features and properties are gone, correct? They seem to have disappeared from the component model in part one, but still seem to be there (in the editor's copy) in the XML representations.
Close with editorial actions already performed.
Agreed to fix last remaining instance.
So, the pattern AII is REQUIRED (2.4.2 ed copy, bullet 3). But if it *doesn't exist*, we supply a default value (, final sentence). If that's the way that we always describe defaults (required attribute, which if it isn't there has a value anyway), then our description is really painfully awkward. Is this a consequence of describing the "XML representation" via the infoset? Is it boneheaded of me to think that if I see "the pattern attribute information item is required" that @pattern will always appear on operation? Heh. Can XPath retrieve the value of a defaulted attribute? That's not apropos of much of anything, mind.
Adopt proposal: + add ? to the pseudo-syntax + change the schema.
Implement above resolution.
Recall that the interchange format now declares the set of extensions that it has engaged. If an unengaged extension is encountered then two cases occur. 1. The extension is marked as wsdl:required="false" either explicitly or by default. In this case the component model is valid and omits all the extension properties and components. 2. The extension is marked as wsdl:required="true". In this case the component model is invalid. However, I just checked the spec and we don't spell this out. I think we need an issue. Jonathan, I proposed we add an assertion: A WSDL 2.0 document that contains a required unengaged extension is invalid.
Proposal accepted.
Implement above resolution.
Reading section 5.1 in the primer, it is written that assigning unique QNames of GED as inputs within the interface of the service is sufficient to disambiguate the types of the messages that are received. While this is certainly true for a typical SOAP service that uses the Request/Response mep, this is not the case when the SOAP/Response mep is used. In that case, the GED QName is not sent in the message, only the subchildren local names are sent in the url. It would be easy to have two different GED QNames with the same subchildren local names. I do not know whether we should improve the primer, but this might be worth noting it anyway. The same kind of issue also arises with the HTTP binding. In this case, the dispatching may be done according the url, the method, the content-type and possibly other bits of information. This flexibility is good if we are going from a service to a WSDL document. In a typical WSDL first situation, it may however be hard for authors and tools to check that message dispatching will never be ambiguous. A few guidelines may help with that respect.
I believe a clarification is waranted within part 1: core language re: interface inheritance. The following sentence appears to imply that an interface inherits faults and operations from interfaces defined within the extends attribute AND from interfaces extended indirectly, i.e. interfaces defined within the extends attribute of extended interfaces, etc ... "To avoid circular definitions, an interface MUST NOT appear as an element of the set of interfaces it extends, either directly or indirectly." The next sentence, however, seems to imply that an interface inherits content only from the interfaces listed within its extends attribute: "The set of operations available in an interface includes all the operations defined by the interfaces it extends, along with any operations it directly defines. " If the first supposition is correct, then what is the use case for being able to list more than one extended interface within the extends attribute? Please advise. Thanks.
Reword as: "The set of operations available in an interface includes all the operations defined by the interfaces it extends directly or indirectly, together with any operations it directly defines."
Implement above resolution.
As you may know, the WS-Policy WG has been doing some work on defining element identifiers for WSDL 1.1 elements. We are trying to align this work with the WSDL 2.0 fragment identifiers described in Appendix A.2 of the WSDL 2.0 Candidate Recommendation draft of 2006-03-27. In looking at Appendix A.2 I came across two situations where I think the syntax can be improved. Consider wsdl.interfaceMessageReference(interface/operation/message) this fragment identifier takes 3 parameters. The first two take names as values while the third takes a message label whose value can only be "input" or "output". Having a parameter that takes a keyword as value seems foreign to the general design in which parameters take names as values. Thus, I suggest that the label be added to the name of the fragment identifier and it have only two parameters, thus: wsdl.interfaceMessageInput(interface/operation) wsdl.interfaceMessageOutput(interface/operation) The following row in the table can also be improved. wsdl.interfaceFaultReference(interface/operation/message/fault) can be replaced by two identifiers wsdl.interfaceInFault(interface/operation/fault) wsdl.interfaceInFault(interface/operation/fault) Similar suggestions apply to wsdl.bindingMessageReference(binding/operation/message) and wsdl.bindingFaultReference(binding/operation/message/fault)
Part 2 section which describes the curly brace template syntax used for {http location} contains the sentence: "A double curly brace (i.e. "{{" or "}}") MAY be used to include a single, literal curly brace in the request IRI." I am a bit confused about why this sentence is here. I assume it is not describing how to include a literal curly brace within the string enclosed by matching curly braces in the WSDL because this string must be the local name of an element, which by definition cannot contain a curly brace. E.g. whttp:location="?first={First{{Name}" is meaningless because 'First{Name' is not a valid local name. So instead it seems to describe how to include a curly brace within the value substituted for the local name enclosed within matching curly braces during the construction of the request IRI. E.g. for whttp:location="?first={FirstName}", FirstName might be substituted with the value 'Marvin{{' in the request IRI which represents the literal value 'Marvin{' Is this correct? If so, does this need to be specified here in Part 2 - it seems it belongs in the specification that describes how to construct the message (e.g. HTTP spec for an HTTP request)? If my understanding is incorrect could someone please explain with some examples.
