XML Protocol WG telcon minutes, 28 January 2004

Based on IRC log

1. Roll
Present 14/10
Canon, Herve Ruellan
DaimlerChrysler R. & Tech, Mario Jeckle (scribe)
IBM, John Ibbotson
IBM, Noah Mendelsohn
IBM, David Fallside
Nokia, Michael Mahan
Oracle, Anish Karmarkar
SAP AG, Gerd Hoelzing
SAP AG, Volker Wiechers
SeeBeyond, Pete Wenzel
Sun Microsystems, Tony Graham
Systinet (IDOOX), Jacek Kopecky
W3C, Yves Lafon
W3C, Carine Bournez

Canon, Jean-Jacques Moreau
DaimlerChrysler R. & Tech, Andreas Riegg
Oracle, Jeff Mischkinsky
Sun Microsystems, Marc Hadley
Systinet (IDOOX), Miroslav Simek

BEA Systems, David Orchard
BEA Systems, Mark Nottingham
IONA Technologies, Seumas Soltysik
Microsoft Corporation, Jeff Schlimmer
Microsoft Corporation, Martin Gudgin

IONA Technologies, Mike Greenberg

[marioScribe] 2. Agenda review
[marioScribe] AOB
[marioScribe] Please submit suggestions for f2f topics.
[marioScribe] (2) New mailinglist for the working group serving as archive for our minutes.
[marioScribe] Full text searchability will make searches within the minutes much easier.
[marioScribe] Yves, W3C is planning to offer full text search capability for plain text
files also.
[marioScribe] Yves, Note the mailinglist search engine does not index attachments!
[marioScribe] (3) meeting time: Time conflict for DavidF. Suggestion to move back the
meeting time by half an hour.
[marioScribe] Starting from today all teleconferences will start half an hour earlier.

[marioScribe] 3. Approval of January 21 telcon minutes
[marioScribe] Approved without objection.

[marioScribe] 4. Review action items
[marioScribe] All action items listed in the agenda are done.

[marioScribe] 5. Status reports and misc
[marioScribe] (1) Update on XMLP collaboration with other WGs on MTOM/XOP
[marioScribe] Core WG is concerned about work of this group regarding attachment stuff.
[marioScribe] DavidF, we should clarify (on a technical basis) to Core why we thought we
are not doing a general solution an why XInclude was not appropriate for us.
[marioScribe] Noah sends comments serving as input of the clarification to Core to David.
[marioScribe] (3) Media types registrations ("application/soap+xml", etc)
[marioScribe] Yves, IETF mailinglist states that a new draft has been published.
[marioScribe] (4) XMLP/WSD Task Force
[marioScribe] Anish, nothing to update. No traffic at the mailinglist since WSD has f2f

[Yves] http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-baker-soap-media-reg-04.txt

6. Attachments
-- Whether or not to seek publication of MTOM and XOP as WDs
First, handle Herve's comments
[davidF] herve's comments http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-protocol-wg/2004Jan/0071.html
[davidF] text of first ed note: The two following sections have been changed for including
the result of Jacek proposal on MIME serialization/deserialization and for including Noah's
proposed modifications. Therefore the merging process may result in some rough edges which
should be corrected before publication. 
[marioScribe] Ed. note in sect. 3.3 removed
[marioScribe] Noah, document should provide links to the XQuery data model. A note should
include a note on terminology usage and pending work to to with Query WG.
[Noah] Suggested text for Note following 3rd paragraph in section 1.2.1:
[davidF] non-concur text http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-dist-app/2004Jan/0092.html
[Noah] Note:  the Data Model Recommendation [ref to MD REc]  uses the terms "accessor" and
"property" for closely related concepts.  For example the documentation of dm:type says
"Returns the value of the type property".  In this WD, we use the accessor or property
terminology somewhat interchangeably.  We expect to work with the XML Query Working Group
to converge on the appropriate use of data model terminology in future releases of this
[davidF] change 1: "we use both the accessor and property terminology"
[Noah] Note:  the Data Model Recommendation [ref to MD REc]  uses the terms "accessor" and
"property" for closely related concepts.  For example the documentation of the dm:type
accessor says "Returns the value of the type property".  In this WD, we use both the
accessor or property terminology.  We expect to work with the XML Query Working Group to
converge on the appropriate use of data model terminology in future releases of this
[Noah]  Note:  the Data Model Recommendation [ref to MD REc]  uses the terms "accessor" and
"property" for closely related concepts.  For example the documentation of the dm:type
accessor says "Returns the value of the type property".  In this WD, we use both the
accessor and property terminology.  We expect to work with the XML Query Working Group to
converge on the appropriate use of data model terminology in future releases of this
[Noah] ok

