IRC log of webont on 2002-04-09
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 07:46:46 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #webont
- 07:47:01 [jhendler]
- jhendler has changed the topic to: Web Ontology WG - f2f: - log -
- 07:47:11 [JosD]
- syntax discussion...
- 07:47:29 [ian]
- ian has joined #webont
- 07:48:05 [nmg]
- nmg has joined #webont
- 07:48:20 [jhendler]
- RRSAgent listen
- 07:48:27 [jhendler]
- RRSAgent, listen
- 07:48:39 [jhendler]
- RRSAgent, bookmark
- 07:48:39 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 07:49:04 [jhendler]
- jhendler has changed the topic to: Web Ontology WG - f2f: - log -
- 07:50:04 [JosD]
- pfps: if we keep RDF/XML syntax be careful not to fall inthe RDF pitfall
- 07:52:41 [JosD]
- jimH: don't confuse syntactical and semantical pieces of the language
- 07:54:09 [JosD]
- jeremy: decided yesterday that the base syntax is the graph syntax, *base* syntax (not presentation)
- 07:54:28 [JosD]
- frankvh: RDFCore will tell us how to do
- 07:54:51 [JosD]
- Path: a way of conveying a graph over the wire, that's all
- 07:55:25 [JosD]
- massimo: RDF/XML transport syntax
- 07:55:55 [JosD]
- jeremy: presentation syntax is out of order in this mornings's discussion
- 07:57:15 [jono]
- jono has joined #webont
- 07:57:55 [JosD]
- (peter proposed) decisions: syntax - RDF graph; expressive power - D + O
- 07:58:02 [ora]
- ora has joined #webont
- 07:58:08 [JosD]
- peter continues his talk ...
- 08:00:14 [JosD]
- slide
- 08:01:03 [JosD]
- frankvh: proposes the term (Pat corrects) --> serialization syntax
- 08:02:18 [JosD]
- frankvh also proposes ``presentation'' syntax, normative? Jeremy doesn't care-- StevenB does care
- 08:03:03 [JosD]
- ... the issue is roundtrip
- 08:03:38 [JosD]
- PatH: the term roundtrip has 2 meanings (interrupted by JimH)
- 08:04:32 [JosD]
- JimH: we will return to this point today (after the coffee break)
- 08:04:49 [JosD]
- Peter continues again... RDF compatibility\
- 08:05:18 [JosD]
- slide
- 08:06:16 [JosD]
- (further proposed decisions) RDF MT; Inferences (what follows from what)
- 08:07:25 [JosD]
- Jeremy: entailment to clarify the meaning
- 08:08:51 [JosD]
- jonathanB: concerned about violation of intuitions...
- 08:16:42 [JosD]
- Peter & Pat believe there is a way to go...
- 08:17:07 [JosD]
- there is a diagonal line asserted / darh
- 08:17:36 [JosD]
- i.e. John loves Mary / D + O syntax
- 08:18:21 [JosD]
- i.e. constrain interptretaions / mentions like D + O syntax
- 08:22:16 [JosD]
- PatH: RDF is a vocabulary defining toolkit
- 08:24:21 [JosD]
- frankvh: 2 things: *language* conformance level 0 versus vocabulary defining toolkit
- 08:26:07 [JosD]
- Ian: the whole trouble is that it is doing these 2 things
- 08:27:23 [JosD]
- JimH is again interrupting the discussion
- 08:28:15 [JosD]
- JimH takes ACTION (for CG) : relationship with RDFS has to become very clear
- 08:29:06 [JosD]
- Jimh: RDF(S) has to mean the same thing...
- 08:30:07 [JosD]
- Guus: identify the part of RDFS that may act as conformance level 0
- 08:30:57 [JosD]
- PatH: yes we can (it's not vocabulary, but certain combination patterns (if I understood that well???))
- 08:32:12 [JosD]
- PatH: maybe, maybe (Peter: be lord and master of the universe.......)
- 08:32:59 [JosD]
- Peter continues... how to make the distinction (betweeen asserted and unasserted)
- 08:34:29 [JosD]
- one syntactical way: XML -- RDF document (asserted ) / XML Schema -- OWL document (unasserted)
- 08:34:55 [JosD]
- is it nice???
