20:11:52 RRSAgent has joined #ws-arch 20:12:35 partition that which is in 007 between team and what goes in 019 20:19:07 d-ag002 The Web Service Architecture must enable reliable, stable and manageable web services 20:25:14 zulah: let's iterate twice, once for team, once for 019 20:29:45 take hao's 7.1.2 and put into ac005 20:37:31 d-ac007.2 The reference architecture is stable and evolves over time 20:38:10 i'm taking notes too...' 20:38:37 two sets of fingers better than one:) 20:43:28 The reference architecture has stable conceptual models, definitions, assumptions, and scope. 20:46:00 The reference architecture has a well defined versioning policy for the architecture. 20:46:57 The reference architecture is governed a well defined versioning policy. 20:47:14 that was 7.2.2 20:48:35 7.2.3 Newer versions should be compatible with older versions. 20:49:13 Heres the new 7.2: 20:49:15 7.2 The reference architecture is stable and evolves over time 20:49:16 7.2.1 The reference architecture has stable conceptual models, definitions, assumptions, and scopes. 20:49:16 7.2.2 The reference architecture is governed a well defined versioning policy. 20:49:16 7.2.3 Newer versions should be compatible with older versions. 20:57:15 Suresh's list: 20:57:15 AC007.1 goes to AC0019 (restatement of AC0019, and now goes away) 20:57:15 AC007.1.1 is now part of AC005 for architecture. No need to move to 19. 20:57:15 AC007.1.2 is covered by AC008 20:57:15 1.3 is covered by AC005.9, 5.10 21:00:49 take suresh's D-AR007.2.1 When a component within the WSA changes, the 21:00:50 change is precisely identified, and the changed WSA is reliable. 21:01:07 and add it as a sub bullet of 7.2.3 above 21:07:40 rrsagent, where am i 21:07:40 I'm logging. I don't understand 'where am i', chrisf. Try /msg RRSAgent help 21:07:57 rrsagent, where am i? 21:07:57 See http://www.w3.org/2002/06/18-ws-arch-irc#T21-07-57 21:08:10 Complete copy of Heather's notes: 21:08:13 RTF Call Notes 21:08:13 Split 007 into team goals and web service goals 21:08:13 Review AG002 21:08:13 Is it manageable? Or measurable? Measurability is subgoal of manageability. Remove creation and execution. Architecture is two steps to removed from implementation. 21:08:13 AG002: The Web Service Architecture must enable reliable, stable, and manageable web services. 21:08:17 So now AC0018 must be expanded to manageable with AR's and AC's for it. 21:08:18 Starting from Hao's list: 21:08:21 7.1 ok 21:08:23 7.1.1 covered by ac008, remove 21:08:26 Move: to AC005 21:08:27 7.1.2 The reference architecture is precisely defined without ambiguity 21:08:29 using s 21:12:15 using standard definition languages whenever applicable and 21:12:15 available 21:12:15 using standard terms, and clearly defined new terms 21:12:15 7.1.3 covered by ac0012, remove. Submit 7.1.3 to be merged into AC012.5 or following AC012.7. 21:12:15 7.2 The reference architecture is stable and evolves over time 21:12:17 7.2.1 The reference architecture has stable conceptual models, definitions, assumptions, and scopes. 21:12:19 7.2.2 The reference architecture is governed a well defined versioning policy. 21:12:23 7.2.3 Newer versions should be compatible with older versions. 21:12:25 When a component within the WSA chang 21:12:36 changes, the 21:12:36 change is precisely identified, and the changed WSA is reliable. 21:12:36 The assumptions behind a change in the component, 21:12:36 and its scope must be clearly stated. 21:12:54 Suresh's list: 21:12:55 AR007.1 goes to AC0019 (restatement of AC0019, and now goes away) 21:12:55 AR007.1.1 is now part of AC005 for architecture. No need to move to 19. 21:12:55 AR007.1.2 is covered by AC008 21:12:55 AR007.1.3 is covered by AC005.9, 5.10 21:12:55 AR007.1.4 is out of scope. 21:13:04 AC007.2 goes to AC0019 (restatement of AC0019, and now goes away) 21:13:05 AC007.2.1 - goes to 21:13:05 AC007.2.2 - covered in new 7, need to add versioning to 19 21:13:05 AC007.2.3 - covered in new 7, out of scope for 19 21:13:18 Suresh will send out notes and propose wording for versioning for 19. 21:13:19 Heather and Zulah will work on wording for 18 21:13:19 We will review 18,19 next week. 21:13:19 Will review 002, 007 on Thursday at WG call. 21:13:37 whew! 21:13:48 still there? 21:18:58 yup