IRC log of webont on 2002-07-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:00:40 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #webont
16:00:46 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #webont
16:00:54 [DanCon]
Zakim, this is WebO
16:00:55 [Zakim]
ok, DanCon
16:01:12 [Zakim]
16:01:16 [Zakim]
16:01:18 [schreiber]
Zakim, ??P36 is GuusS
16:01:19 [Zakim]
+GuusS; got it
16:01:20 [Zakim]
16:01:22 [DanCon]
DanCon has changed the topic to: WebOnt 18Jul
16:01:27 [mdean]
mdean has joined #webont
16:01:27 [pfps]
Zakim, ??P38 is pfps
16:01:28 [Zakim]
+Pfps; got it
16:01:35 [Zakim]
16:01:40 [Zakim]
16:01:49 [jhendler]
jhendler has joined #webont
16:02:26 [Zakim]
16:02:42 [Zakim]
16:03:18 [ChrisW]
ChrisW has joined #webont
16:03:31 [jhendler]
zakim, who is here?
16:03:33 [Zakim]
On the phone I see GuusS, Ian_Horrocks, Pfps, ??P39, Mike_Dean, ??P41, ??P42, M_Smith, ??P45, ??P43, Jim_Hendler, John_Stanton, DanC, ??P50
16:03:34 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ChrisW, jhendler, mdean, Zakim, RRSAgent, DanCon, pfps, IanH, herman, DDeRoure, schreiber, logger_1
16:03:59 [Zakim]
16:04:05 [ChrisW]
I am here
16:04:28 [Zakim]
16:04:30 [DanCon]
larryE, NickG, Herman, Jos D, Welty, McGuinnes
16:04:31 [schreiber]
zakim, JosdeRoo is ??P39
16:04:33 [Zakim]
sorry, schreiber, I do not recognize a party named 'JosdeRoo'
16:04:52 [schreiber]
zakim, ??P39 is JosdeRoo
16:04:54 [Zakim]
+JosdeRoo; got it
16:05:05 [jhendler]
ziv hellman
16:05:06 [DanCon]
Zakim, Ziv is here
16:05:07 [Zakim]
sorry, DanCon, I do not recognize a party named 'Ziv'
16:05:14 [DeborahMc]
DeborahMc has joined #webont
16:05:24 [Zakim]
16:05:25 [DanCon]
"Regrets: van Harmelen, Volz, Miller, Dale, Klein, Finin"
16:05:30 [DanCon]
-- from the agenda
16:06:05 [DanCon]
Guus: regrets Wallace, ....?
16:06:11 [jhendler]
Attendance: Guus, Ian, Peter, Mike-Dean, Mike Smith, Jim Hendler, John Stanton, Dan C, Larry, Nick, Herman, Jos, Chris, Deb, Ziv, Leo, Jeff H
16:06:58 [jhendler]
Previous minutes accepted.
16:08:35 [jhendler]
Minutes from f2f -- fixed the name space - extra "23" included
16:10:01 [jhendler]
ACTION: chairs - find photo of face to face example from the discussion of model theory.
16:10:54 [nmg]
nmg has joined #webont
16:14:48 [Zakim]
16:15:19 [Zakim]
+ +1.850.202.aaaa - is perhaps PatH?
16:15:32 [jhendler]
attandance: add Pat H.
16:15:51 [Zakim]
16:16:06 [jhendler]
zakim, ??p5 is guus
16:16:07 [Zakim]
+Guus; got it
16:16:38 [Zakim]
16:18:28 [jhendler]
ACTION: Dan C. to work with Pat H to reconcile the issues of missing discussion of model theory in the log.
