W3CTechnology and Society

[Workshop Homepage] [Participants] [Position Papers] [Agenda] [Minutes]

Workshop Notes & Presentations

Remark: Please note that the minutes cover only the discussions. Presentations will be linked seperatly as they come in.

Tuesday, 12 November 2002

Moderator: Lorrie Cranor (AT&T)

1. Opening Session

2. Vocabulary Issues

3. User and Implementer Experiences

4. Compact Policies, Cookies, and Performance Issues

5. Identity Management and Negotiation

6. Perspectives on P3P Goals

Wednesday, 13 November 2002

Moderator: Daniel Weitzner (W3C)

7. Legal Issues

8. User Agent Guidelines and Conformance

9. Mobile Devices and Location Privacy

10. Next Steps

[Workshop Homepage] [Participants] [Position Papers] [Agenda] [Minutes]

Last update $Date: 2002/11/29 17:59:37 $ by $Author: rigo $