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Submitting Test Results
The Working Group is developing a Test Suite (TS). The test cases that comprise the Test Suite are described here
In this page we describe the process of creating the RDB2RDF R2RML/DM Implementation Reports.
This process consists of six phases.
The following figure depicts the whole process.
Phase 1. Download the Test Suite
Implementors should to download the zip file that contains the TS.
Alternatively, implementors should clone the mercurial repository that contains the TS.
The test cases are organized by database.
Each database has its own folder. The folder's name includes a code (e.g., D001
) and description of the database (e.g., D000-1table0rows
Within each folder we have:
- a
file that contains a description of the database, direct graph, r2rml mappings, and outputs. - a
file that contains the sql script for the creation of the database. - a
that contains the direct mapping for the given database. - one or more
files that include the r2rml mappings for the database. - one or more
files that contain the resultant graph for the corresponding r2rml.ttl file.
Phase 2. Run the engine over the TS
Once the implementors have the TS, it is time to run the engine over the test cases.
R2RML implementors should scan all the directories included in the TS and do the following for each one of them:
- load the sql script (
) in the given DBMS. - load the r2rml mapping (
) file. - execute the r2rml mapping over the database loaded.
- generate the output RDF dataset and include the content in N-quads format in the
, for example,mapped-d2r.nq
DM implementors should do the following:
- load the sql script (
) in the given DBMS - generate the direct mapping for the database and include the output in TURTLE format in
, for exampledirectGraph-morph.ttl
Phase 3. Download the Test Harness software
The Working Group is developing a Test Harness (TH) that allows comparison of test results from a given implementation against the official test results. The TH software is available here.
Phase 4. Run the TH software against your Test Results
After you have downloaded the TH software, you have to do the following
- Unzip it to the local file system.
- Modify the
file, including the description of your tool, developer , the dbms used in the tests, and the location where the Test Suite with test results are stored, for example
<ts> a rdb2rdftest:TestSuite; dcterms:title "Test Suite for Direct Mapping & R2RML" ; dcterms:identifier "TS-01" ; rdb2rdftest:workingDirectory "./local" . <myProject> a doap:Project ; doap:name "morph" ; doap:homepage <https://github.com/boricles/morph> ; doap:programming-language "Java" ; doap:developer <http://boris.villazon.terrazas.name/me> ; rdb2rdftest:dbms r2rml:Oracle ; rdb2rdftest:implementsDirectMapping false ; rdb2rdftest:implementsR2RML true . <http://boris.villazon.terrazas.name/me> a foaf:Person ; foaf:mbox <mailto:boris.villazon@terrazas.name> ; foaf:name "Boris Villazon Terrazas" .
For the dbms you should use the URIs available here
- Run the rdb2rdf-th script with the manifest file as the argument, for example
./rdb2rdf-th ts.ttl
- After the execution the script generates the
file that contains the description of the test results. The content of the file looks like this
<http://mappingpedia.org/rdb2rdf/myTestHarness/morph> a <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#Software> . [] a <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#Assertion> ; <http://purl.org/NET/rdb2rdf-test#dbms> <http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#Oracle> ; <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#assertedBy> <http://mappingpedia.org/rdb2rdf/myTestHarness/morph> ; <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#result> [ a <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#TestResult> ; <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date> "2012-04-03 14:45:59"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date> ; <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#outcome> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#pass> ] ; <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#subject> <http://mappingpedia.org/rdb2rdf/myProject/morph> ; <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#test> <http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/test-cases/#DirectGraphTC0005> .
Phase 5. Upload the Test Report
Within this step, implementors should provide a link for the Test Report, e.g., earl-toolname-dm.ttl
file, to the rdb2rdf mailing list.
Phase 6. Generate the Implementation Report
The working group will collect the test reports of all the available implementors of R2RML/DM and generate an implementation report similar to this.
We are creating a matrix that shows the coverage of the R2RML TC and DM TC.