httpLocation ::= CharData? (( openBrace | closeBrace | elementName ) CharData?)* CharData ::= [^{}]* openBrace ::= '{{' closeBrace ::= '}}' elementName ::= '{' NCName '}'
Plus reference to EBNF syntax in XML spec.
Implement above resolution.
Part 2 section Construction of the request IRI using the {http location} property. This section contains the assertion: "Strings enclosed within single curly braces MUST be element names from the instance data of the input message." I assume 'input message' here refers generically to any input data for the HTTP request (i.e. to a WSDL input, output or fault message element). To make this clearer and to keep it consistent with the description at hyperlink "instance data", perhaps you could restate this something like: "Strings enclosed within single curly braces MUST be element names from the instance data of the input, output or fault message."
Per this morning's call, CR108 is closed, but Arthur's suggestion will become a new issue. AIUI, he is proposing something along the lines of these four new assertions, which while they may be (I'm still not sure) strictly redundant with the existing assertions, would provide more intelligible error messages to users: Add to 2.5.3: - If the local name is "input" then the message exchange pattern MUST have at least one placeholder message with direction "In". - If the local name is "output" then the message exchange pattern MUST have at least one placeholder message with direction "Out". - If the local name is "infault" then the message exchange pattern MUST either have at least one placeholder message with direction "In" and use the Fault Replaces Message propagation rule, or have no placeholder message with direction "Out" and use the Message Triggers Fault propagation rule. - If the local name is "outfault" then the message exchange pattern MUST either have at least one placeholder message with direction "In" and use the Message Triggers Fault propagation rule, or have at least one placeholder message with direction "Out" and use the Fault Replaces Message propagation rule. However, I'm not at all sure the last two are 1) correctly stated, 2) don't overconstrain the development of extended MEPs, or 3) any less confusing then what we've got already.
First two bullets above, plus:
- If the local name is "infault" then the message exchange pattern MUST support at least one fault in the "In" direction.
- If the local name is "outfault" then the message exchange pattern MUST support at least one fault in the "Out" direction.
Implement above resolution.
I was just looking at Adjuncts 5.10.4 [1], and see that for the SOAP request-response MEP the immediate destination is "the value of the WSDL {address} property of the Endpoint component." For the SOAP response MEP the immediate destination is "the value of the WSDL {address} property, modified by the {http location} property following the rules described in section 6.7.2 Serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded." From this I infer the {http location} is ignored for the SOAP request-response MEP, including (after CR114 closure) the use of in-only and robust-in-only WSDL MEPs. Is this intentional? I recall discussing using URI templates with POST, where the body would contain the full data and the URI might carry some duplicates. Also, disabling {http location} for POST seems quite unRESTful. If this is simply an editorial mistake, then we should copy the {http location} handling text above into the SOAP request-response MEP description. [1];content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#wsdl-mep-soap-mep
Clone the text from soap-response MEP to request-response MEP.
Implement above resolution.