- 08:37:37 [JosD]
- all the definition stuff goes in the unasserted side
- 08:38:08 [JosD]
- they are dard for RDF but they have a meaning
- 08:39:20 [JosD]
- Jeremy wonders about his proposal (the sollipsitic one)
- 08:40:46 [JosD]
- Jeremy: you have to *assert* the existence of the class
- 08:43:40 [JosD]
- Peter: ontologies *refer* to other ontologies, or you merge them
- 08:45:15 [JosD]
- Guus: conclusions: issue is RDFS clarification
- 08:46:38 [JosD]
- 2. the proposed dark triple proposal is *not* affecting RDF core (question)
- 08:48:38 [JosD]
- PatH: 1. WebOnt definitely needs dark triples
- 08:49:42 [JosD]
- PatH 2. several proposals are possible, some are affecting RDFCore
- 08:51:13 [JosD]
- e.g. Jonathan's proposal recursive rdf:RDF elements to represent contexts
- 08:54:12 [JosD]
- Guus: there is an urgent timing issue involved!!!
- 08:55:54 [JosD]
- Jeremy is showing what current parsers do...
- 09:31:00 [JosD]
- JosD has joined #WebOnt
- 09:31:31 [JosD]
- Guus: propose synthesis discussion
- 09:32:20 [JosD]
- RDFCore provides us a serialization syntax
- 09:33:04 [JosD]
- let's use RDF/XML
- 09:34:38 [JosD]
- (the term used by RDFCore)
- 09:35:12 [JosD]
- ... and use that to serialize OWL level1 and OWL level 2
- 09:37:25 [JosD]
- RDFCore: RDF serialization syntax -> RDF graph
- 09:38:20 [JosD]
- WebOnt requirements -- 2 issues 1) LIST 2) DARK TRIPLES
- 09:42:12 [JosD]
- JimH: proposed action: PeterPS + FrankVH + JeremyC write down a paragraph for RDFCore w.r.t. these issues
- 09:42:42 [JosD]
- (will happen today)
- 09:43:33 [JosD]
- JimH: if we have a preference, we should say that
- 09:44:26 [JosD]
- other side if Guus's picture: OWL presentation syntax
- 09:50:18 [JosD]
- issues: 1) readablility 2) level of roundtripping (same presentation syntax/ other PS) 3) preferred one (normative?)
- 09:52:30 [JosD]
- (discuss again the trick to keep a pointer to the original RDF/XML document)
- 09:53:32 [JosD]
- Jeremy: roudtripping argument is spurious, issue is keeping the original presentation syntax
- 09:54:51 [JosD]
- jb: in general rt in not solvable, so keep original...
- 09:56:40 [JosD]
- Enrico: good requirement would be to give back a piece which is semantically equivalent
- 10:02:48 [JosD]
- StephenB: you can't have a requirement of rt (e.g. for something that came in as serialization syntax)
- 10:04:19 [JosD]
- frankvh: giving example of Protege tool (presentation syntax), but it doesn't work across tools...
- 10:05:47 [JosD]
- JimH: all of us are interoperating if we don't have a strong presentation syntax
- 10:06:20 [JosD]
- ... dozens of different ways to do this
- 10:08:18 [JosD]
- Ora: what are the characteristics we are interested in to be preserved?
- 10:09:14 [JosD]
- FrankVH is really concerned about usability
- 10:10:40 [JosD]
- Guus: group definitions + editable in something like emacs
- 10:11:39 [JosD]
- Enrico: requrement is slightly more readable syntax
- 10:12:21 [JosD]
- MikeD: worry is wether tools should export both
- 10:12:53 [JosD]
- StephenB: not mandate, keep as local thing
- 10:13:41 [JosD]
- Jeremy remarks that there is no common agreed format for word processors
- 10:15:15 [JosD]
- JimH: what GUIDE can do is work out this stuff in N3, UML etc
- 10:16:20 [JosD]
- ... don't give it the level the AC (advisory commitee) has to approved
- 10:19:51 [JosD]
- Ora: write down an ontology for the description of the things to be preserved
- 10:21:47 [JosD]
- Guus: 2 forms: readable text form (e.g. N3) and graphical form (e.g. UML)
- 10:23:15 [JosD]
- Enrico: user want 1 syntax which is easy to understand
- 10:24:40 [JosD]
- MikeD: finds the graph notation very useful (even to explain derivations)
- 10:28:00 [JosD]
- JimH: being able to interoperate is crucial but it's fine to have several ps's in the nn appendices
- 10:29:41 [JosD]
- (ps == presentation syntax; nn == non normative)
- 10:32:28 [JosD]
- jb: nn because of all syntactical guarantees; not part of the formal language definition
- 10:34:03 [JosD]
- StephenB: explains what it means to be NN using MathML example
- 10:34:54 [JosD]
- Massimo: explains further along the lines of the W3C process
- 10:35:38 [JosD]
- ... it is completely optional, it *might* become a de facto practice
- 10:37:30 [JosD]
- --------------------------------- END Of SESSION / LUNCH BREAK
- 11:22:04 [jono]
- jono has joined #webont
- 11:49:22 [JosD]
- JosD has joined #webont
- 11:55:46 [ora]
- ora has joined #webont
- 11:58:45 [JosD]
- discussing entailment testcase :Peter a :Student, :Employee . |= :Peter a [ owl:intersectionOf ( :Student :Employee ) ] .
