XML Schema: Comments on Candidate Recommendation

Version $Id: xmlschema-crcomments.html,v 1.34 2001/03/12 13:48:00 cmsmcq Exp $

This document summarizes the comments on XML Schema received during its Candidate-Recommendation comment period which appear to need tracking and formal responses from the XML Schema WG. In its current form it has been prepared by Michael Sperberg-McQueen.

In this version (7 March 2001) the items raised during the final inspection of the spec have been added as CR-64 and following.

The process by which the XML Schema WG plans to handle these issues is described at http://www.w3.org/2000/11/03-xmlschema-crprocess.html.

Material reproduced from comments has been marked up, and obvious typos have been corrected. Postings and documents which raise several substantively distinct points have been silently divided among several comments. To consult the original postings, consult the archive of the www-xml-schema-comments list.

Commentators are requested to consult the entries for the comments they have made, and to check to make sure we have correctly understood and paraphrased their comment. (Note that in a few cases the paraphrase may pose a slightly broader question that the commentator appears to have had in mind.)

In addition to the postings to the XML Schema comments list, some postings to the XML Schema Interest-Group mailing list have been included here; this list is W3C-internal and only those with member access to the W3C web site will be able to follow the relevant hyperlinks. Where we have received permission to quote the original posting in this public document, we have done so; in other cases, a paraphrase enclosed in square brackets has been supplied. Links to member-only material included in postings to the public list have been left intact in the interests of completeness (for those who do have member access) and simplicity (for those maintaining this document).

Not all postings to the comments mailing list have resulted in entries in this list. Some postings continue discussion of issues raised during last call and resolved before the Candidate Recommendation was published; others call attention to typographic errors and require attention from the editors but not from the WG as a whole; others comment on the draft, or ask for clarification, but do not appear to raise substantive decidable questions. And of course some postings are wholly off topic.

Some postings which do raise decidable substantive questions have nevertheless not been included in this list, for various reasons. In some cases the issues involved have already been discussed and decided by the WG, the postings appear to provide no new information, and the chairs do not believe it is a useful expenditure of resources for the WG to reconsider the issues in question. In other cases, the issues involved go beyond the power of the XML Schema WG to resolve them. In particular, the following questions have not been included as requiring tracking by the WG:

WG members or others who believe that the points raised in these notes ought to be tracked using the XML Schema WG's formal issue-tracking mechanism should contact the WG chairs and tell them which points need tracking, and why.

CR-1 dd datahead ok XML Schema WG xsi:null
CR-2 d usability ok XML Schema WG Setting schema-level defaults
CR-3 s datahead ok XML Schema WG Local element declarations
CR-4 c usability nok XML Schema WG Order of content model and attribute declarations
CR-5 s composition ok XML Schema WG Multiple inclusions/imports/redefinitions
CR-6 dd composition ok XML Schema WG Redefine
CR-7 s numerics ok XML Schema WG Minimal level of support for decimals digits
CR-8 dd datetime ok XML Schema WG Order on timeDuration
CR-9 dd datetime nok XML Schema WG Interoperability of date/time types
CR-10 d misc-uri ok XML Schema WG Non-URI characters and URI references
CR-11 s regex ok XML Schema WG Regular expression and diacritics
CR-12 s regex ok XML Schema WG Whitespace in regular expressions
CR-13 z qnames resolved James Clark Lee Buck Interpretation of QNames without prefixes
CR-14 s declarables ok James Clark MSM Value space of entities, notations, IDREFs (and QNames)
CR-15 s refs ok James Clark Priscilla Walmsley Value space of ID
CR-16 s declarables ok James Clark David Cleary Entity-declared constraint
CR-17 d declarables nok James Clark Alex Milowski Remove notation type?
CR-18 z refs nok Eric van der Vlist Aki Yoshida Validating XPointer IDREFS?
CR-19 s regex resolved Uwe Plonus Chuck Campbell Fix regex grammar to outlaw ambiguous regexes?
CR-20 d complextypes nok James Clark Ashok Malhotra Make wildcard namespace selection more powerful?
CR-21 z? xsi:type ok Asir Vedamuthu Martin Gudgin Drop use of xsi:type as determinant for unions?
CR-22 z numerics ok Mike Cowlishaw Henry S. Thompson Allow negative scale?
CR-23 z? numerics ok Mike Cowlishaw Dan Fox Allow exponential notation for decimals?
CR-24 c simpletypes ok Asir Vedamuthu Allen Brown Should some types be changed from derived to primitive?
CR-25 c strings ok XML Schema WG Noah Mendelsohn Should the name CDATA be changed?
CR-26 z? complextypes ok XML Schema WG Bob Streich Allow fuller constraints on mixed content?
CR-27 z usability ok XML Schema WG Should the default value for the schema-level elementFormDefault attribute be changed?
CR-28 s datetime resolved Graham Ross Peter Chen Should canonical forms of date values be allowed to include timezone indications?
CR-29 z components ok XML Schema WG Should the transfer syntax and the components have identical expressive power?
CR-30 c complextypes ok XML Schema WG Should optional ALL groups be allowed?
CR-31 d complextypes silent I18n WG Asir Vedamuthu Should xml:lang be allowed by default in all complex types?
CR-32 u complextypes ok Morris Matsa Lee Buck Change named model groups?
CR-33 s regex ok James Clark MSM Add a formal grammar for regular expressions?
CR-34 d complextypes ok Asir Vedamuthu Priscilla Walmsley Clarify definition of restriction and extension of wildcard attributes?
CR-35 s simpletypes ok Asir Vedamuthu David Cleary Allow simple types to block further derivation?
CR-36 s simpletypes ok Asir Vedamuthu Alex Milowski Clarify meaning and processing of repeated facets?
CR-37 z dtd silent Curt Arnold Aki Yoshida Change the namespace defaults in DTD for Schemas?
CR-38 s composition resolved Roberto Galnares Chuck Campbell Clarify rules on importing the target namespace?
CR-39 s simpletypes ok Bob Schloss Ashok Malhotra Allow id attributes on facet elements?
CR-40 c dtd ok Curt Arnold Martin Gudgin Change default value of block?
CR-41 s qnames ok Asir Vedamuthu Henry S. Thompson Prefixes for qualified attributes in PSVI?
CR-42 z numerics nok Mike Cowlishaw Dan Fox Change canonical representation for decimal?
CR-43 s complextypes silent Alexander Falk Allen Brown Should cyclic substitution groups be forbidden explicitly?
CR-44 z xsi:type ok Alexander Falk Noah Mendelsohn Drop xsi:type?
CR-45 z misc-agg resolved Mike McCaleb Bob Streich Distinguish arrays, lists, sets, bags?
CR-46 z refs resolved Mike McCaleb Peter Chen Allow keyref to model IDREFS?
CR-47 z simpletypes silent Bob Schloss, Mike McCaleb Asir Vedamuthu Allow simple types to be final? abstract?
CR-48 s simpletypes ok Martin Gudgin Lee Buck Change canonical form of URIs for builtin datatypes and facets?
CR-49 d refs nok Andy Clark Jim Trezzo Use subset not full Xpath for keys and keyrefs?
CR-50 sd refs silent MPEG 7 Priscilla Walmsley How do IDREF and union types interact?
CR-51 s refs silent Noah Mendelsohn David Cleary Does IDREF validation contradict our validation story?
CR-52 s refs ok Noah Mendelsohn Alex Milowski Do defaulted values participate in identity-constraint checking?
CR-53 sd misc-bin ok James Clark Aki Yoshida Add built-in base64Binary and hexBinary types?
CR-54 dd refs silent Allen Brown Chuck Campbell Remove identity constraints?
CR-55 sd misc-boole silent Allen Brown Ashok Malhotra Restore 0 and 1 as Boolean values?
CR-56 sd unassigned ok Murata Makoto Martin Gudgin Specify text/xml or application/xml?
CR-57 unassigned ok XML Schema WG (X-1) Ensure that out-of-band attributes in the schema are reflected into the schema components?
CR-58 unassigned ok XML Schema WG (X-2) Provide declarations for xsi attributes?
CR-59 unassigned ok XML Schema WG (X-3) Specify what happens when the input to a schema processor is a PSVI?
CR-60 unassigned ok XML Schema WG (X-4) Clarify when two local elements with the same name have the same type?
CR-61 unassigned ok XML Schema WG (X-5) Use extensional definition of complex-type restriction?
CR-62 unassigned ok XML Schema WG (X-6) Wildcards and substitution groups?
CR-63 unassigned ok WG Canonical form of Boolean?
CR-64 unassigned resolved WG <anyAttribute> and ambiguity
CR-65 unassigned ok WG Qnames and their value spaces
CR-66 unassigned ok WG Eating our own cooking (fixed values)
CR-67 unassigned ok Noah Mendelsohn Type for minOccurs and maxOccurs?
CR-68 unassigned ok WG Multiple uses of ID type
CR-69 unassigned ok WG Chameleon include, redefine, etc.
CR-70 unassigned resolved WG Name of URI type
CR-71 unassigned ok XPathTF From XPath task force

CR-1. pfiXSINull: xsi:null

Issue Class: dd Locus: structures Cluster: datahead Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Does the xsi:null feature provide useful functionality? Do you have requirements to support null values in the area in which you expect your software to be deployed? If so, does the xsi:null feature provide what you need? Would you have a problem if XML Schema provided no mechanism for document authors / data sources to provide explicit null values?