Axis2 has encountered some issues with operation dispatch using the HTTP binding. For SOAP messages, Axis2 supports a variety of operation dispatch mechanisms, including out-of-the-box support for wsa:Action, soap action, and unique body QNames. Both wsa:Action and unique body QNames are noted as mechanisms enabling easy operation dispatch in the WSDL 2.0 primer [1]. Unique QNames and soap actions are used for tests in our test suite, to eliminate the need for operation dispatch extensions (such as wsa:Action). However, when the HTTP binding is in use, the SOAP-specific mechanisms generally aren't sufficient. There is no wsa:Action header or soap action parameter. When using GET, there is no body and thus no unique body QName appearing in the message. The same is true in the SOAP binding when using the soap-response MEP. The primer doesn't give any advice on what to do here. For an HTTP service, the obvious choice of mechanism for message dispatch would be the URL of the service - defining a unique combination of the {address} and the {http location} for each operation. It would be desirable to document something along this line in the primer. There is a twist though - {http location} templating means there isn't a fixed set of URLs to dispatch on - the URL is dependent upon the instance data, and there is always the possibility that different data inserted into different templates results in the same URL. In general dealing with templating in operation dispatch is somewhat complex. To support various styles of URI generation, yet avoid the complexities of messing with templates, I propose an operation dispatch mechanism that considers the {address} and the part of the {http location} property preceding the first unescaped "{" as a unique dispatching string. This supports the following scenarios: 1) absolute {http location} values 2) {http location} values that begin with the operation name 3) {http location} values that are unique per operation (but don't quote the operation name verbatim) 4) {http location} values that begin with a fixed set of path segments or query parameters unique to the operation. While this mechanism it something Axis2 could implement independent of the specification, it seems to me worthwhile to document the mechanism in the Primer. Proposed text:to append to [1]. When using the HTTP Binding, or when using the SOAP Binding with the soap-response MEP, there is no SOAP envelope in a request message, and thus mechanisms other than unique qualified names of global element declarations, or headers such as wsa:Action, must be considered. In these cases, the {address} and {http location} properties may be constructed so as to provide a location that can be correlated uniquely with an operation. For instance, one could prefix the {http location} property with the operation name, or one could ensure that the portion of the {http location} preceding the first unescaped "{" character be unique per operation. [1]
Proposal accepted.
Implement above resolution.
Furthermore, when a unique {http location} property is required for operation dispatch, one must specify this per-operation detail, which conflicts with the desire to define generic (interfaceless) HTTP bindings. A potential solution would be to add another feature enabling unique per-operation effective {http binding} values without specifying them at the level of individual operations. Here is a facility that might help: Add a new whttp:locationDefault attribute to the binding element, which would populate (conceptually) the {http location} property of each binding operation without an {http location} specified. In addition, a new token, #operation, is introduced which is essentially a variable expanding to the local part of the operation name. Thus: <binding type=".../http" whttp:locationDefault="{#operation}?p={p1}"/> Would be equivalent to: <binding type=".../http"> <operation ref="firstOperation" whttp:location="firstOperation?p={p1}"/> <operation ref="secondOperation" whttp:location="secondOperation?p={p1}"/> </binding> [1]
The first row of Core Table D-1 [1] lists "-" as a component with name and parent properties. What does this mean? I thought maybe it meant they were common to all components, but other rows list name and parent where appropriate. [1] type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8#component-summary
Add clarification about what the cell value "-" means.
Implement above resolution.
A minor typo error - the word 'component' is mispelt as 'compoment' in two places in Part 2: 5. WSDL SOAP Binding Extension and 6. WSDL HTTP Binding Extension
Implement above resolution.
The XML Representation of the Interface Fault Component [section 2.3.2 - Part 1] defines the {element declaration} property to be of type xs:QName. This maybe changed to acommodate a union of xs:QName and xs:token.
Make faults the same as message references (add {message content model} property, #any, #other, #element, #none values.)
Implement above resolution.
The Abstract section of Part 2 defines WSDL 2.0 as follows:- "WSDL 2.0 is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information" I had a suggestion - apologies if its not worth it :-) Maybe we could i) Rephrase this definition, and ii) Perhaps have one common definition that can be inlined in all parts of the spec if necessary. [Primer, Part 1 and Part 2] In any case, w.r.t the current definition, I had a few thoughts. a) "network services" maybe a non-standard term. The term "web services" itself cd be used. b) The latter part of the definition states --> operating on messages containing "document oriented information" ---- the usage "document oriented information" is not very clear to the reader. [though I can understand the same :-).]