- 11:59:39 [jhendler]
- question raised: does a user (of OWL) need to know this exists?
- 12:00:46 [JosD]
- Jeremy would have to add [ owl:intersectionOf ( :Student :Employee ) ] . at LHS
- 12:00:56 [jhendler]
- that is - for dark triples would the rdf/xml need to include dark - answer, yes.
- 12:01:58 [jhendler]
- if you do it via "solipsistic" logic, the user doesn't need to know
- 12:02:07 [jhendler]
- however, there may be other problems.
- 12:09:17 [pfps]
- pfps has joined #Webont
- 12:20:05 [ora]
- ora has left #webont
- 12:20:13 [ora]
- ora has joined #webont
- 12:23:10 [JosD]
- strawpoll: 12 people support dark triple proposal; 3 support solipsistic proposal; 6 abstain
- 12:25:35 [JosD]
- finding agreement on the proposed paragraphs...
- 12:29:50 [JosD]
- 1 paragraph is request; other paragraphs are suggestions
- 12:37:08 [JosD]
- volunteers from this group to join conversation with RDFCore: Jeremy, Pat, Peter, Jos, Massimo
- 12:37:29 [JosD]
- + Jonathan (Borden)
- 12:38:57 [JosD]
- unanimous agreement to send message to RDFCore
- 12:40:23 [JosD]
- Action to the chairs Jim and Guus to report this issue to the SWCG
- 12:42:26 [JosD]
- ======= Ora and "Thoughts about the Guide"
- 12:43:53 [JosD]
- (this is a summary of their break-out session)
- 12:54:38 [JosD]
- ======= discussing (again) D+O Appendix: Index of all language elements
- 12:55:39 [jhendler]
- 12:56:26 [jhendler]
- 12:56:45 [JosD]
- ? * cardinality
- 12:57:58 [JosD]
- actually should be ? * cardinality
- 12:59:05 [JosD]
- oops 1/2 * cardinality
- 13:00:00 [JosD]
- decided taking out all the ...Q things
- 13:01:23 [JosD]
- R == rdf(s) 1 == level 1 2 == level 2
- 13:01:31 [em]
- em has joined #webont
- 13:03:48 [JosD]
- DatatypeProperty, DatatypeRestriction, Datatype value are in 1
- 13:04:58 [JosD]
- Disjoint is in 1
- 13:07:18 [JosD]
- disjointWith is X (i.e. gone)
- 13:08:10 [JosD]
- arrow is, it goes to the issue list, cardinality, Class, equivalentTo
- 13:09:44 [JosD]
- hasClass, hasValue level 1
- 13:10:49 [JosD]
- imports is an X
- 13:12:04 [JosD]
- oops, imports is an -> (issue list)
- 13:13:22 [JosD]
- intersectionOf, inverseOf also issues
- 13:16:13 [JosD]
- ObjectClass, ObjctProperty, ObjectRestriction are in 1 (however there is the issue Datatype disjoint from Class)
- 13:16:37 [ianH]
- ianH has joined #webont
- 13:16:46 [JosD]
- oneOf, onProperty, Ontology are in 1
- 13:17:46 [JosD]
- Property, range, subClassOf, subPropertyOf fall in R(DF)
- 13:19:00 [JosD]
- UnambiguousProperty (new proposed name UniqueIdentifyingProperty) level 1
- 13:20:57 [JosD]
- UniqueProperty (new proposed name SinglevaluedProperty) level 1
- 13:22:05 [JosD]
- version level 1
- 13:25:41 [JosD]
- ---------------------------------------time for a break....
