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SWAD-Europe: Resources for Developers

This page links to SWAD-Europe resources of particular interest to developers. In addition to the formal deliverables listed in the SWAD-Europe workplan, this site includes a number of more experimental (and sometimes incomplete) technical documents and demonstrations of Semantic Web tools and techniques. These are listed below.

Other related resources of interest for Semantic Web developers include:

Technical Work in Progress

Intended audience: these links point to ongoing experiments and demonstrations that support the more formal work of SWAD-Europe. As such they are more likely to be of interest to developers and technical researchers than to a general audience.

Event listings using XHTML, RSS, RDF and XSLT

The SWAD-Europe events page is managed as an XHTML document. However it contains additional markup (using the class attribute) that allows us to use XSLT to transform the XHTML document into an RSS 1.0 RDF/XML document using the proposed RSS 1.0 events vocabulary, suitable for processing by RDF and XML tools. This allows us to automatically generate a machine-friendly representation of the SWAD-Europe events listing, that can be used with RSS 1.0 tools (eg. news aggregators) as well as with RDF calendar tools.

For more information: events page, detailed writeup, RDF/RSS view, XSLT transformation.

XML Extraction: RDF/XML embedding for PDF, JPEG etc.

An experimental XMP metadata extraction service is now available. This extracts RDF/XML from media files (PDF, JPEG etc.) that contain metadata embedded using Adobe's XMP conventions.

Experiments with SMIL for image annotation

Raw materials include: a JPEG image of a painting, an MP3 of a spoken description of the image (by Dave Pawson), an XML transcript of his words, with timing offsets (in XML, format details not known; part of SMIL or RealPlayer-specific?).

Combined, these give us a SMIL presentation that integrates the textual, spoken and visual representations of the painting. The SMIL document plays in RealPlayer, although further work is needed: timings are approximate, and the text version has some typing errors.

$Id: Overview.html,v 1.11 2003/06/11 18:20:16 lmiller Exp $
maintained by: Dan Brickley, Libby Miller