Make the part 2 sentence the same as the part 1 sentence. Fix "network service" in the intro.
Implement above resolution.
Sorry folks, I have just realized that I had misinterpreted the element local name enclosed in curly braces when I made the previous post. The element referred to by the local name does not correspond directly to the name of the element declaration in the interface input message as I stated, but rather it corresponds to some element within the internal tree representation of that input message, as defined by the element declaration. So, please ignore the stuff about matching the local name to some Element Declaration's qname. However, I think the question about user-defined MEPs still applies. What happens if the MEP allows multiple input messages or infaults as well as input messages? Could the element local names used in the binding operation's {http location} relate to different messages or faults, potentially referring to different element declarations. If so, how are the local names in the http location template mapped to the correct message or fault instance data? thanks, John Kaputin. On 1/4/07, John Kaputin (gmail) <> wrote: > > Part 2, Construction of the request IRI using the {http location} > property > > This section contains the following assertion concerning the element whose > local name is enclosed by curly braces: > This element MUST NOT carry an xs:nil attribute whose value is "true". > > To check this assertion we need to be able to identify the corresponding > element declaration within an XML schema so we can then check if it has a > xs:nil attribute. However, I foresee some problems in identifying the > corresponding element declaration. I think these problems arise because the > element's local name is used in the enclosing curly braces (rather than its > qname) or because the {http location} property is associated with the > binding operation (rather than with a binding message reference). > > I'll try to explain ... I need to find the Interface Operation associated > with the Binding Operation containing the {http location} and then locate an > Interface Message Reference that refers to an Element Declaration with the > same name that was specified within the curly braces in the {http location}. > But {http location} specifies the element local name, not qname. This is not > a problem for the 3 MEPs now defined in Part 2 because for those MEPs there > can be only 1 input message and no infaults. So, all I need to do is find > the Interface Message Reference with direction 'in', get its Element > Declaration's qname and check that the local part matches the local name > used in the {http location}, then find the corresponding element declaration > in an XML schema to check for the xs:nil attribute. > > However, user-defined MEPs could specify multiple input messages or both > input and infault messages, where the Interface Message References or > Interface Faults associated with the Interface Fault References could refer > to different Element Declarations whose qnames have different namespaces but > the same local part. In this case, I cannot uniquely associate the element > local name used in the {http location} with an Element Declaration referred > to by a message in the Interface Operation. I am not sure how likely this > scenario is, but I believe it is possible. > > One solution might be to use a qname (i.e. a string of type xs:qname) > within the enclosing curly braces. Another could be to associate the {http > location} property with the Binding Message Reference and Binding Fault > Reference (or Binding Fault) components, rather than with Binding Operation. > > Please advise how to resolve this issue or let me know if I have > misunderstood the requirements. > > Thanks, > John Kaputin. > >
Here's another example that highlights the need to decide on precedence when parsing curly braces in the HTTP location template. It might be better if the spec made this choice clear. Consider the template (or a template fragment) "{{{town}}}". If inner-most matching pairs of single braces take precedence this is interpreted as {{,{town},}} and after substitution of element values and literals it becomes something like "{London}". However if, as in the case of Woden, the double curly brace notation takes precedence over any potentially matching single braces, then this is interpreted as {{,{,town,}},} which is invalid because it has unmatched single curly braces (i.e. it has a left and a right brace that enclose the string "town}}" which cannot be an element local name, even after the double brace is replaced by a single brace). If the first interpretation seems more reasonalbe, the spec should probably be clearer about how the double curly brace syntax is applied. regards, John Kaputin. On 1/4/07, John Kaputin (gmail) <> wrote: > > In defining the {http location} property the spec describes enclosing an > element local name within curly braces and it