Does the xsi:null feature create any implementation problems for you?

Interactions and Input

Input from William Jamieson:

Input from Alexander Falk:

[Item 4 in the list.]

Input from Allen Brown:


Input from David Beech:

Input from Andrew Layman:

Input from Andrew Layman:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to discuss and decide. Proposals: keep as is, remove, rename.

Actual Resolution

The WG discussed this issue in its meeting of January 2001 in London.

The extensive discussion prior to the meeting and during the meeting won't be repeated here. The arguments on each side of the issue were summarized by Jonathan Robie and David Beech.

When the discussion was concluded, there was no consensus in favor of removing xsi:null. There was consensus in favor of renaming it, and the WG agreed to do so. A variety of names were proposed, discussed, considered overnight, and discussed again on the second day of the meeting.

After lengthy discussion and several ballots, it became clear that the names xsi:nil and nillable were acceptable to a larger percentage of the WG than any other names proposed. RESOLVED without dissent: to change xsi:null to xsi:nil and nullable to nillable.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-2. pfiSchemaLevelDefaults: Setting schema-level defaults

Issue Class: d Locus: structures Cluster: usability Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


A number of the attributes on the <schema> element provide defaults for attributes on subordinate elements. To wit:

  • attributeFormDefault
  • blockDefault
  • elementFormDefault
  • finalDefault

This allows setting values for attributes we judge likely to have the same value across a whole schema document in only one place. It does constitute a kind of minimisation, and does not provide any new semantics. Is it a good thing, or not a good thing, to allow the default value to vary from schema to schema? Is this a good way to set such schema-level defaults? These default-setting attributes themselves have default values; are they the correct values?

Interactions and Input

Input from Alexander Falk:

[Item 7 of list.]

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to discuss elementFormDefault briefly and vote on changing default to qualified, removing default, or retaining default of unqualified. Retain other defaults as is.

Actual Resolution

At the face to face meeting in London, January 2001, the WG discussed this issue. Since the only feedback received had related to elementFormDefault, the discussion was divided.

RESOLVED: to retain the schema-level defaults other than elementFormDefault, and to make no change to their default values.

On elementFormDefault, some WG members preferred to change its default value from unqualified to qualified. Some vendors said that the largest single cause of user error in definition of schemas was this default value: most users prefer qualified local elements. Others agreed that the original choice of default value for this schema-level default had been an error. On the other side, some WG members said that in their experience the current default was pedagogically useful, as it forced learners of the language to think clearly about what they do want. Some argued that although qualified would have been a better default, it was now important for the stability of the spec to retain the current default. Other WG members continued to argue that local elements ought, by default, to be unqualified, and that a change would be a bad idea in itself.

RESOLVED: to make no change to the default value for elementFormDefault. Dissenting: Calico, Software AG, Sun, TIBCO Extensibility, webMethods. Abstaining: Commerce One, Edinburgh, Holstege, HP, MITRE.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-3. pfiLocalElements: Local element declarations

Issue Class: s Locus: structures Cluster: datahead Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


The provision of local element declarations is in part intended to simplify mapping between programming language and database structures where locally scoped name-type bindings are commonplace. It is a departure from XML 1.0 DTDs, in which the name-type binding for elements (but not for attributes) is constant across a document. Is it a good thing or not a good thing to provide local element declarations? Does it in fact simplify mappings as intended?

Actual Resolution

At its face to face meeting of January 2001 in London, the WG voted to affirm the current design of this feature. No contrary feedback had been received, and experience shows that local element declarations are useful in the expected cases.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-4. pfiOrderCMAtt: Order of content model and attribute declarations

Issue Class: c Locus: structures Cluster: usability Status: nok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Complex types which have both a content model and attributes must have them in that order. Is it a good idea to require a fixed order? (It is sometimes suggested that a fixed order simplifies implementations. Is this true or false, in your case?) If a fixed order is required, should it be this one (content model then attributes), or should it be the other way round (attributes then content model)?

Interactions and Input

Input from William Jamieson:

Input from Adrian Robert:

Input from Adrian Robert:

Actual Resolution

At its face to face meeting in November 2000, the WG voted not to change the CR draft in this respect. Dissenting: Calico, IBM, Intel by proxy, HL7, webMethods.

CR-5. pfiMultipleIncludes: Multiple inclusions/imports/redefinitions

Issue Class: s Locus: structures Cluster: composition Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Sections 6.2.1, 6.2.2, and 6.2.3 each end with a note about multiple inclusion/redefinition/importing of other schema documents. The space of possibilities here, particular once nesting is considered, is very large: we solicit feedback on ease of implementation, and any interoperability issues which arise.

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to make no change.

Actual Resolution

At its face to face meeting of January 2001 in London, the WG noted that no adverse feedback had been received, and voted to affirm the current design of this feature.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-6. pfiRedefine: Redefine

Issue Class: dd Locus: structures Cluster: composition Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


In an effort to provide some support for evolution and versioning, it is possible to incorporate components corresponding to a schema document with modifications. The modifications have a pervasive impact, that is, only the redefined components are used, even when referenced from other incorporated components, whether redefined themselves or not.

This facility is very powerful, perhaps too powerful. Reports of implementation experience, in terms of useability for particular purposes, of the constraints on redefinition imposed in the spec and of implementation difficulty, would be very welcome.

At its meeting in November 2000, the WG noted that some users would like to have a way to block redefinition of components.

Interactions and Input

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Input from Norm Walsh:

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Input from Henry Thompson:

Input from Rick Jelliffe:

Input from Bob Schloss:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to discuss and decide. Proposals: Proposal to remove the feature. Norm Walsh and Henry Thompson's proposal to allow restriction and extension on content model groups and attribute groups. Also Asir Vedamuthu's proposal to introduce a mechanism to allow schema authors to block redefinition of types and groups.

Actual Resolution

At the face to face meeting in London, January 2001, the WG discussed this issue.

RESOLVED: not to remove or change the feature. Dissenting: Altova, Commerce One, Microsoft, Progress, Sun, webMethods. Abstaining: Software AG.

Some WG members dislike this feature, and would be happy to place some major restriction on it, but there was no concrete proposal. The majority in the WG felt that the feature was essential for modularization of XML-based languages (XHTML modularization is an outstanding example; without redefine, those involved in the XHTML modularization work have repeatedly doubted that XML Schema can handle their task at all). It is also a key part of our response to the I18n WG's request to make it easier to take schemas written without xml:lang and similar attributes on the appropriate types, and add them.

The WG discussed whether to introduce a mechanism to allow schema authors to block redefinition of types and groups, but there was no consensus in favor of the change at this point (vote of 12 to 11).

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

The I18n WG wrote 8 March 2001 (member-only link) saying (among other things) that they agree with XML Schema that the redefine facility is an acceptable solution to their request for an easy method of adding attributes (and, to the degree possible, sub-elements) to existing declarations; their final agreement is conditional upon their checking the final text of the description of the string type and the Primer, and the use of the xml:lang attribute on natural-language prose in all examples in the spec.

CR-7. pfiDecimalDigits: Minimal level of support for decimals digits

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: numerics Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


All minimally conforming processors must support decimal numbers with a minimum of 18 decimal digits (i.e., with a precision of 18). However, minimally conforming processors may set an application-defined limit on the maximum number of decimal digits they are prepared to support, in which case that application-defined maximum number must be clearly documented.

As in all such cases, the minimum number of decimal digits that all minimally conforming processors must support is too small for some applications and, perhaps, too large for others. We welcome further input from implementors whether the minimum value of 18 is acceptable.

Interactions and Input

Input from William Jamieson:

Input from Charles Gordon (via Ashok Malhotra):

Input from Charles Gordon:

Actual Resolution

At its face to face meeting of January 2001 in London, the WG voted to affirm the current design of this feature.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, and all commentators ultimately expressed their satisfaction with the status quo, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-8. pfiOrderDuration: Order on timeDuration

Issue Class: dd Locus: datatypes Cluster: datetime Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Note that the order-relation on timeDuration is defined for some pairs of durations but not for all pairs. In such cases the the order relation in said to be indeterminate. For example, while P1M25D > P50D and P1M10D < P50 the order relation between P1M20D and P50D is indeterminate.