BASH script to compare tests
What this script does:
- for each directory in the test suite:
- load the SQL script into the database (tested with PostgreSQL and MySQL)
- query the manifest.ttl graph to extract info regarding each test-case
- run each test-case using XSPARQL
- compare the result of the XSPARQL query to the expected output using JENA's 'rdfcompare'
#!/bin/bash # XSPARQL config if [ -z $XSPARQLHOME ]; then XSPARQLHOME=`pwd` fi export JENAROOT=/Users/nl/work/deri/sw/Jena-2.6.4/ RDFCOMP=$JENAROOT/bin/rdfcompare CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:$XSPARQLHOME/cli/target/cli-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libs/*" OPTS= EXAMPLESDIR=rdb2rdf/rdb2rdf-tests/ PSQL="psql91" MYSQL="mysql5" function usage() { echo "USAGE: $0 [-mysql|-psql]"; exit 1; } function read_config () { # read configuration from properties file MKTEMP="mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX" TEMPFILE=$($MKTEMP) cat $XSPARQLHOME/$DBCONFIG |\ sed -e 's/"/"/'g|sed -e 's/=\(.*\)/="\1"/g'>$TEMPFILE source $TEMPFILE rm -f $TEMPFILE dbName=rdb2rdf_tests } # ============== command line processing GREP="." XSPARQLOPTS="" # check if there is an argument from the command line if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then if [ $1 == '-mysql' ]; then DBCONFIG=mysql.properties read_config DB="$MYSQL -u $dbUser" if [ "${dbPasswd-x}" != "x" ] ; then DB="$DB -p$dbPasswd" fi DEFAULTDB=mysql XSPARQLOPTS="-mysql" fi if [ $1 == '-psql' ]; then DBCONFIG=psql.properties read_config DB="$PSQL -U $dbUser" DEFAULTDB=postgres XSPARQLOPTS="-psql" fi shift 1 if [ -n $1 ]; then GREP="$1" shift 1 fi else usage fi XSPARQL="java $OPTS -cp $CLASSPATH org.deri.xsparql.Main " XSPARQLRDB="$XSPARQL -dbConfig $XSPARQLHOME/$DBCONFIG $XSPARQLOPTS" MKTEMP="mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX" TMPFILE=$($MKTEMP) failed=0 ntests=0 function compare_result() { # function arguments RES=$1 MAP=$2/$3 # compare the datasets $RDFCOMP $TMPFILE $MAP N3 N3 &> /dev/null COMP=$? # no result expected if [ -z $3 ] ; then if [ $COMP -ne 0 ] &> /dev/null then echo -e " PASS (negative test)" else echo -e " FAIL (negative test)" let failed++ fi else if [ $RES -eq 0 ] && [ $COMP -eq 0 ] &> /dev/null then echo -e " PASS" else if [ $COMP -eq 255 ]; then echo -e " NQUAD" else echo -e " FAIL" let failed++ fi echo -e ">>>> $MAP" cat $MAP echo "<<<<" echo ">>>> XSPARQL" cat $TMPFILE echo -e "<<<<\n\n\n" fi fi } function test_r2rml() { $XSPARQL <<EOF > $TMPFILE prefix rdb2rdftest: <http://purl.org/NET/rdb2rdf-test#> prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> let \$res := <res>{ for * from <file:$1> where { \$a a rdb2rdftest:R2RML; dcterms:identifier \$id; rdb2rdftest:mappingDocument \$map . optional { \$a rdb2rdftest:output \$output } } order by \$map return <row><output>{fn:concat("""", \$output, """")}</output><ident>{fn:concat("""", \$id, """")}</ident><map>{fn:concat("""", \$map, """")}</map></row> }</res> return fn:concat("local OUTPUTS=(",fn:string-join(\$res//output, " "), ") local IDENTS=(", fn:string-join(\$res//ident, " "), ") local MAPS=(", fn:string-join(\$res//map, " "),") ") EOF source $TMPFILE SIZE=${#MAPS[@]} for (( i=0; i<$SIZE; i++ )); do local MAP=${MAPS[$i]}; local IDENT=${IDENTS[$i]}; local OUTPUT=${OUTPUTS[$i]}; echo -ne " $IDENT: `dirname $1`/$MAP .... " let ntests++ $XSPARQLRDB -dbName $dbName -r2rml `dirname $1`/$MAP > $TMPFILE 2>/dev/null RES=$? sed 's/>/>/g' < $TMPFILE >$TMPFILE.2 sed 's/</</g' < $TMPFILE.2 >$TMPFILE rm $TMPFILE.2 compare_result $RES `dirname $1` $OUTPUT done } function test_direct_mapping() { # check direct mapping $XSPARQL <<EOF > $TMPFILE prefix rdb2rdftest: <http://purl.org/NET/rdb2rdf-test#> prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> for * from <file:$1> where {\$a a rdb2rdftest:DirectMapping; rdb2rdftest:output \$output; dcterms:identifier \$id} return fn:concat("local OUTPUT=""",fn:data(\$output), """ local IDENT=""", \$id,""" ") EOF source $TMPFILE if [ -z "$IDENT" ]; then return 0; fi echo -en " $IDENT ... " let ntests++ $XSPARQLRDB -dbName $dbName -dm "" > $TMPFILE 2>/dev/null RES=$? sed 's/>/>/g' < $TMPFILE >$TMPFILE.2 sed 's/</</g' < $TMPFILE.2 >$TMPFILE rm $TMPFILE.2 compare_result $RES `dirname $1` $OUTPUT } function test_file () { # create the database $DB $DEFAULTDB <<EOF &> /dev/null DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $dbName ; CREATE DATABASE $dbName; EOF # read SQL script file SQL=$($XSPARQL <<EOF prefix rdb2rdftest: <http://purl.org/NET/rdb2rdf-test#> for * from <file:$1> where {\$a rdb2rdftest:sqlScriptFile \$c} return fn:data(\$c) EOF ) if [ -z "$SQL" ]; then return 0; fi # create database contents from SQL script file $DB $dbName < `dirname $1`/$SQL &> /dev/null # echo " => Direct Mapping" # test_direct_mapping $1 echo " => R2RML" test_r2rml $1 # delete the database $DB $DEFAULTDB <<EOF &> /dev/null DROP DATABASE $dbName; EOF } function test_files() { FILES=$(find $EXAMPLESDIR -iname manifest.ttl | grep "$GREP" ); for FILE in $FILES do echo -e "\n===> Manifest: $FILE" test_file $FILE done } # test manifest files test_files # cleanup rm -f $TMPFILE echo ========== XSPARQL tests completed ========== echo Tested $ntests queries echo $failed failed echo ============================================= exit $failed