describes using double curly > braces to specify a single literal curly brace, but it is silent on the > possibility of extraneous, unmatched single curly braces appearing in the > HTTP location template. For example, "temperature/{town}" is okay but what > about "temp{era{ture/{town}"? > > One option is to do nothing - just include these unmatched curly braces in > any derived HTTP location value after any valid element and literal > substitution has occurred (e.g. the derived location becomes > "temp{era{ture/London"), but this may result in a meaningless value in which > case this option is not very helpful. > > A second option is to treat such unmatched single curly braces as an error > and add a suitable assertion to the spec so that implementations can catch > this as an error and report it in a standard way. > > Currently, my implementation in Apache Woden flags these unmatched braces > as an error but I don't have an assertion to base the validation logic and > an error message on. > > Perhaps the first question in this situation is which of the multiple > single curly braces to use for the 'pair' - e.g. left-most, inner-most or > outer-most. My Woden implementation assumes inner-most, so if multiple left > braces precede a right brace, the right most one will be paired with the > right brace and the others will be considered extraneous and unmatched. So > in "temp{era{ture/{town}" the 1st and 2nd left braces are extraneous and the > 3rd is paired with the right brace (e.g. "temp{era{ture/London"). > Likewise, if multiple right braces follow a left brace the left most one is > paired with the left brace. > > I'm not sure if the spec actually needs to say anything about the pairing > strategy. The Woden implementation does not stop processing on an error, but > continues to process the entire WSDL, returning a possibly invalid WSDL > model and reporting all errors. So for this continue-on-error approach a > pairing strategy much be chosen. Other implementations may stop-on-error, in > which case it's sufficient just to detect that extraneous, unmatched curly > braces exist without considering how to pair them off with the opposite > brace. I do wonder though if different implementations adopting the > continue-on-error approach chose different pairing strategies, if this could > lead to interoperability problems. > > The relevant section of the spec is Part 2, Construction of the > request IRI using the {http location} property. > > regards, > John Kaputin. >
Example 6-3 in the latest revision of "WSDL 2.0 Part 2: Adjuncts" quotes the following code: <operation ref='t:data' whttp:inputSerialization='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' whttp:location='temperature/{town/}' whttp:method='POST' /> As the trailing slash in replacement parameters is not legal "{town/}" should accordingly be changed to "{town}".
Fix editorially.
Implement above resolution.
I talked to Yves Lafon and it looks like we want to reconsider this indeed. Transfer-Encoding is hop-by-hop, while Content-Encoding is end-to-end. This means that if the HTTP implementation is using a proxy, the proxy will see the Transfer-Encoding: gzip, will unzip it, and not necessarily forward the request as TE gzip. I don't think this is what we intended in the WSDL specification. That wouldn't be the case for Content-Encoding. So, we should consider binding the {http transfer coding} property to the HTTP Content-Encoding header. Both can work for SOAP and HTTP binding. The XML Protocol Working Group even considered defining a new content encoding for MTOM instead of a mime type but gave up given the difficulties of introducing a new TE in HTTP. Philippe On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 10:49 -0500, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote: > On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 14:30 +0530, keith chapman wrote: > > Hi, > > > > Does the spec state the HTTP header to use when a message is encoded > > as gzip. I had a look at section "6.3.2 HTTP Transfer Coding > > Selection" it does not state anything to this regard. The test > > framework looks for the header "Transfer-Encoding=gzip" but axis2 uses > > the header "Content-Encoding: gzip" . > > Given > [[ > This [Transfer-Encoding] differs from the content-coding in that the > transfer-coding is a property of the message, not of the entity. > ]] > > > I believe Transfer-Encoding is the one to use. With the set of value > available in section 3.6 of the HTTP RFC [1]. Note that "identity" can't > be used anymore in as a transfer codings, according to the latest > editors version of the HTTP RFC that includes errata [2]. > > Given your question, the spec needs clarification. > > Philippe > > > [1] > [2] > >
Rename transfer coding property and attribute to content encoding, ensure the description is clear that it sets the Content-Encoding HTTP header and makes corresponding changes to the body.
Implement above resolution.