16:19:15 [jhendler]
Resolved: accept the f2f minutes as a true record - but add the discussion of model theory breakout (see previous action)
16:19:25 [DanCon]
Zakim, pick a scribe
16:19:26 [Zakim]
Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Leo
16:20:15 [jhendler]
Attendance: Jeremy Carroll joined
16:20:23 [jhendler]
------- f2f discussion
16:20:34 [IRCMonkey]
IRCMonkey has joined #webont
16:20:51 [DanCon]
Hi Pat (i.e. party from try /nick PatH
16:21:06 [jhendler]
Jeremy - what about hotel? should we do the one near HP or the one downtown?
16:21:15 [jhendler]
hotels are comparable.
16:22:37 [DanCon]
if I'm gonna go all the way to Bristol, I'd like access to a little bit of local culture. more than cows.
16:22:53 [jhendler]
general opinion - try for city center
16:22:55 [ChrisW]
how do you know there IS more
16:23:29 [jhendler]
Guus: fifth face to face -- assuming our revised schedule is accepted we need to plan a 5th f2f.
16:23:34 [jhendler]
and maybe 6th
16:24:07 [jhendler]
5th might want to be in Eastern US, probably in mid-Jan.
16:24:39 [Zakim]
16:25:05 [jhendler]
attendance: Evan Wallace
16:27:03 [jhendler]
We will take offers for one week - please send them to the mailing list.
16:27:58 [Zakim]
16:28:21 [jhendler]
ACTION: Jim H will set up a straw poll based on the offers - this will include choices of Dec/Jan and place
16:28:32 [jhendler]
16:28:40 [jhendler]
16:28:43 [jhendler]
Action review
16:28:45 [PatH]
Dan: I have the webpage. Where exactly should I be looking?
16:28:59 [jhendler]
Action - DanC subclassOf - continued
16:29:14 [jhendler]
Action - OWL name space - in progress
16:30:03 [DanCon]
PatH: "report back of the Model Theory team" starts
16:30:12 [jhendler]
Action - Pat Model theory - due July 25 - will be Aug 1
16:30:39 [jhendler]
Action Guus - guide format - Continued
16:32:16 [jhendler]
Action Evan - writeup of UML and OMG - continued - aim for July 25
16:32:28 [jhendler]
Action Deb - write up issue re Unique names - completed
16:33:08 [DanCon]
I played around with the DAML validator in the last couple days... it was very useful.
16:33:20 [DanCon]
I found about 25 bugs in a web of 7 ontologies.
16:33:27 [jhendler]
Action - Jim and Mike D - Owl validator - action handled. (Validator in practice)
16:33:41 [jhendler]
Action - tools - EVERYONE DO THIS - continued
16:33:53 [JonB]
JonB has joined #webont
16:34:05 [jhendler]
Action Raphael - make large ontology available - continues
16:34:14 [jhendler]
Action Hendler - test on issue 4.2 - cont
16:34:30 [jhendler]
Action Welty - Unique name/Unambiguous - put on agenda for next week
16:34:57 [DanCon]
yes, please let's add that to today's agenda
16:35:15 [jhendler]
agenda+ try to close issue of uniquename
16:35:37 [DanCon]
ACTION Patel-Schneider DONE.
16:35:42 [jhendler]
action - peter - computational difficulties - done
16:36:05 [jhendler]
action - connolly - use case for int. domain - done
16:36:25 [jhendler]
action - Hays/Connolly - review abst syntax - Connolly done; Hays not done
16:36:29 [DanCon]
Peter's action on example:
16:36:57 [jhendler]
action - Hays withdrawn on review of Abst Synt
16:37:03 [jhendler]
action - ter Horst - review - done.
16:37:04 [DanCon]
re my action for int. domain
16:37:19 [jhendler]
16:37:31 [DanCon]
ter horst review of ab syn:
16:37:34 [jhendler]
agenda - item inserted - straw poll on uniq/unamb names
16:38:16 [jhendler]
ChrisW - proposal - names will be functionalProperty and inverseFunctionalProperty
16:38:51 [DanCon]
proposed: FunctionalProperty and InverseFunctionalProperty
16:38:56 [DanCon]
(note capitalization)
16:39:59 [jhendler]
Chris - to date positive feedback - but no actual "against"
16:40:26 [jhendler]
DanC - some webbies prefer manytoone and onetomany - Dan says he prefers, Evan agrees w/Dan.
