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On this page: What is the Semantic Web? | How does the Semantic Web relate to… | How do I participate in the Semantic Web? | Questions on RDF, Ontologies, SPARQL, Rules…
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W3C Semantic Web Frequently Asked Questions

The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial partners.

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There is also a wiki page where new or current questions, and the answers thereof, can be discussed.

1. What is the Semantic Web?

1.1. How would you define the main goals of the Semantic Web?

1.2. Are there any other definitions or thought of Semantic Web, if any?

1.3. What are the major building blocks of the Semantic Web?

1.4. What is the “killer application” for the Semantic Web?

1.5. Will I “see” the Semantic Web in my everyday browser?

1.6. Is the Semantic Web just research, or does it have industrial applications?

1.7. Does one have to understand the theory of formal ontologies and logic to use the Semantic Web?

1.8. How is the Semantic Web related to the existing Web?

1.9. Aren't there major copyright questions if the data in an integration process are cached?

1.10. What is the Semantic Web activity at W3C?

2. How does the Semantic Web relate to…

2.1. … Artificial Intelligence?

2.2. … Description Logic?

2.3. … XML? When should I use RDF and when should I use XML?

2.4. … XML Schemas? What do ontologies buy me that XML and XML Schema don't?

2.5. … HTML meta headers?

2.6. … tagging, folksonomies

2.7. … microformats

2.8. … Web 2.0?

3. How do I participate in the Semantic Web?

3.1. Does the Semantic Web require me to manually markup all the existing web-pages, or to convert all the data in relational databases into RDF?

3.2. Does the Semantic Web require me to put all my data into the public domain? What about my sensitive data?

3.3. Where do I find tools for Semantic Web development?

3.4. Are the SW tools as robust and as ubiquitous as, say, the xerces XML parser?

3.5. How do I put RDF into my (X)HTML Pages?

3.6. How do I export my data from a Relational Database?

3.7. How can I learn more about the Semantic Web?

3.8. Where can I find papers/publications about the Semantic Web?

3.9. Where do I find ontologies, terminologies, or datasets for my applications?

3.10. Can I see Semantic Web data directly in my browser?

3.11. Is there a community of developers I can join?

3.12. Why has W3C developed the new cube logo?

4. Questions on RDF, Ontologies, SPARQL, Rules…

4.1. What is RDF?

4.2. What formats can RDF be represented in?

4.3. Isn’t RDF simply an XML application?

4.4. Where is the “Web” in the Semantic Web?

4.5. How can I query RDF data?

4.6. Why not use SQL and/or XQuery to query RDF data? Why develop yet another query language?

4.7. Can I use SPARQL to insert, delete, or update RDF data?

4.8. Will there be a SPARQL “Next”? When will feature X be standardized?

4.9. What role do ontologies and/or rules have on the Semantic Web?

4.10. What are ontologies in the Semantic Web context?

4.11. What are rules on the Semantic Web?

4.12. How do I know when to use OWL and when to Rules? How can I use them both together?

4.13. What is “inference” on the Semantic Web?

4.14. Must I use ontologies for Semantic Web Applications?

4.15. Does the Semantic Web try to impose meaning from the top?

4.16. Does the Semantic Web require everybody to subscribe to a single, predefined, giant ontology?

4.17. People will never get common agreement on terms; won’t this lead to the failure of the Semantic Web?

4.18. What is involved in developing an ontology using Semantic Web technologies?

4.19. Consequences of inconsistency in formal logic: doesn’t that ruin the Semantic Web?

4.20. Will W3C be standardizing any particular ontologies?

4.21. What is SKOS?

4.22. Is there an uptake in public datasets for the Semantic Web? Are there major data published for the Semantic Web already?

Maintained by Ivan Herman (<ivan@w3.org>), (W3C) Semantic Web Activity Lead
The faq.js script is the work of Lee Feigenbaum.

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