> Section tells that when soap-response is in use, section 6.7.2 > and the x-www-form-urlencoded serialization should be followed. This > section describes how to build the request URL from whttp:location, > whttp:ignoreUncited and the message parameters. {http ignore uncited} isn't among the parameters listed as supported by the SOAP binding. It doesn't appear in the interchange format, so it shouldn't really have been available for you to use to pass that testcase! Also, with CR133 we made the request-response MEP correspond to the soap-response MEP, apparently including (with the above change) auto-adding query params and honoring ignoreUncited. However, it seems to me much better to keep SOAP request-response parallel to serializing as application/xml under the HTTP binding, which would not add query parameters automatically and thus there's no need for ignoreUncited. > In any case, if the current state is as you describe, is it a clear > decision from the working group? I'm just trying to interpret the status quo, but perhaps that's not as clear as I thought it was... I'll back out the changes (looks like part of the checkin failed anyway). So here's a concrete proposal to fix the spec rather than the testcase: In Section 5 change: * {http location} on Binding Operation components, as defined in 6.4 Binding Operations to: * {http location} and {http location ignore uncited} on Binding Operation components, as defined in _6.4 Binding Operations_ and _6. Controlling the serialization of the query string in the request IRI_, respectively. In Section change (pre-CR133 text): The SOAP "" property takes the value of the WSDL {address} property of the Endpoint component. to: The SOAP "" property takes the value of the WSDL {address} property, modified by the {http location} property following the rules described in section _6.7.1 Serialization of the instance data in parts of the HTTP request_.
Proposal accepted.
Implement above resolution.
I would like clarification the WSDL 2.0 testcase SparqlQuerySimplified-1G and which schema element declarations should be present in the {element declarations} property of the Description component. I think I had a conversation about this issue with Jonathan and Arthur driving out to Niagra Falls at the July interop. The baseline component model interchange format for this testcase includes an element declaration whose namespace is not inlined or imported within the WSDL document's <types> element. Baseline sparql-protocol-query.canonical.wsdlcm contains this item: <elementDeclarationComponent xml:id="c22"> <name> <base:namespaceName></base:namespaceName> <base:localName>RDF</base:localName> </name> <system></system> </elementDeclarationComponent> This element declaration is defined in a schema which is imported by the <xs:schema> element inlined within the <types> element of sparql-protocol-query.wsdl. However, the namespace is not xs:imported directly within the <types> element. According to Part 1, section 3.1 Using W3C XML Schema Description Language: Schema-0016 "A WSDL 2.0 document MUST NOT refer to XML Schema components in a given namespace unless an xs:import or xs:schema element information item for that namespace is present ..." In implementing Woden, I interpreted this to mean that {element declarations} and {type definitions} only contain schema components whose namespace is inlined or imported directly within the <types> element. The Woden sparql-protocol-query.canonical.wsdlcm file refects this, in that the element declaration mentioned above is not present (and Woden is failing the testcase accordingly). However, it may be that the intention of the WSDL 2.0 authors is that ALL global element declarations and type definitions referenceable by XML Schema MUST be included in {element declarations} and {type definitions}, regardless of whether they are inlined or imported directly within <types> or whether they are 'nested' imports within those directly inlined or imported schemas, and that assertions like Schema-0016 only apply when WSDL 2.0 components like InterfaceFault and InterfaceMessageReference resolve their 'element' QNames to ElementDeclarations (but not to the contents of {element declarations} and {type definitions} themselves). Can someone from the working group please explain which interpretation is correct?
proposal plus amendment plus some editorial license, accepted.
Implement above resolution.
{http location ignore uncited} is primarily designed to force query parameters to be inserted into the body of an x-www-form-urlencoded message instead of appended to the URI. When there is no body (GET), this simply drops those parameters on the floor. When reconstituting an XML message on the receiving end (as Axis2 does), it is important not to drop parameters that affect the service's ability to reconstitute a schema-valid message. Having parameters that will be dropped marked as nillable allows such a reconstruction. Codifying this as a new assertion in section would aid interoperability: When serializing an HTTP request method that does not allow an HTTP message body, and when {http location ignore uncited} is true, any element not cited in the {http location} property MUST be defined in the schema as nillable.
"When serializing an HTTP request method that does not allow an HTTP message body, and when {http location ignore uncited} is true, any element not cited in the {http location} property MUST be defined in the schema as nillable, or have a default value, or appear no less frequently than specified by the minOccurs value. The element declaration SHOULD NOT combine a default value with nillable." + editorial license as necessary.
Implement above resolution.
