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This: 31 January 2013
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Agenda of 31 January 2013 TAG Teleconference
Nearby: TAG work plan - Teleconference
details - issues list - open actions - pending review actions - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Noah Mendelsohn, Scribe: Jeni Tennison (confirmed)
- Regrets: Tim Berners-Lee, Anne van Kesteren, Ashok Malhotra,
Larry Masinter
- Future regrets: 7 (maybe), 14, 28 February Tim Berners-Lee; 7 February Larry Masinter (maybe)
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 7 February, 2013, Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- Future scribes: Henry Thompson -> Larry Masinter -> Jeni Tennison
- Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
- Administrative items
- New members join the TAG tomorrow
- The chair plans to encourage outgoing members to continue
to participate in our calls until March F2F — any objections?
- Reminder: F2F is 18-20 March in Cambridge, MA USA at W3C offices
Web Applications: Design of APIs for Web Applications
- Goals:
- Background:
- ACTION-780: on - Ashok Malhotra - Draft note to PING asking them to pick up our incomplete work on privacy by design by APIs - Due: 2013-01-31 - OPEN
- Earlier background:
- Preliminary discussion of March F2F Focus
- Goal:
- Start gathering topics for March F2F agenda
- Think about interesting ways to involve non-TAG members
in our work
- Backround:
- Polyglot and DOM support of XML
- Goals:
- Unclear: there's lots of discussion on the e-mail list: if there's
anything members want to discuss, we'll try and make time for it.
- Background:
- 24 January 2012 discussion of DOM support for XML (part 1, part 2)
- Pending Review Items:
- Pending review actions in Tracker
- Note especially: ACTION-746: on - Jeni Tennison - Raise a bug on registerContentHandler and registerProtocolHandler to ask for specification of how fragids are handled - Due: 2012-10-30 - PENDING REVIEW (in e-mail Larry Masinter says of this: "I owe Jeni a reply. I could try to answer on the call tomorrow.")
- Overdue Action Items:
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
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