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Agenda of 14 March 2006 TAG teleconference

Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive

  1. Administrative

    Roll call -- Regrets: Tim, Vincent, Noah -- At risk: Dan

    Chair: Ed, Scribe: David

    Propose next teleconference: 21 March, appoint scribe: propose Henry

    Accept this agenda?

    Approve minutes of f2f: Monday 1st part, 2nd part, Friday (when approved, Vincent will link them from the agenda)

  2. Publication

    Current status of namespaceState Working Draft [action 14 Feb 06]

  3. Issue metadataInURI-31

    Last discussion 13 Dec. 2005

    Summary from Noah

    Open action:

  4. State Finding

    First round of discussion of the new draft finding State in Web application design

    See message from Dave, thread of discussion, comments from Ed.

  5. Any other issue?

Vincent Quint for TAG
$Revision: 1.6 $ of $Date: 2006/03/13 09:49:59 $ by $Author: vquint $