See also: IRC log
minutes from 8/8 and 5/9 approved
planning for F2F, seems likes first week of October, 5-6 sounds fave and in Europe.
paul walks through the SOAP4r testing
<scribe> ACTION: gcowe to tidy up instance document names [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-64 - Tidy up instance document names [on George Cowe - due 2006-09-19].
yves: delete in CVS won't remove directories, mirroring won't like that much. moving the namespace is better
pauld: once george has rationalised the names, we'll move the namespace
pauld: still lots more work to be done here
gcowe: moved from the generated
Makefile to ant, runs slightly quicker
... better managing the schema file, running the validator
against that should speed things up dramatically
pauld: maybe we need to check against the one schema as a quick pass and against each small schema
gcowe: patterns schematron file
only works against an individual schema file
... hope to get back on to looking at this
pauld: would be cool if you could commit changes
Jonc, are you with us?
pauld: We've lost JonC, so will defer discussion.
pauld: .. seems like Tim Bray walked into this issue this week: :-)
priscilla: agenda says ISSUE-68, should be 69!
priscilla: only xsi:attributes don't need to be declared
pauld: so the thrust of my argument was wrong! What this falls down to how toolkits work with including attributes into a collection by reference
gcowe: we used global attributes historically
pauld: believe ISSUE-60 covers Pete's requirements, ISSUE-69 can remain closed
george developed three patterns, but our chameleon include looks like in need of more work, likely to be outside of "Advanced"
<scribe> ACTION: pdowney to craft chameleon include example [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-65 - Craft chameleon include example [on Paul Downey - due 2006-09-19].