The complexity of real world durations of time introduces difficulties into any design that attempts to support them. The XML Schema Working Group acknowledges the undesirability of an order-relation that specifies a partial (as opposed to a total) order; however, it has found no other solution that garnered consensus. Therefore, the XML Schema Working Group welcomes feedback from implementors and schema authors on alternative designs. Specifically, we are interested in knowing whether timeDuration needs to be ordered at all and in hearing how other implemented systems which provide a total order for durations of time have defined that total order.

Interactions and Input

Input from Jeff Lowery:

Input from William Jamieson:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to discuss and adopt the datatypes editors' proposed changes.

Actual Resolution

At its London meeting in January 2001, the WG discussed a proposal from the editors for a restructuring of the date and time types, which provides a precise account of when time duration comparisons are determinate, and when not, and stipulates that when the comparison of a value with an inclusive minimum or maximum is indeterminate, the value should be legal, while such a value is illegal if the minimum or maximum is exclusive.

An amendment (stemming from the previous day's joint coordination meeting with members of the XML Query WG) was proposed, to make the value illegal in all indeterminate cases (so that a value is legal if its comparison with the min and max values is determinate and true, and otherwise illegal). The amendment was adopted.

The WG accepted the proposal as amended.

The I18n WG wrote 8 March 2001 (member-only link) saying (among other things) that they have no problems with the order relation.

CR-9. pfiTimeDateInterop: Interoperability of date/time types

Issue Class: dd Locus: datatypes Cluster: datetime Status: nok
Originator: XML Schema WG


While recurringDuration is capable of serving as the base type of datatypes used in many different date and time related applications beyond those supplied by its use as the base type of the built-in datatypes derived from it, recurringDuration is not intended as a general-purpose solution to calendaring and scheduling applications.

The XML Schema Working Group is particularly interested in feedback from implementors and schema authors as to how timeDuration, recurringDuration and the other date and time related datatypes derived from recurringDuration interoperate with other date and time related systems.

Interactions and Input

Input from Graham Ross:

Input from William Jamieson:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to discuss and accept datatypes editors' proposed changes.

Actual Resolution

At its London meeting in January 2001, the WG discussed a proposal from the editors for a restructuring of the date and time types, which removes some types from the CR draft and modifies some others in ways which do not affect implementation experience.

Several amendments stemming from discussions with Mark Davis, Martin Duerst, James Clark, and others were discussed.

  • A proposal to amend the draft by dropping the monthday, day, and month datatypes failed.
  • A proposal to amend by dropping the leading/trailing hyphens from types which have them failed (on the grounds that it would introduce ambiguity and a gratuitous incompatibility with ISO 8601)
  • A proposal to amend by changing the name timeDuration to duration was tentatively adopted (and went into the 'pile').
  • A proposal to amend by changing the name timeInstant to dateTime was tentatively adopted (and went into the 'pile').

The WG accepted the proposal as amended.

The I18n WG wrote 8 March 2001 (member-only link) saying (among other things) that they have no problems with any of the changes to the date/time type, but that they dissent from the decision to include the types day, month, year, monthDay, and yearMonth.

CR-10. pfiIURI: Non-URI characters and URI references

Issue Class: d Locus: datatypes Cluster: misc-uri Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


URI References require certain ASCII characters and all non-ASCII characters be hex encoded, sometimes called URI-escaping (see Section 2 of [RFC 2396], as amended by Section 3 of [RFC 2732]). Therefore, schema authors need to exercise caution in the use of uriReference. Specifically, schema authors should avoid uriReference in cases where literals should be allowed to directly contain characters that [RFC 2396], as amended by [RFC 2732], require to be hex encoded.

There is ongoing discussion about how to treat URI References that might contain non-ASCII characters. It is extremely important that all W3C specifications that deal with such URI References (at least this specification, [Character Model], [XML 1.0 Recommendation (Second Edition)] and [XPointer], probably others) be aligned; however, it is not clear how best to achieve that alignment with this specification. In addition to the current design, where both the lexical space and value space of uriReference are considered to be hex encoded, there are at least 3 alternative designs that could be considered: 1) have 2 types, the current type and another type (not strictly speaking, a URI Reference) where both the lexical space and value space where allowed to contain non-ASCII characters; 2) a single type whose lexical space is allowed to contain non-ASCII characters, but whose value space was the set of hex-encoded literals; 3) a single type whose lexical space was hex-encoded, but whose value space was allowed to contain non-ASCII characters (i.e., the set of hex-decoded literals). The XML Schema Working Group welcomes feedback from implementors and schema authors on how to further harmonize the effected specifications; in particular, we seek advice on which of the above alternatives (or some other alternative not yet considered) is most desirable. Changes resulting from such further harmonization might result in additional changes to the XML Schema Language in cases where uriReference in used (e.g., xsi:schemaLocation in [XML Schema Part 1: Structures]).

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to define two types: URIreference is what the current IETF draft calls an internationalized resource identifier; hexencodedURIreference is the hex-encoded form of a URIreference as described in RFC 2396 and 2732. The spec should refer to the algorithm for converting from the former to the latter in the XLink spec and the i18n character-model draft.

Actual Resolution

At the face to face meeting of January 2001 in London, the WG considered this issue. The majority of the WG saw no need for the more restricted type, and so the resolution proposed by the chairs was modified.

RESOLVED: to define a single type corresponding to the IRI / internationalized URI, and to refer to an algorithm for transforming values of this type into hex-encoded strings which match the description in RFC 2396. Dissenting: Developmentor, DLIS, Edinburgh, HL7, Holstege, MITRE. Abstaining: Lotus.

At its face to face meeting in Cambridge in March 2001, the WG considered this topic again, in the light of continuing discussion over what the name of this type ought to be. Various commentators had objected to uriReference as being confusing; many WG members felt that IRI and other candidates were equally confusing. Various possibilities were canvassed, and the preponderance of sentiment favored anyURI.

RESOLVED: to name the type for (internationalized) URI references anyURI.

The I18n WG wrote 8 March 2001 (member-only link) saying (among other things) that they are satisfied with the internationalization of URIs, subject to their checking of the final text.

CR-11. pfiRegexDiacritics: Regular expression and diacritics

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: regex Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


The regular expression language defined here does not attempt to provide a general solution to "regular expressions" over [Unicode3] strings. In particular, it does not easily provide for matching sequences of base characters and combining marks. The language is targeted at support of "Level 1" features as defined in [Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines]. It is hoped that future versions of this specification will provide support for "Level 2" features.

Actual Resolution

At its face to face meeting of January 2001 in London, the WG noted that no feedback had been received on this issue. We concluded that changes in this area are not an urgent matter for the user community, and voted to affirm the current design of this feature.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-12. pfiRegexWhitespace: Whitespace in regular expressions

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: regex Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Future versions of this specification might allow non-significant white space embedded within a regular expression. The XML Schema Working Group welcomes feedback from implementors and schema authors on the advisability of including such white space.

Actual Resolution

At its face to face meeting of January 2001 in London, the WG noted that no feedback had been received on this issue. We concluded that changes in this area are not an urgent matter for the user community, and voted to affirm the current design of this feature.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-13. unprefixed-qnames: Interpretation of QNames without prefixes

Issue Class: z Locus: datatypes Cluster: qnames Status: resolved
Assigned to: Lee Buck Originator: James Clark


XML Schema may need a facet for QName-based types which specifies whether unprefixed values of the type have the default namespace name (as with element-type names), or a null namespace name (as with attribute names, and various QName-based types in XSLT).

Interactions and Input

Input from James Clark:

The Namespaces Rec specifies two ways in which QNames can be interpreted, which differ in how a QName without a prefix are expanded:

A. For element type names, a prefix-less QName is expanded to have the namespace name of the default namespace if there is one, and a null namespace name otherwise

B. For attribute names, a prefix-less QName is always expanded to have a null namespace name.

Applications may differ in which treatment they use. For example, XSLT uses B (for the names of attribute-sets, keys, modes, variables, parameters).

I didn't notice anything in Part 2 which says whether A or B is to be used. I suspect that you need a facet to control this.

Input from Henry Thompson:

Part 1 makes it clear that we take approach (A). I have to say I find the fact that XSLT has taken (B) to be the single most inconvenient aspect of the language, and we've had no other requests to support this behaviour.

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to reply with polite negative. It is true that our spec specifies that unprefixed names are in the default namespace, instead of following XSL in specifying that they are unqualified. We believe that this is the correct approach.

CR-14. entity-value-space: Value space of entities, notations, IDREFs (and QNames)

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: declarables Status: ok
Assigned to: MSM Originator: James Clark


Should the value space of entities, notations, and IDREFs be changed to parallel more closely the treatment of QNames?

In all cases, the lexical space of the type contains names which are interpreted relative to some set of other constructs in the document (declarations, or elements with IDs). In the case of QName, the value space contains not the prefix but the namespace name to which the prefix is bound. The other types named should be changed analogously: their value spaces should be sets of the relevant constructs:

  • for ENTITY, the set of entity declaration information items
  • for NOTATION, the set of notation declaration information items
  • for IDREF, the set of element information items with values for an ID attribute

Given that the restriction to declared notation names cannot be expressed using XML Schema constructs but must be built into a schema processor, should NOTATION be made a primitive type (rather than being derived from QName)?