- 13:29:33 [JosD]
- remarkable thing: UnionOf is the only level 2
- 13:29:57 [JosD]
- let's talk about that during the coffee break (10 min)
- 13:44:06 [JosD]
- rdf issue list
- 13:45:42 [JosD]
- similar Issues list in DAML:
- 13:45:55 [JosD]
- -> 1/2 cardinality
- 13:46:09 [JosD]
- -> R Class
- 13:46:22 [JosD]
- -> ? equivalentTo
- 13:46:33 [JosD]
- -> 1 imports
- 13:46:47 [JosD]
- -> * intersectionOf
- 13:47:01 [JosD]
- -> * inverseOf
- 13:47:16 [JosD]
- -> 2 unionOf
- 13:47:30 [JosD]
- -> 1 UniqueProperty
- 13:47:51 [JosD]
- Where does Defined Class go?
- 13:48:23 [JosD]
- Where do complementOf, UnionOf, etc. go?
- 13:49:10 [JosD]
- Guus: propose to move all constructs using unnamed classes to go to level 2
- 13:52:33 [JosD]
- PatH: existential quantifiers are already in RDF
- 13:54:50 [JosD]
- Guus: make (some) people familiar with notion of implicit class names
- 13:55:36 [JosD]
- PatH: not understanding the distinction
- 13:58:23 [JosD]
- Jeremy drawing a graph of the example :John a _:1 . _:1 a rdfs:Class; owl:intersectionOf ( :Student :Employee ) .
- 14:00:05 [JosD]
- JimH: group seems to be in favor of 1/2, but go back to drawing board to draw the borderline
- 14:03:57 [JosD]
- Jeremy: keep 1/2 and ask LANG new proposal ==> 12 people
- 14:04:32 [JosD]
- ... versus 1 language ==> 6 people
- 14:08:19 [JosD]
- ACTION: revisit new level 1/2 proposal by MikeD, EnricoM, ZivH, RaphaelV, IanH and FrankVH
- 14:09:48 [JosD]
- (Jim's pinguin example...)
- 14:14:14 [JosD]
- RESOLUTIONS: The meaning of an OWL document is conveyed in the RDF graph ==> ALL in favour, NO opposed
- 14:25:22 [JosD]
- RESOLUTION: All RDF/XML documents that are equivalent under the RDF REC are equivalent OWL exchange documents ==> 14 in favor -- 3 opposed
- 14:33:05 [JosD]
- RESOLUTION: The exchange language for OWL is RDF/XML ==> 16 in favour
- 14:41:56 [JosD]
- RESOLUTION: We intend to produce non-normative presentation syntaxes and their mapping to the exchange syntax ==> 16 in favour -- 1 opposed
- 14:48:23 [DeborahMc]
- DeborahMc has joined #webont
- 14:48:39 [DeborahMc]
- good morning
- 14:50:51 [JosD]
- RESOLUTION: The preference of the WG is to produce at least one XML and one frame presentation syntax ==> 11 in favour -- 2 opposed
- 14:51:52 [JosD]
- logs are at
- 14:52:28 [JosD]
- the last part is about the resolutions
- 14:53:23 [JosD]
- ======= how to move forward till next f2f
- 14:55:38 [heflin]
- heflin has joined #webont
- 14:55:55 [heflin]
- I just joined the telecon. Sorry I'm late.
- 14:56:29 [JosD]
- FrankVH gives some explanation about these resolutions
- 14:59:05 [JosD]
- JimH: a set of issues will be collected, then ask the group, then go to REAL issue list
- 15:00:29 [JosD]
- JimH: issue drive process -- ACTION chairs + MikeS
- 15:01:12 [jhendler]
- jhendler has joined #webont
- 15:02:34 [JosD]
- DebMG will join the "revisit new level 1/2 proposal" group
- 15:03:30 [enrico]
- enrico has joined #webont
- 15:06:33 [JosD]
- discussion about "what should be preserved?"
- 15:09:16 [JosD]
- e.g. order, grouping, etc. (within and between presentation syntaxes)
- 15:11:53 [JosD]
- NickG: matter of toolbuilders + JimH: to allow some metadata format to describe that
- 15:17:31 [JosD]
- discussion about the proposed schedule: 5 in favor -- 0 abstain
- 15:18:38 [AaronSw]
- AaronSw has joined #webont
- 15:19:24 [jhendler]
- Meeting is officially ended w/respect to rsolutions - conversation continures
- 15:24:45 [jhendler]
- 15:26:55 [ora]
- ora has left #webont
- 16:10:29 [heflin]
- heflin has left #webont
- 16:33:14 [AaronSw]
- AaronSw has left #webont
- 16:38:18 [em]
- em has left #webont