16:40:54 [DanCon]
mikes point is a good one... TransitiveProperty is from math-speak.
16:41:15 [DeborahMc]
is the complete listing: transitiveProperty, functionalProperty, symmetricProperty, inverseFunctionalProperty
16:41:27 [jhendler]
Evan - function means different things. Chris - manytoone and onetomany seem to imply "many" but of course it can be 1-1
16:41:39 [DanCon]
DeborahMc, you're missing TransitiveProperty
16:41:45 [DanCon]
oops; no you'ren ot.
16:42:37 [jhendler]
Guus - maybe we've not yet seen all the proposals.
16:43:02 [jhendler]
Ian - singleValuedProperty and InverseSingleValuedProperty
16:43:03 [DanCon]
at the end of the day, this is an arbitrary decision; I'm greatful to Chris for taking the lead. I'm happy to offer him advice, and then I'm likely to accept whatever he proposes.
16:43:39 [jhendler]
Guus - can you write a specific proposal for next week?
16:43:50 [jhendler]
Chris - unclear - what do I do.
16:44:24 [jhendler]
Dan - since you are issue owner, you choose your favorite, you propose that -- if it wins great, if not we return to the drawing board
16:44:24 [jhendler]
16:44:26 [Zakim]
16:44:30 [jhendler]
Agenda Item 3 - documents
16:44:43 [jhendler]
Feature synopsis document
16:45:50 [jhendler]
Deb - I still have to add "nothing" to the full language
16:46:15 [jhendler]
Guus - have you dealt with issues from Peter? Deb - working on them. Some have questions I'd like discussion on:
16:47:15 [jhendler]
1) discussion of RDF - Deb - I describe what Owl does. what is the issue?
16:48:13 [jhendler]
Peter - I just mean that OWL shouldn't be called a logic language (i.e. all of logic) - suggest rewording.
16:48:23 [jhendler]
Deb - I will weaken.
16:49:46 [ChrisW]
ChrisW has joined #webont
16:50:01 [jhendler]
Peter/Ian - we should have a definition of feature constructor?
16:50:03 [DanCon]
peter's comments:
16:50:04 [jhendler]
Deb - should we use that term?
16:50:39 [jhendler]
Ian - "class and property constructors?" - Deb, that's fine.
16:51:24 [jhendler]
ACTION: Deb - add "property" to make sure we are using same terms.
16:53:52 [jhendler]
ACTION: Deb to make sure names are same between her document and Mike's.
16:57:17 [ChrisW]
I coun't six grumbles
16:57:43 [jhendler]
Jim - Peter, can you live with how it is? Peter - grumble, grumble, grumble, grumble (+ 2 more)
16:57:51 [jhendler]
Peter - I guess so...
16:58:45 [ChrisW]
16:59:52 [jhendler]
RESOLVED: to release this document pending Deb's final edits and Dan's review thereof
17:00:07 [jhendler]
Resolved - Abstain (Peter, Evan)
17:00:24 [jhendler]
ACTION: DanC to review Deb's final edits of feature document.
17:00:33 [jhendler]
17:00:43 [jhendler]
Mike Dean's document -
17:00:59 [DanCon]
17:01:06 [jhendler]
There is a latest version
17:01:24 [DanCon]
$Id: owl-ref-proposed.html,v 1.26 2002/07/18 01:11:46 mdean Exp $
17:01:46 [jhendler]
main changes - incorporate what RDF has done (in collection)
17:02:02 [jhendler]
some of the domain, range constraints changed by RDF
17:02:26 [DanCon]
I 2nd the citing of the disjointUnionOf issue
17:02:43 [jhendler]
cite two new issues - remove disjointunionof - issue of whether to have both rdfs:class and owl:class
17:03:05 [jhendler]
Still addressing some issues Peter raised
17:03:19 [DanCon]
the phrasing of the rdfs:class and owl:class issue... I disagree; seems close to my action on rdfs:subClassOf vs owl:subClassOf. I should follow up with mike on that..