Interactions and Input

Cf. Remove notation type?

Cf. Should some types be changed from derived to primitive?

Input from James Clark:

The ENTITY and QName datatypes are similar in that their lexical space both contain names that are interpreted relative to a context containing a set of declarations. For QName, the context is an element containing namespace declarations; for ENTITY, the context is a document containing unparsed entity declarations. Yet the value spaces are handled inconsistently. For QName, the value space contains not the prefix, but the namespace URI to which it is bound by the declaration. However, for ENTITY, the value space contains not the entity to which the entity name is bound, but the original string. This makes a significant difference when you start to manipulate or programatically construct values (eg in XML Query or XSLT). I believe QName has it right, and that the value space of ENTITY should be a set of Entity Declaration information items one for each unparsed entity declared in the document. Similarly, the value space of NOTATION should be a set of Notation info items declared in the Schema, and the value space of IDREF should be the set of all the Element info items in the document that have an ID attribute.

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt the proposal, with the modification that the NOTATION value space should be the set of NOTATION components, not the set of NOTATION declaration information items. (I.e. the schema NOTATION datatype refers to notations declared in the schema, not those declared in the DTD.)

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue.

In practice, since the name suffices to allow a processor to identify the appropriate component, the two ways of defining the value space delimit the same set of acceptable implementations. The main difference appears to be in intension or connotation rather than in extension or denotation. After discussion, the WG concluded that since we are instructed by our charter to make sure that our simple types may be used in contexts other than XML Schema, it would be problematic to define the value space of entities, notations, and IDREFs as consisting of components, rather than of names (QNames or NCNames).

RESOLVED unanimously: to affirm that the value spaces of ENTITY and NOTATION are the value spaces of their respective name types.

RESOLVED unanimously: to make the value space of IDREF be the set of NAMES (rather than, as proposed, the set of element information items).

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen responded formally on 7 March 2001. James Clark replied 9 March 2001 asking for more information (see ensuing thread), and after clarification reports that he won't dissent from the WG decision.

CR-15. ID-value-space: Value space of ID

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: refs Status: ok
Assigned to: Priscilla Walmsley Originator: James Clark


The value space of ID should not be defined as containing only the values which have actually been used in a document; it should be the set of strings which match the NCName production.

Interactions and Input

Input from James Clark:

Part 2 says "The value space of ID is the set of all strings that match the NCName production in [Namespaces in XML] and have been used in an XML document."

The "and have been used in an XML document" makes no sense to me. The value space is surely the set of all strings that match the NCName production. In addition there is the implicit uniqueness constraintthat you can't have the same NCName occurring on more than one distinct element. (XML also has the constraint that you can't have a single element with multiple IDs, but I don't see any need for XML Schemas to enforce this.)

The "and have been used in an XML document" is perhaps an attempt to capture the uniqueness constraint in the specification of the value space, but I don't think that can work.

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt the change: the uniqueness constraint is a side condition, not a characteristic of the value space.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue. After discussion (of this issue in connection with CR-14, CR-50, and CR-51), the WG voted unanimously to specify that the value space of ID is the set of NCNames, and to instruct the editor to remove the phrase "and have been used in an XML document" from the description.

Priscilla Walmsley replied formally to James Clark 23 January 2001.

James Clark replied that he was satisfied.

CR-16. entity-declaration-in-doc: Entity-declared constraint

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: declarables Status: ok
Assigned to: David Cleary Originator: James Clark


The constraint "ENTITY declared" should require a declaration for the entity in the document, not in the schema.

Interactions and Input

Input from James Clark:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt the proposed correction.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by accepting the correction proposed and fixing the bug.

David Cleary responded formally to James Clark on 23 January 2001; James Clark replied 24 January 2001 that he was satisfied with the decision.

CR-17. entities-and-notations: Remove notation type?

Issue Class: d Locus: datatypes Cluster: declarables Status: nok
Assigned to: Alex Milowski Originator: James Clark


Declared NOTATIONs can be referred to from ENTITY declarations or from attribute declarations. As things stand in the CR draft, any notation referred to from an ENTITY declaration must be declared in the DTD; any notation referred to from an attribute declaration must be declared in the schema. (This last means that attribute types ENTITY and NOTATION behave differently in a confusing way.)

Should this design be changed?

Interactions and Input

Cf. Value space of entities, notations, IDREFs (and QNames)

Input from James Clark:

The value of an attribute whose type is declared in the schema as an ENTITY must match the name of an unparsed entity declared in the DTD of the document being validated. (At least that's what I think the spec meant to say.) Such an unparsed entity must also have a notation, which, in a valid document, will also be declared in the same DTD. This makes the ENTITY datatype of Schema truly compatible with the ENTITY type of XML 1.0: if an XML 1.0 valid document contains an attribute declared in the DTD as ENTITY, then that attribute would be schema-valid wrt a schema that also declares that attribute as ENTITY.

However, the value of an attribute whose type is declared in the schema as an NOTATION must match the name of a notation declared not in the DTD of the document being validated, but instead in the Schema. This means that declaring an attribute as NOTATION in the Schema does not mean the same thing at all as declaring an attribute as NOTATION in the DTD. In the former case, the value must match a NOTATION declared in the Schema; in the latter case, the value must match a NOTATION declared in the DTD of the Schema being validated. Thus, although the NOTATION attribute is supposed to be in XML Schemas for compatibility, it isn't really compatible.

An application that wishes to fully support notations as defined in XML Schemas would need to provide two distinct sets of notations each with a separate symbol space. It can't simply ignore the notations declared in the DTD because these are implicitly referenced by the unparsed entities that are referenced by ENTITY attributes declared in the Schema.

This doesn't seem a very sensible design to me. I can think of the following alternative approaches for improving things:

  • A. Get rid of NOTATION declarations in Schemas. The NOTATION datatype refers to notations declared in the DTD.
  • B. Add a facet to the NOTATION datatype that determines whether a notation name refers to notations in the DTD or in the Schema.
  • C. Say that when an attribute is declared as an ENTITY attribute in the Schema, the notation name occurring in the ENTITY declaration is taken to refer to a notation declared in the Schema, not the DTD.
  • D. Get rid of the ENTITY datatype.
  • E. Get rid of NOTATION declarations and the NOTATION datatype.
  • F. D and E

Personally I would prefer F. I would reiterate the comments I made at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-schema-comments/1999OctDec/0047.html [See below -MSM] (to which I have yet to receive a response).

Input from James Clark:

Is there really any justification for keeping notations given that external unparsed entities have gone? They don't seem to have received much use in XML 1.0. They have never seemed to me to integrate well into the Web architecture: I would claim that things that in SGML were done with notations should on the Web be done with MIME media types.

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Input from Henry Thompson:

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Remove part but not all of it.

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to reply with polite negative.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue.

In discussion, it proved that there was no support for removing the NOTATION type. Notations provide information about otherwise opaque objects; they are not limited to entities, and there is no reason to remove them from the XML Schema language simply because entities are not in the language. It is true that processors which are both schema-aware and DTD-aware will need to keep track of two distinct sets of notations; notations do not differ, in this way, from many other constructs in schemas and DTDs which have analogues in the other formalism.

The uniqueness constraint on notation names cannot be expressed by our type derivation rules; this seems to require that NOTATION be a primitive, not a derived type.

RESOLVED unanimously: to retain NOTATION.

RESOLVED unanimously: to make NOTATION a primitive, rather than a derived, type.

Alex Milowski responded formally to the commentator on 7 March 2001.

James Clark replied 9 March that he dissents from this decision.

CR-18. validating-idrefs: Validating XPointer IDREFS?

Issue Class: z Locus: datatypes Cluster: refs Status: nok
Assigned to: Aki Yoshida Originator: Eric van der Vlist


An issue which was raised during review of XPointer, concerning validation of IDREFs in XPointers, needs to be reviewed by the XML Schema WG during CR. The IDREFS type can be used to require that certain link targets be document-internal, and to ensure that the targets linked to actually exist. The URI-reference type can be used with a pattern facet to require that certain link targets be document internal (the pattern requires that they begin with a hash mark), but there is, at present, no way to ensure that the targets of such internal XPointers actually exist.

Should XML Schema be changed to provide this functionality?

Interactions and Input

Input from Eric van der Vlist, Eve Maler:

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to reply with polite negative.

Aki Yoshida informed the commentator 14 February 2001. Commentator not satisfied, and desires that fields in keys and key references be allowed to be any result of evaluating an Xpath expression, instead of being required to be an element or an attribute.

CR-19. regex-ambiguity: Fix regex grammar to outlaw ambiguous regexes?