As you may know, the specification for Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema [1] (SAWSDL) moving to CR. In our institute (my W3C hats are off), we work on Semantic Web Services, and we plan to use SAWSDL as the glue between our semantic description language and WSDL. For my work, I will need to know the semantic description, i.e. what the various service operations and data mean and do. One piece that I need is operation safety. Currently, that is realized in WSDL as an extension attribute, wsdlx:safe="boolean", with the default being false. Operation safety is, at least to me, a clear semantic annotation. It says nothing about the structure of the interface, instead it indicates what the operation does (or rather, what it doesn't do - any side effects or additional obligations in Web Architecture speak). I would propose that we change the syntax from wsdlx:safe="true" to sawsdl:modelReference="" I know it's much longer, but please bear with me. 8-) The WSDL Interface Operation {safety} property can stay as it is, only its XML representation would change to "the IRI for SafeInteraction (as above) will be included among the IRIs that are the value of sawsdl:modelReference". The URI above is currently used in the RDF mapping of WSDL to represent the safety property. At worst, the people hand-writing and reading WSDL would have their lives just a bit harder. At best, this would blend right in with the plethora of other semantic annotations. Certainly, from my own point of view, having safety as a semantic annotation as opposed to an extension attribute would make my life just a bit easier. [1]
Jonathan Marsh wrote: > I found this in the SOAP spec: > > If the property has a > value at a SOAP sender utilizing a binding supporting this feature, the > sender MUST use the property value as the value of the action parameter in > the media type designator. [1] > > So to answer my own question, I think there's a pretty strong implication > that the Content-Type header should be set to application/soap+xml, and > include the action parameter, when the soap-response mep is used and the > action is specified, for instance in MessageTest-4G: > I agree with the implication and think it makes a lot of sense, although I am unclear about the MAY/SHOULD/MUST state of the implication. > <operation ref="tns:EchoString2" > wsoap:mep="" > wsoap:action=""> > > FWIW, (and after I'd concluded the above) I found that Axis2 currently > inserts the media type with action as above, although as of now it doesn't > correctly dispatch using the action in this case. > Canon and Axis2 implementations seem to have the same behaviour on this one :) Should we add an assertion in the exchange test-suite checking that if content-type is set in the GET request, it must be application/soap+xml and action value equal to the specified value ? > [1]
Add a note to 5.10.3 telling that setting action has no effect when soap response is in use.
Implement above resolution.
Jonathan, The word "input" in "child of the input element" should have been written in regular type, as opposed to fixed-width. The expression means more than what you describe (“element declaration in the complexType declared by the {element declaration} of the Message Reference component with {direction} ‘in’”) because there are many ways to declare child elements in schema, e.g. with model groups. It is true though that "the input element" means the "{element declaration} of the Message Reference component with {direction} ‘in’". It's stating the other half which is hard. It'd be much easier if XML Schema had a core language like Relax NG (<insert favorite rant on this topic here/>), because then we could compile away model groups and other oddities. There may be an indirect way of saying this. What the assertion in question is really saying is that, for each valid instance of the “element declaration in the complexType declared by the {element declaration} of the Message Reference component with {direction} ‘in’”, it MUST be the case that the corresponding EII has among its [children] one EII whose qualified name matches the given one. A similar constraint, but negative, should be placed on the output element. Indirectly, such a universally quantified constraint on all valid EIIs would reflect back into a constraint at the schema level for which, alas, there appears to be no concise expression. Thanks, Roberto Jonathan Marsh wrote: > Assertion WRPC-0053 [1] states: > > > > For each pair //(q, #in)//, there MUST be a child element of the |input| > element with a name of //q//. There MUST NOT be a child element of the > |output| element with the name of //q//. > > > > What is “child of the input element” supposed to mean? The <wsdl:input> > element doesn’t have significant children (extensions and > documentation). So it could instead mean an “element declaration in the > complexType declared by the {element declaration} of the Message > Reference component with {direction} ‘in’”. Is that the intention? > > The assertions immediately following this one also suffer generally from > this malaise. > > > > [1] >;%20charset=utf-8#WRPC-5023 > > > > **Jonathan Marsh** - - >
Remove fixed-width formatting from "input".
Implement above resolution.