17:03:20 [jhendler] is now a proposed namespace document
17:03:42 [jhendler]
adds some example of use of dublin core with ontology.
17:03:59 [jhendler]
will try to update examples, but maybe not until after publication.
17:04:29 [jhendler]
ACTION: Mike will summarize changes in email to the list. (by next week)
17:04:41 [jhendler]
Guus - what about Peter's comments?
17:05:02 [jhendler]
Mike - addressing them - have addressed the easy to fix ones, still working on others - will explain in the email
17:05:14 [jhendler]
Mike - thanks to Peter for his feedback.
17:05:31 [jhendler]
Dan - Mike are you asking for another week, instead of proposing to publish?? Mike, yes?
17:06:09 [jhendler]
Deb - do you think any terms will change names? Mike - no, unless we resolve the unambiguous stuff.
17:07:04 [pfps]
17:07:35 [DanCon]
I don't think the WG has reviewed mikes doc as much as debs.
17:07:45 [jhendler]
Mike - I can have a new version by Tuesday for us to approve next week.
17:07:52 [DanCon]
i.e. the WG just delegated the rest of the synopsis to deb and me; that hasn't happened for the lang desc.
17:08:14 [pfps]
17:08:18 [jhendler]
Peter - I want to look at the appendix in detail?
17:08:39 [jhendler]
Mike - would like the feedback
17:09:16 [jhendler]
Mike - can I remove the OIL refs? group concurs this is fine.
17:09:20 [DanCon]
no opinion on removing "cf OWL OR"
17:09:28 [DanCon]
(from me)
17:09:50 [jhendler]
ACTION: Peter - will review appendix C.
17:10:01 [jhendler]
rrsagent, actions?
17:10:01 [jhendler]
I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'actions'
17:10:39 [jhendler]
rrsagent, show action items
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
I see 8 open action items:
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: chairs - find photo of face to face example from the discussion of model theory. [1]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Dan C. to work with Pat H to reconcile the issues of missing discussion of model theory in the log. [2]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jim H will set up a straw poll based on the offers - this will include choices of Dec/Jan and place [3]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Deb - add "property" to make sure we are using same terms. [4]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Deb to make sure names are same between her document and Mike's. [5]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: DanC to review Deb's final edits of feature document. [6]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mike will summarize changes in email to the list. (by next week) [7]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Peter - will review appendix C. [8]
17:10:39 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:11:57 [jhendler]
Peter - reminder, we should move the owl.owl to the appropriate namespace - DanC working on that
17:11:59 [jhendler]
17:12:06 [jhendler]
3.3 - Abstract Syntax document
17:13:16 [jhendler]
correct URI -
17:13:35 [jhendler]
which goes to --
17:13:50 [jhendler]
Peter - Herman, did I address the things you cared about?
17:13:58 [jhendler]
Herman - I think it is okay
17:15:17 [jhendler]
Peter - some other issues are problems with punctuation caused by mailers.
17:15:34 [jhendler]
Guus - Dan, you were okay so far? Peter - yes.
17:16:08 [jhendler]
Peter - added examples, will check them carefully
17:16:42 [jhendler]
Dan - I am okay with publishing this in the current form
17:17:14 [jhendler]
Resolved - to release the Abstract Syntax document after final edits by Peter.
17:18:12 [jhendler]
Resolution passes Abstention(Hendler)
17:18:50 [jhendler]
17:21:01 [jhendler]
Discussion of release of Mike's document.
17:21:52 [jhendler]
Mike agrees changes are basically editorial
17:22:41 [jhendler]
Resolved: to release Mike's document pending editorial changes and favorable review of Appendix C
17:22:54 [jhendler]
17:23:11 [jhendler]
Guus - I thank the editors for all the hard work (Jim H agrees)
17:25:01 [jhendler]
Dan - 10 min extension to discuss press release.