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: regex Status: resolved
Assigned to: Chuck Campbell Originator: Uwe Plonus


The treatment of character ranges and square brackets in the definition of regular expressions in Appendix E allows for some ambiguous regular expressions.

Interactions and Input

Input from Uwe Plonus:

I'm working on an implementation for regular expressions. Because we want to use the XML schema after becoming a recommandation, I took the specification of the XML schema part 2 for implementation. In section E.1 Character Classes I've found a part of text, which can lead to misinterpretation. It's the part of character ranges, which can be interpreted wrong.

It says, that the characters '[' and ']' are no valid character ranges. But in the form 's-e' it is allowed to replace 's' with '[' or ']' and to replace 'e' with ']'. There're some constructs, which can not interpreted, if this characters are allowed.

First example:


This example has the following possible interpretations:

  1. first three minus-signs are a character range, the fourth minus-sign is a subtraction and the part '[-]' is a character class expression.
  2. first minus-sign is a start of positive character group, the second through fourth minus-sign are a character range and the part '[-]' is also a character range.

These two interpretations are not equivalent, but both can be interpreted with the definition.

Second example:


The following interpretations are possible:

  1. The part '[A-]]' means a character class expression and the rest is no character class expression.
  2. After the opening '[' I take the part 'A-]' as a character range, the following ']-z]' as a concatenated character range and then I've problems getting an end of this character class expression.

A suggestion to avoid this misinterpretations is not to allow the characters '[' and ']' as start and end of a character range. The only exception could be as the first character of a positive character group.

Input from James Clark:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to remove the ambiguity in the way described by Alexander Falk's grammar.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and then to resolve it by accepting the invitation to eliminate ambiguities in the grammar (by accepting the formal grammar provided by Alexander Falk, see CR-33).

CR-20. wildcard-minus: Make wildcard namespace selection more powerful?

Issue Class: d Locus: structures Cluster: complextypes Status: nok
Assigned to: Ashok Malhotra Originator: James Clark


Should the ability to define wildcards as matching anything in any namespace except the current one, or except a specified one, be extended? In particular

  • any namespace except those in a list of named namespaces?
  • any namespace except those named, and except unspecified namespaces (i.e. the wildcard is not to match unqualified items)?
  • any element except those in namespaces explicitly named in the content model?
  • any element except those explicitly named in the content model?
  • any element except those which would (if not excepted) cause non-determinism ('ambiguity', "violation of the unique attribution restriction") in the content model?

[N.B. the last three items in this list added 2001-01-09. -MSM]

Interactions and Input

Input from James Clark:

The wildcard facility in XML Schemas doesn't seem to handle the case of xsl:stylesheet, which allows specific elements from the xsl namespace plus any element whose namespace URI is both not XSL and not absent. This seems to me a pretty reasonable thing to want to do.

Input from Judith A. Slein:

Input from Matthew Fuchs:

Input from Judith A. Slein:

Input from Matthew Fuchs:

Input from Judith A. Slein:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to discuss Martin Gudgin's proposal, and either adopt for 1.0 or put on the list for 1.1.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue.

In discussion, it was argued that the particular use cases in question can in fact be handled by XML Schema. Some WG members wanted to consider a more powerful wildcard selection mechanism in a later version.

RESOLVED without dissent: to close this issue without change to the draft spec.

Ashok Malhotra informed James Clark on 25 January 2001. James Clark replies 26 January to record "a mild dissent" and suggest that the specialized syntax for wildcards is a syntactic dead end better replaced by a more elaborate one which could scale better.

CR-21. union-determinant: Drop use of xsi:type as determinant for unions?

Issue Class: z? Locus: both Cluster: xsi:type Status: ok
Assigned to: Martin Gudgin Originator: Asir Vedamuthu


The CR draft says that xsi:type may be used to specify which member of a union type should be used to govern the interpretation of a specific value. Should this be changed?

Interactions and Input

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to reply with polite negative. They note that in response to comments in this area the editor has suggested renaming the "Type derivation OK [Simple]" constraint to "Type allowed [Simple]".

Actual Resolution

At its meeting in January 2001 in London, the WG decided against opening this as an issue.

Martin Gudgin notified the commentator 22 January 2001. Commentator replied 1 February 2001 saying he is not satisfied with the resolution of the issue but that his dissent is "not grave enough for the Director".

CR-22. negative-scale: Allow negative scale?

Issue Class: z Locus: datatypes Cluster: numerics Status: ok
Assigned to: Henry S. Thompson Originator: Mike Cowlishaw


Should negative values be allowed for the scale facet?

Interactions and Input

Input from Mike Cowlishaw:

Actual Resolution

At the November 2000 meeting in Menlo Park the WG decided (with two dissents) against allowing negative values for scale.

At its meeting in January 2001 in London, the WG decided against reopening this issue.

Henry Thompson responded formally to Mike Cowlishaw on 5 March 2001. Mike Cowlishaw replied 6 March that he was content for this item to be "deferred until the next round", but that he was unhappy about other issues.

CR-23. scientific-decimals: Allow exponential notation for decimals?

Issue Class: z? Locus: datatypes Cluster: numerics Status: ok
Assigned to: Dan Fox Originator: Mike Cowlishaw


Should the lexical space for decimals be changed to allow exponential (scientific) notation?

Interactions and Input

Input from Mike Cowlishaw:

Actual Resolution

At the November 2000 meeting in Menlo Park the WG decided against allowing decimals to be expressed using scientific notation. Dissenting: CommerceOne, Edinburgh, Lotus, Tibco Extensibility.

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG declined to reopen this as an issue.

CR-24. primitive-vs-derived: Should some types be changed from derived to primitive?

Issue Class: c Locus: datatypes Cluster: simpletypes Status: ok
Assigned to: Allen Brown Originator: Asir Vedamuthu


Should the simple types NOTATION, timePeriod, time, date, month, year, century, recurringDate, and recurringDay, which are defined in the CR draft as derived types, be made primitive types?

Interactions and Input

Cf. Value space of entities, notations, IDREFs (and QNames)

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Actual Resolution

RESOLVED: to deal with NOTATION in the context of other NOTATION-related issues, and to deal with date/time types in the context of the overall review of the date/time changes proposed by the datatypes editors.

[The upshot of this is that all these types are now primitive. -MSM]

Commentator is satisfied (member-only link).

CR-25. CDATA-name: Should the name CDATA be changed?

Issue Class: c Locus: datatypes Cluster: strings Status: ok
Assigned to: Noah Mendelsohn Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the name of the simple type called CDATA in the CR draft be changed? (Leading candidate is normalizedString.)

Actual Resolution

At its November 2000 ftf meeting, the WG leaned toward making this change, and decided to postpone final decision until later, when this and other similar minor changes would be voted on en bloc. (In the terminology used in the meeting, we "put it on the pile" to come back to.)

[The pile was dealt with in London, 19 January 2001. A new namespace will be made, with a few changes, this among them.]

Noah Mendelsohn sent a notice to the XML Schema comments list 29 January 2001.

CR-26. mixed-content-norm: Allow fuller constraints on mixed content?

Issue Class: z? Locus: structures Cluster: complextypes Status: ok
Assigned to: Bob Streich Originator: XML Schema WG


Should XML Schema allow fuller constraints on mixed content? In particular,

  • should mixed content be schema-normalized from sequences of character information items and other IIs to sequences of strings and various non-character IIs?
  • should regex patterns (or ad hoc character-repertoire restrictions) be possible (and if so, on what terms?)
  • should simple types be used to constrain the characters in mixed content?

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to respond with polite negative.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG declined to open this as an issue, on the view that there was clearly no consensus in favor of any change in this area.

The I18n WG wrote 8 March 2001 (member-only link) saying (among other things) that they remain unhappy about the omission of support for character-repertoire restrictions on mixed content, and requesting a commitment to add such a capability in XML Schema 1.1. The XML Schema WG agreed to place this feature on the list of candidate requirements for XML Schema 1.1.

CR-27. revisit-208: Should the default value for the schema-level elementFormDefault attribute be changed?

Issue Class: z Locus: structures Cluster: usability Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


The default value for the elementFormDefault attribute on the schema element in the XML transfer syntax for schemas is currently unqualified (which is also the default for attributeFormDefault). Should the default value be changed to qualified? Should the default value be eliminated?

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to treat this as part of CR-2.

CR-28. timezone-date: Should canonical forms of date values be allowed to include timezone indications?

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: datetime Status: resolved
Assigned to: Peter Chen Originator: Graham Ross


In the CR draft, the canonical form for dates is restricted to UTC. This makes some sense for time instants, but translating time periods from other time zones into UTC requires the ability to give time-of-day information in UTC. This is not allowed in dates (which do not allow specification of hours, minutes, etc.). Should time-zone information be allowed in the canonical form of the date type? (Should some other change be made?)