One suggestion.Part 1 - Appendix E [Assertion Summary] is a great view of all assertions about component models and documents. I would appreciate if the Summary text be a complete English sentence that contains the complete text about the assertion. For instance, see the following assertion. ----------------------------------------------- Assertion Id Summary ----------------------------------------------- Description-1201005 Zero or more element information items amongst its [children], in order as follows: If the User were reading this in soft copy, he/she could click on the Assertion Id hyperlink to navigate to the section that states the assertion. But if the User were reading the specification on a hard print, it would not be possible for he/she to get a clear understanding on what it means. Note that there are other assertions in this section which depict similar behaviour.
Section 9 of Part 1 shows the XML syntax summary for a WSDL document. I am attaching a snippet of the XML. <description targetNamespace="*xs:anyURI*" > <documentation />? <import namespace="*xs:anyURI*" location="*xs:anyURI*"? > <documentation />* </import>* <include location="*xs:anyURI*" > <documentation />* </include>* . . . . . <binding name="*xs:NCName*" interface="*xs:QName*"? type="*xs:anyURI*" > <documentation />* . . . . . You can note that "description" can possess only zero or one "documentation" element [as indicated by "?"], whereas other components can have zero or more documentation elements within them. [as indicated by "*"] Is this correct ? Secondly, am I right if I state that multiple documentation tags have been provisioned only to provide for documentation in different languages using the "xml:lang" property? Are there any other use-cases for this ?
I assume that it does not make sense, and is an error to define a Binding component for an Interface Component that defines only Faults. Does this call for a new assertion ?
Hi, I have a recollection that since the spec is CR, the namespace won't change through PR and REC. Is this right, or will the namespace change again - if so will it change at PR, REC or both?
Wouldn't Assertion InterfaceMessageReference-1205002 be verified through the schema itself?
Remove assertion markup from this text.
Implement above fix (and in the new similar text for Faults.)
The mentioned assertion states "For each Interface Message Reference component in the {interface message references} property of an Interface Operation component, its {message label} property MUST be unique.". Correct me if I am wrong, but can we have the XSD capture this constraint explicitly ? For instance, <xs:element name="operation" type="wsdl:BindingOperationType"> <xs:unique name="messageLabel"> <xs:selector xpath="(wsdl:input|wsdl:output:wsdl:infault|wsdl:outfault)"> <xs:field xpath="@messageLabel"> </xs:selectpr> </xs:unique> </xs:element>
Reading the specification, it seems that the only constraint on the separator value is to be a xml string of length 1. It would therefore be possible to have a separator value that needs to be %-encoded in the URL (e.g. queryParameterSeparator="é"). I do not know whether that was intended but in this case, the query string may become ambiguous: if the separator value appears in a parameter value, it will be %-encoded exactly like the separator value. It might be safer to restrict the separator value range. In any case, the most sensible values are '&' and ';'. Is there any other obvious possibility? While '&' is the default value, ';' does not appear AFAIKT neither in the spec nor in the primer. It might therefore be good to add a statement that tells a word about these values, maybe as a SHOULD.
Restrict query parameter separator to the characters: "&" / ";" / ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" / "*" / "+" / ",". Add a schema pattern [&;a-zA-Z0-9\-\._~!$'\(\):@/\?\*\+,]{1,1}. Add a note that & and ; are the common cases.
Implement above resolution.
- [QUESTION 1] The spec says what characters MUST be encoded, but there are also characters that MAY be encoded such as * (and pretty much any other character except %). Our test suite assumes only the characters that MUST be are. Should we change this? (I think we should do this opportunistically, that is, if a testcase is proven to be correct, we simply add an alternative that matches that implementation's encoding strategy. I don't think we have any failures because of this at present.) - [QUESTION 2] Is this sufficiently clear in the spec? (I think so.) - [QUESTION 3] Are there additional editorial improvements possible? (I think so, as reported in - [QUESTION 4] Is "&" a harmful character before the "?". If not, we should add it to the excluded list. - [QUESTION 5] Are ";" and "=" harmful characters before the "?". If so, we should remove them from the excluded list.
Split the MUST encode after "~" (both cases) and make the remainder a SHOULD.
Jonathan's editorial improvements to adopted.
Add "&" to the list of characters that SHOULD be encoded.
Implement above resolution.
Last update: $Date: 2007/03/16 23:17:01 $
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