Second, handle non-concur on issue 446 resolution that involves XOP and MTOM text.
[Noah] Notes on 446:
[Noah] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xmlp-comments/2004Jan/0021.html
[marioScribe] Word "note" will be deleted.
[davidF] CHair notes that the text currently reads "Note that the data model ...." and the
revised text will read "The data model ...."
[Noah] "Implementations of this binding MUST enforce the 
[Noah] restriction [link to XOP spec] that XOP not be used with data models that 
[Noah] contain element nodes of name xop:include.  In any case where a SOAP 
[Noah] envelope containing such a node is to be sent the binding MUST do one of 
[Noah] the following:  a) fall back to use of the application/soap+xml media type 
[Noah] or (b) reflect a binding-dependent SOAP fault.   Note that such envelopes 
[Noah] could in principle arise either from data created locally at the sending 
[Noah] node, or in data relayed at an intermediary, and bindings are responsible 
[Noah] for checking all such 
[Noah] a) fall back to use of the application/soap+xml media type 
[Noah] or
[Noah] fall back to use of the application/soap+xml or other suitable media type
[marioScribe] changed text will be added somewhere at the end of sect of MTOM.
[marioScribe] Group agreed on the modified text.
[marioScribe] No objection within the group to submit these documents as revised today to
W3C for publication as WD.

[marioScribe] Finalization of XOP document may holding up publication of MTOM doc (the
former is a first WD, the latter is a second WD).
[marioScribe] Action items:
[marioScribe] MichaelM: Generate a list of the UC and requirements that have not been met
[marioScribe] by MTOM/Miffy by January 5 (now Jan 12). Action Done.
[marioScribe] MichaelM: I only went through requirements not the use cases also.
[marioScribe] DavidF: Action was use cases AND requirements.
[marioScribe] MichaelM: Will rework and will take use cases into account.

[marioScribe] re. action item "Gudge&MarkN: Find out what was agreed regarding
allowable children of xop:include." Still pending

[marioScribe] Issue discussion
[marioScribe] 442: Jacek: No negative comments. 
[marioScribe] 442: Suggestion to resolve with Jacek's proposal
[marioScribe] Mediatype metadata will be considered separately.
[davidF] .... as will extensions
[marioScribe] Friendly amendment to 442: add a note that states that there may exist
multiple representation headers.
[Noah] I can send email to open issue on SOAP processing model and representation headers
[marioScribe] No objection to accept Jacek's proposal with the friendly amendment as
resolution to 442.
Issue 442 is closed without objection with this resolution.

[Zakim] Attendees were JacekK, David_Fallside, Carine, +1.781.993.aaaa, +1.503.830.aabb,
Canon, TonyGraham, Mario, +1.441.722.aacc, Noah, Anish

[RRSAgent] I see 5 open action items:
[RRSAgent] ACTION: Yves to change teleconference time (move to 30mn earlier time) [1]
[RRSAgent] ACTION: DavidF to compile technical reasons not to use XInclude [2]
[RRSAgent] ACTION: MichaelM to go through the UC and send a report by monday feb 1 [3]
[RRSAgent] ACTION: Yves to send email ot xmlp-comments to open an issue about extension
definition for HTTP for the representation header [4]
[RRSAgent] ACTION: JacekK to send closing email on issue 442 to xmlp-comments and
originator noting that we expect to handle extensions in separate issue and that media
type is handled under issue 443 [5]