Interactions and Input

Input from Graham Ross:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt the proposed correction.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by adopting the changes to date and time types proposed by the datatypes editors, which include the correction proposed by the commentator.

CR-29. components-vs-xml: Should the transfer syntax and the components have identical expressive power?

Issue Class: z Locus: both Cluster: components Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the definition of XML Schema ensure that the XML transfer syntax and the abstract component level have exactly the same expressive power? This would ensure both that every legal schema document in the XML transfer syntax corresponds to a legal set of components, and that every legal set of components could be described by some set of schema documents in the XML transfer syntax.

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to respond with polite negative. This is without prejudice to considering this as a design goal or requirement for future versions of XML Schema.

CR-30. optional-all: Should optional ALL groups be allowed?

Issue Class: c Locus: structures Cluster: complextypes Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should it be possible for top-level ALL groups to be made optional?

Actual Resolution

At its ftf meeting in November, 2000, the WG voted without dissent to remove the restriction which requires minOccurs to be 1 on top-level ALL-groups.

Since this issue was raised by the WG itself, there is no commentator to notify.

CR-31. universal-lang: Should xml:lang be allowed by default in all complex types?

Issue Class: d Locus: structures Cluster: complextypes Status: silent
Assigned to: Asir Vedamuthu Originator: I18n WG


Should xml:lang be allowed by default in all complex types unless the schema author turns it off (e.g. by setting its maxOccurs to 0)? (Possible alternative: make and recommend a complex type in a type library suitable for text in human languages, which does define xml:lang.

Actual Resolution

The WG discussed this issue at its meeting of January 2001 in London. Various possibilities were explored:

  • adding xml:lang to the ur-type
  • adding a wildcard to the ur-type for attributes in the XML namespace
  • defining a type intermediary between the ur-type and all other types, making it, not ur-type, the default base type of complex types for which the type definition does not name another base type, and adding xml:lang to it (the so-called Chaldean type proposal)
  • describing how to create a text type in one's schema, and providing an example of such a type in a type library

None of these commanded a majority. There was substantial sentiment that a solution which was technically well designed would take more work.

RESOLVED: to instruct the editors to add references to the type library solution.

This issue discussed with the I18n WG which originated it in a joint session on 2 March 2001. The I18n WG indicates that this resolution is acceptable.

Asir Vedamuthu confirms and expounds in writing, 4 March 2001.

CR-32. named-model-groups: Change named model groups?

Issue Class: u Locus: structures Cluster: complextypes Status: ok
Assigned to: Lee Buck Originator: Morris Matsa


Should the rules regarding definition and/or use of named model groups be changed? If so, how?

Interactions and Input

Input from Morris Matsa:

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Input from Morris Matsa:

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Input from Henry Thompson:

Input from Noah Mendelsohn:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt the proposal to make occurrence indicators illegal (not merely ignored) on named groups.

Actual Resolution

RESOLVED unanimously (London, January 2001): to modify the schema for schemas in such a way that top-level named groups may not have occurrence indicators.

Commentator (Morris Matsa) indicated on 7 March 2001 that he was satisfied (member-only link).

CR-33. regex-bnf: Add a formal grammar for regular expressions?

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: regex Status: ok
Assigned to: MSM Originator: James Clark


Should a formal grammar for regular expressions be added to Appendix F of Part 2? Should it replace or supplement the existing description of regular expressions? In case of conflict, which should have priority?

Interactions and Input

Input from James Clark:

Input from Paul Biron:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt Alexander Falk's proposal.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by accepting Alexander Falk's proposed BNF for regular expressions.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen responded formally to James Clark on 7 March 2001.

James Clark confirmed 9 March that he was satisfied.

CR-34. wildcard-attribute-derivation: Clarify definition of restriction and extension of wildcard attributes?

Issue Class: d Locus: structures Cluster: complextypes Status: ok
Assigned to: Priscilla Walmsley Originator: Asir Vedamuthu


Shall the description of complex-type derivation be changed to specify that

  • If a wildcard attribute in complex type A is modified in complex type B which extends A, then the wildcard attribute of B matches the union of the sets matched by the wildcard expressions in the definitions of types A and B.
  • If a wildcard attribute in complex type A is modified in complex type B which restricts A, then the wildcard attribute of B must match a subset of the set matched by the wildcard expression in the definition of type A (analogously to the restriction of content models, but not to the restriction of patterns on simple types).

Interactions and Input

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Input from Henry Thompson:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to make the minimal change required to fill the gap identified in the spec.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue.

RESOLVED: to resolve CR-34 by instructing the editors to replace the current mapping for wildcards in derivation by extension, to make it be a union of the sets matched by the wildcard expressions. In favor: 19, opposed: 0, abstaining 5 (Contivo, HP, Informix, Oracle, W3C), concurring 4 (Arbortext, Lotus, Software AG, Xerox).

Priscilla Walmsley notified the commentator 23 January 2001. Asir Vedamuthu replied that he was satisfied, 23 January 2001.

CR-35. blocking-simpletypes: Allow simple types to block further derivation?

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: simpletypes Status: ok
Assigned to: David Cleary Originator: Asir Vedamuthu


Should the mechanisms for declaring simple types be changed to allow schema authors to block derivation of other types from them?

Interactions and Input

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

See also http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-schema-comments/2000OctDec/0337 (the URI in the mail message raising this issue is no longer correct).

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt the proposal.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by instructing the editor to add the ability to block further derivation of simple types.

David Cleary responded formally to the commentator on 23 January 2001. Asir Vedamuthu confirmed that he was satisfied with the WG decision on 23 January.

CR-36. repeated-facets: Clarify meaning and processing of repeated facets?

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: simpletypes Status: ok
Assigned to: Alex Milowski Originator: Asir Vedamuthu


Should Datatypes be modified to specify explicitly whether multiple occurrences of facets (length, minLength, maxLength, whiteSpace, maxInclusive, minInclusive, maxExclusive, minExclusive, precision, scale, encoding, duration, and period) should be an error or not? If it is not an error, which facet specification in the schema document should be followed?

  • the first one?
  • the last one?
  • the most restrictive?
  • the least restrictive one?
  • some other rule?

Interactions and Input

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose (1) to clarify that repeated facets are an error if not authorized in the spec, and (2) to ensure that facets occurring at multiple points in a derivation (e.g. patterns) can be combined successfully in a single component at the abstract level (need ANDing of patterns).

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and (after brief discussion) to resolve it as proposed by the chairs.

Alex Milowski replied formally on 7 March 2001. Asir Vedamuthu noted that he is satisfied.

CR-37. dtd-prefix-defaults: Change the namespace defaults in DTD for Schemas?

Editorial. Issue Class: z Locus: structures Cluster: dtd Status: silent
Assigned to: Aki Yoshida Originator: Curt Arnold


Should the default declarations for namespace parameter entities be changes to use explicit prefixes? Should extra namespace-declaration (pseudo-)attributes be declared for the 'schema' element, to make it easier for users to build schemas using existing DTD-based tools without having to use an internal DTD subset?

Interactions and Input

Input from Curt Arnold:

Currently %p and %s's default values of '' would be rarely preferred except while defining schema for schemas. 'xsd:' and ':xsd' would be a better default for most uses. XSLT, for example, can't generate the internal subset declarations that would allow using the default namespace for references to elements in the target schema.

I'd recommend changing in the DTD:

<!ENTITY % p 'xsd:'>
<!ENTITY % s ':xsd'>

In addition (even if the defaults weren't changed), it would be useful if the attribute list of the schema element were something like this:

<!ATTLIST %schema;
   targetNamespace      %URIref;               #IMPLIED
   version              CDATA                  #IMPLIED
   %nds;                %URIref;               #FIXED 'http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema'
   xmlns:x              %URIref;               #IMPLIED
   xmlns:target         %URIref;               #IMPLIED
   xmlns                %URIref;               #IMPLIED
   xmlns:import1        %URIref;               #IMPLIED
   xmlns:import2        %URIref;               #IMPLIED
   xmlns:import3        %URIref;               #IMPLIED    
   finalDefault         %complexDerivationSet; ''
   blockDefault         %blockSet;             ''
   id                   ID                     #IMPLIED
   elementFormDefault   %formValues;           'unqualified'
   attributeFormDefault %formValues;           'unqualified'

[N.B. The proposal adds the new attributes xmlns:x, xmlns:target, xmlns, xmlns:import1, xmlns:import2, and xmlns:import3 and leaves the existing attributes unchanged. -MSM]

The combination would allow most schemas to be validated against the DTD without requiring the end user to define an internal subset. Just the additional xmlns attribute definitions, should allow most schemas to be validated without having to redefine %schemaAttrs.

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to classify this as an editorial question.

Aki Yoshida informed the commentator of this resolution on 14 February 2001.

CR-38. import-tns: Clarify rules on importing the target namespace?