17:25:06 [jhendler]
Dan - Press release
17:25:16 [jhendler]
1) three bullets about why the world should care
17:25:32 [jhendler]
2) draft press release and have Janet Daley work w/it
17:25:44 [jhendler]
3) Costs money - so needs to be convinced it is worth her money
17:26:01 [jhendler]
4) quotes are hard - but can have endorsements page (we probably wouldn't do that)
17:26:10 [jhendler]
5) list members of org in press release
17:26:27 [jhendler]
(doing endorsements for a WD is probably not needed)
17:26:51 [jhendler]
This goes out on PR newswire.
17:27:10 [jhendler]
does this tend to have good pickup? Dan - tends to get picked up on web pubs
17:27:25 [jhendler]
even w/o press release we tend to get pickup
17:29:03 [ChrisW]
ChrisW has joined #webont
17:29:55 [jhendler]
Resolution: W3C press release would be desirable - we endorse doing this. Jim H to draft, limited time for WG to interact.
17:30:03 [jhendler]
17:30:29 [Zakim]
17:30:40 [jhendler]
ACTION: JimH to draft press release - solicits input ASAP from WG members.
17:30:47 [jhendler]
17:31:16 [jhendler]
17:32:34 [DDeRoure]
One item of AOB - Nick Gibbins was awarded his PhD at our graduation ceremony this afternoon :-)
17:32:56 [jhendler]
Yay Nick!
17:33:09 [ChrisW]
17:33:26 [jhendler]
WOWG adds our congrats to Nick.
17:33:53 [jhendler]
17:33:59 [Zakim]
17:34:08 [Zakim]
17:34:09 [Zakim]
17:34:10 [Zakim]
17:34:11 [Zakim]
17:34:12 [Zakim]
17:34:12 [Zakim]
17:34:13 [Zakim]
17:34:14 [Zakim]
17:34:14 [jhendler]
rrsagent, what are the actions?
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
I see 9 open action items:
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: chairs - find photo of face to face example from the discussion of model theory. [1]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Dan C. to work with Pat H to reconcile the issues of missing discussion of model theory in the log. [2]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jim H will set up a straw poll based on the offers - this will include choices of Dec/Jan and place [3]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Deb - add "property" to make sure we are using same terms. [4]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Deb to make sure names are same between her document and Mike's. [5]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: DanC to review Deb's final edits of feature document. [6]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mike will summarize changes in email to the list. (by next week) [7]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Peter - will review appendix C. [8]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: JimH to draft press release - solicits input ASAP from WG members. [9]
17:34:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:34:16 [Zakim]
17:34:18 [Zakim]
17:34:20 [Zakim]
17:34:25 [Zakim]
17:35:20 [Zakim]
17:35:26 [Zakim]
17:35:52 [Zakim]
17:35:53 [Zakim]
17:35:54 [Zakim]
17:35:59 [Zakim]
17:36:00 [Zakim]
SW_WebOnt()12:00PM has ended
17:36:01 [jhendler]
rrsagent, bookmark
17:36:01 [RRSAgent]
17:36:17 [jhendler]
rrsagent, leave.
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
I see 9 open action items:
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: chairs - find photo of face to face example from the discussion of model theory. [1]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Dan C. to work with Pat H to reconcile the issues of missing discussion of model theory in the log. [2]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Jim H will set up a straw poll based on the offers - this will include choices of Dec/Jan and place [3]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Deb - add "property" to make sure we are using same terms. [4]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Deb to make sure names are same between her document and Mike's. [5]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: DanC to review Deb's final edits of feature document. [6]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mike will summarize changes in email to the list. (by next week) [7]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Peter - will review appendix C. [8]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: JimH to draft press release - solicits input ASAP from WG members. [9]
17:36:17 [RRSAgent]
recorded in