Issue Class: s Locus: structures Cluster: composition Status: resolved
Assigned to: Chuck Campbell Originator: Roberto Galnares


Should the spec be changed to clarify whether it is legal or not legal to import a namespace which is the same as the target namespace? If such an import is legal, should the spec specify (more clearly) what the consequences of the import would be? Should we specify consequences other than those now implied by the spec?

Interactions and Input

Input from Roberto Galnares:

Input from Noah Mendelsohn:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to specify that an import of the target namespace means that the schema processor must find a schema for the target namespace; the schema document it has in had providing such a schema, the instruction has no effect. Short discussion may be in order to decide whether this pointless import should receive an error message.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and (after discussion) to close it with an instruction to the editor substantially as proposed by the chairs (some WG members would prefer something slightly less specific).

CR-39. facet-ids: Allow id attributes on facet elements?

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: simpletypes Status: ok
Assigned to: Ashok Malhotra Originator: Bob Schloss


Should the schema for schemas (and the DTD for schemas) be changed to allow an id attribute (of type ID) on the facet element in schema documents?

Interactions and Input

Input from Bob Schloss:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to allow such IDs.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by allowing such IDs.

Ashok Malhotra notified the commentator on 25 January 2001. Bob Schloss replied the same day that he is satisfied.

CR-40. block-default: Change default value of block?

Issue Class: c Locus: structures Cluster: dtd Status: ok
Assigned to: Martin Gudgin Originator: Curt Arnold


Should the schema for schemas (and the DTD for schemas) be modified to change the default value of the block and final attributes on complexType and element from '' to #IMPLIED?

Interactions and Input

Input from Curt Arnold:

Input from Henry Thompson:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs note that this has already been accepted as a typo report by the editor.

Actual Resolution

Accepted as an error and fixed.

Martin Gudgin notified the commentator of this disposition on 22 January 2001. Curt Arnold replies that he is satisfied on 24 January 2001.

CR-41. sisc-attdefault: Prefixes for qualified attributes in PSVI?

Issue Class: s Locus: structures Cluster: qnames Status: ok
Assigned to: Henry S. Thompson Originator: Asir Vedamuthu


Should Structures specify how / where to generate a prefix and a namespace declaration for the namespace of an attribute with a qualified name for which the schema processor must supply a default? (If the value is specified in the instance, there is no problem.)

Interactions and Input

Input from Asir Vedamuthu:

[And thread beginning there.]

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to specify that the generation of such prefixes is governed by any rules applicable to serialization of the PSVI; since our spec does not have any such rules, our spec can and should remain silent.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it as proposed by the chairs.

Henry Thompson notified the commentator formally on 2 March 2001 (though since the commentator is a WG member, the commentator has known since January). Asir Vedamuthu responded 5 March 2001 to say he was happy.

CR-42. canonical-decimals: Change canonical representation for decimal?

Issue Class: z Locus: datatypes Cluster: numerics Status: nok
Assigned to: Dan Fox Originator: Mike Cowlishaw


Should the canonical representation [and value space?] for decimals be changed?

Interactions and Input

Input from Mike Cowlishaw:

[The commentator forecasts problems if the we continue to specify that the values denoted by "1 * 10^0" and "100 * 10^-2" are the same, and proposes a change to [the value space and] the definition of the canonical form which would avert them. It appears to me that the change would require modifying our definition of the value space of decimals. -MSM]

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to respond with a polite negative, and declined to open this as an issue.

CR-43. cyclic-substitutions: Should cyclic substitution groups be forbidden explicitly?

Issue Class: s Locus: structures Cluster: complextypes Status: silent
Assigned to: Allen Brown Originator: Alexander Falk


Should the spec explicitly forbid the creation of circular substitution groups?

Interactions and Input

Input from Alexander Falk:

[Item 3 in the list.]

Input from C. M. Sperberg-McQueen:

Input from Alexander Falk:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to adopt the proposal to forbid cyclic substitution groups explicitly.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by accepting the proposal to forbid cyclic substitution groups explicitly.

Allen Brown sent a formal response to the commentator 8 March 2001

CR-44. drop-xsitype: Drop xsi:type?

Issue Class: z Locus: structures Cluster: xsi:type Status: ok
Assigned to: Noah Mendelsohn Originator: Alexander Falk


Should xsi:type be dropped?

Interactions and Input

Input from Alexander Falk:

[Item 5 of list.]

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG noted that Alexander Falk had proposed to withdraw this suggestion and decided not to open it as an issue.

Noah Mendelsohn sent a formal response on 29 January 2001. Alexander Falk confirmed on 29 January that he is satisfied with the outcome

CR-45. express-types: Distinguish arrays, lists, sets, bags?

Issue Class: z Locus: both Cluster: misc-agg Status: resolved
Assigned to: Bob Streich Originator: Mike McCaleb


Are there / should there be predefined types, or other constructs, which distinguish / allow application software reliably to distinguish among arrays, lists, sets, and bags (in the sense in which these terms are used by EXPRESS)?

Interactions and Input

Input from Mike McCaleb:

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to respond with a polite negative. This proposal is identical to several proposals we have considered in the past, and no new information appears to be available which would lead anyone in the WG to change their mind as to the merits of the case.

CR-46. keyrefs-idrefs: Allow keyref to model IDREFS?

Issue Class: z Locus: structures Cluster: refs Status: resolved
Assigned to: Peter Chen Originator: Mike McCaleb


It is not clear to the commentator whether key and keyref constructs can augment the SGML/XML IDREFS construct. If not, should the spec be changed to make it possible? If so, should the spec be changed to make the functionality more obvious?

Interactions and Input

Input from Mike McCaleb:

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal not to open this as an issue.

CR-47. abstract-simples: Allow simple types to be final? abstract?

Issue Class: z Locus: datatypes Cluster: simpletypes Status: silent
Assigned to: Asir Vedamuthu Originator: Bob Schloss, Mike McCaleb


Should XML Schema be changed to allow schema authors to declare simple types (as well as complex types) as final? as abstract?

Interactions and Input

Cf. Allow simple types to block further derivation?

Issue CR-35. (Overlaps this one.)

Input from Bob Schloss:

Input from Mike McCaleb:

Actual Resolution

On 18 January 2001, at its meeting in London, the WG agreed with the chairs' proposal to consider the question of final simple types as part of CR-35, and to respond with a polite negative on the suggestion for abstract simple types. A proposal for abstract simple types was considered at some length, and removed from the spec when they proved to have more complex consequences than we felt were appropriate to deal with in XML Schema 1.0.

Asir Vedamuthu responded formally on 5 March 2001.

CR-48. datatype-uri: Change canonical form of URIs for builtin datatypes and facets?

Issue Class: s Locus: datatypes Cluster: simpletypes Status: ok
Assigned to: Lee Buck Originator: Martin Gudgin


Should the URIs defined for the builtin datatypes and facets be changed to prescribe that the shorthand form (e.g. http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema#date) is preferred over the explicit XPointer form (e.g. http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema#xpointer(id("date"))) as the 'correct' form of opaque URI?

Interactions and Input

Input from Martin Gudgin:

[Consult earlier messages in the same thread for background.]

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to respond with polite negative.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by reaffirming the existing design.

At its March 2001 meeting in Cambridge, the WG reopened this question on the basis of new information about expected applications of the canonical URIs, in which the quoting necessary in the long form is cumbersome, and in which the naked-fragment-identifier form is substantially more convenient precisely because it can be copied to URIs of other MIME types and be reinterpreted successfully in the new context. RESOLVED unanimously to shift to the `naked-identifier' as the canonical form for these URIs.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen sent a formal notice of this to the comments list 8 March 2001. Dan Connolly responded 9 March that he was satisfied.

CR-49. xpathsubset: Use subset not full Xpath for keys and keyrefs?

Issue Class: d Locus: structures Cluster: refs Status: nok
Assigned to: Jim Trezzo Originator: Andy Clark


Should XML Schema define a subset of Xpath for use in specifying key and keyref constraints, rather than allowing full Xpath?

Interactions and Input

Cf. Remove identity constraints?

Cf. CR-54

Input from Ashok Malhotra:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to discuss and decide.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue. It was discussed in connection with issue CR-54, and a subset of XPath was identified and adopted.

In the ensuing weeks, a joint task force of the XML Schema and XSL Working Groups reviewed the subset in light of the implementation experience in the XSL Working Group, checking to see whether the subset achieved its intended goal of reducing the implementation burden on conforming processors to approximately the same as that imposed by implementing ID/IDREF, and to see whether the subset could be simplified or generalized without jeopardizing that goal. (The WG concluded that the goal of statically determining the type of all key fields was not possible given that in an instance the key might well have an xsi:type attribute.)

The joint task force suggested the removal of some restrictions in the subset, which would have the effect of making the subset slightly larger and its description slightly smaller. The task force did not achieve consensus on the treatment of `//' (i.e. the descendant:: axis) and produced two proposals, recommending that the WG choose between them. The proposal actually adopted is summarized thus:

RestrictExpr ::= Union
Union ::= Path ('|' Path)*
Path ::= ('.//')? Step ('/' Step)*
Step ::= '.' | '@'? NameTest
NameTest ::= QName | '*' | NCName ':' '*'

The other alternative read

Path ::= Step (('/' | '//') Step)*

The WG considered this task force recommendation at its meeting in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1-2 March 2001. A proposal to extend the subset further by adding either

Path ::= 'ancestor::*/@' NameTest


Path ::= 'scope()/@' NameTest

was discussed, but did not achieve consensus. It seems clear that this proposal might help deal with situations in which the scoping elements for sets of keys are themselves uniquely identified by a key within a larger scope (elements representing vehicles might be uniquely identified within states; the elements representing states might themselves be uniquely identified within a larger scope, etc.), but this seems likely to benefit from deeper analysis.

Between the two proposals forwarded by the task force, the WG preferred the one which restricts the use of descendant. The unrestricted form makes matching nondeterministic and thus increases the implementation burden; the restricted form may reduce the complications facing a future generalization of our design, and makes it easier to get static type checking in some cases (though it may be observed that full static prediction of the types of keys is not possible given that an instance may always use xsi:type on keys). The WG could not think of any serious use cases for keys which would require the descendant axis in positions other than first.

A proposal to modify the subset so as to allow both long forms using explicit axis keywords (child:: etc.) was adopted, on the grounds that the purpose of the subset is to restrict the functionality, and restricting the subset to short forms does not conduce to that goal.

RESOLVED without dissent: to adopt the proposal as amended (by restricting descendant to the first step, and by allowing long forms). Abstaining: Lotus. (Lotus expressed concerns about the restriction of some functionality to attributes instead of child elements.)

Neither the subset of XPath originally adopted, nor the later revision of that subset in cooperation with the XSL Working Group, is identical to the subset proposed by Andy Clark.

At its meeting in Cambridge (1-3 March 2001) the WG affirmed that it accepted that, using the subset it has adopted, it is not possible to predict, from a static analysis, the type of key fields given only the XPath expressions used to identify them. It is the belief of the WG that static type prediction of this type is not feasible in any case, given that in an instance the key field may have an xsi:type attribute.

The use of the descendant axis in the subset of XPath seems essential to providing the desired functionality; since it does not make the difference between feasible static type analysis and infeasible static type analysis, the WG was not forced to make an explicit judgement of the tradeoff between the two. Some WG members did express the opinion that the functionality provided by the descendant axis was more important than the ability to do static type checking, but other WG members might feel differently if there were a real choice.

Jim Trezzo notified Andy Clark of the January decision on 13 February 2001. An extensive correspondence then ensued, the upshot of which is that most of the specific concerns of the commentator regarding implementation difficulty have been addressed by the later revisions to the XPath subset, though his expressed desire to allow predicates has not been followed. At this time, it seems safest to assume the commentator is not wholly satisfied with the compromise arrived at by the XML Schema and XSL WGs.

CR-50. idrefinunion: How do IDREF and union types interact?

Issue Class: sd Locus: datatypes Cluster: refs Status: silent
Assigned to: Priscilla Walmsley Originator: MPEG 7


If IDREF is one member of a union type, and a value in the instance is lexically a legal IDREF, but is not the value of an ID in the document, is this an error, or does the processor proceed to try the value as a value of the other, later types in the union?

Interactions and Input

Input from Jane Hunter:

Item 3 in list (the editor of this document is not sure the question described above is the question JH had in mind.)

Input from Paul Biron:

Input from C. M. Sperberg-McQueen:

Input from Martin Gudgin:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to specify that the value is attributed to the first type whose value space it matches. (Requiring enforcement of the uniqueness constraint would involve arbitrary lookahead before allowing a processor to know what type a value has.)

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue. After discussion of this and related issues, the WG decided to separate the uniqueness constraints on IDs and the referential integrity constraints on IDREFs from the definitions of the types.

RESOLVED unanimously: to instruct the editors to ensure that the uniqueness and referential integrity constraints on legacy types (including IDREF) are described not as part of the type validity of values, but as constraints imposed at another level.

Since the choice of member types in a union is determined entirely by type validity, no referential integrity constraint is imposed on a candidate IDREF value before deciding whether the value is or is not to be taken as an IDREF.

RESOLVED unanimously: to instruct the editors to make the legacy types derived types rather than primitives, as appropriate (since in many cases they had been made primitive types because the uniqueness constraints were not expressible using our normal type derivation mechanisms).

Priscilla Walmsley notifed Jane Hunter of the resolution on 23 January 2001.

CR-51. localidref: Does IDREF validation contradict our validation story?

Issue Class: s Locus: both Cluster: refs Status: silent
Assigned to: David Cleary Originator: Noah Mendelsohn


In general, validation of an element involves validation of the subtree rooted at that element, but can be performed without reference to its context. Thus, the spec manages almost completely to avoid any appeal to the notion of 'document' in defining validation.

The rules for type IDREF, however, do make such an appeal. Do those rules mean that we should revise our description of how validation is perfomed?

Similar arguments apply to keys and keyrefs. Do they mean that validation of subtrees below the scope of the key constraint is (a) impossible, (b) partial (omitting key and keyref constraint checking), (c) legal but requires the processor to climb the tree until it hits the scoping element, (d) other?

Interactions and Input

Input from Noah Mendelsohn:

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue. After discussion, the WG concluded that there is in fact no problem, and to instruct the editor to add the clarifying statement that schema validation is guaranteed to produce the same result as DTD-based validation only when validation is of the root element information item.

David Cleary posted a note to the comments list 23 January. Noah Mendelsohn replied 23 January that he was satisfied with the resolution.

CR-52. defaultkey: Do defaulted values participate in identity-constraint checking?

Issue Class: s Locus: structures Cluster: refs Status: ok
Assigned to: Alex Milowski Originator: Noah Mendelsohn


The spec appears obscure or underspecified on whether defaulted element or attribute values participate in checking identity constraints. Does such checking operate on the unaugmented infoset?

Interactions and Input

Input from Noah Mendelsohn:

Input from Henry Thompson:

Input from David Beech:

Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to stipulate that identity constraints are checked against the schema normalized form (so default values do participate in such checking).

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by agreeing explicitly that default values do participate in identity-constraint checking.

CR-53. binaries: Add built-in base64Binary and hexBinary types?

Issue Class: sd Locus: datatypes Cluster: misc-bin Status: ok
Assigned to: Aki Yoshida Originator: James Clark


Should Datatypes be modified to add built-in binary types (e.g. base64Binary and hexbinary)?

Interactions and Input

Input from James Clark:

Input from Noah Mendelsohn:

Input from Ashok Malhotra:

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by deleting the current binary type and adding two distinct types for base64Binary and hexBinary. We accept the unfortunate side effect that these types have no relation visible in the type hierarchy, even though they will share the same value space.

Aki Yoshida notified James Clark of this outcome on 14 February 2001.

James Clark replied 12 March that he was satisfied.

CR-54. removekeykeyref: Remove identity constraints?

Issue Class: dd Locus: structures Cluster: refs Status: silent
Assigned to: Chuck Campbell Originator: Allen Brown


Should identity constraints be removed from XML Schema?

Interactions and Input

Input from :

[member-confidential link]

Cf. Use subset not full Xpath for keys and keyrefs?

Cf. CR-49.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue. A substantial amount of time was devoted to discussing the issue.

Allen Brown summarized the arguments for removing identity constraints.

  • The types of fields identified using XPath are not statically determinable.
  • XPath's complexity makes it difficult to implement using an event-based interface like SAX, or in a streaming processor.
  • Key and KeyRef are co-occurrence constraints.
  • Identity constraints as now defined apply only within single documents; many people need such constraints to be applied across documents.
  • This functionality should be provided in the query language, not in XML Schema.

Jim Trezzo summarized the arguments for retaining identity constraints.

  • ID and IDREF are too weak; they need to be extended to handle multi-field keys.
  • It is clearly essential to be able to define multiple independent sets of keys, and to allow the scope of uniqueness to be other than the entire document.
  • The problems felt to exist appear to be problems with XPath; it would be better to subset our use of XPath than to eliminate this feature entirely.

Henry Thompson proposed as a compromise to restrict XPath so as to remove some of the characteristics most objected to, and summarized the salient points of the existing proposals (one from him, one from IBM) for such a subpath.

After extensive discussion, it was agreed to appoint a task force consisting of Martin Gudgin (chair), Lee Buck, David Cleary, Ashok Malhotra, Jonathan Robie, and Henry Thompson to attempt to devise a suitable subset and report back on the second day of the meeting.

When the task force reported, its proposal was accepted.

For further details, see issue CR-49.

CR-55. lexboolean: Restore 0 and 1 as Boolean values?

Issue Class: sd Locus: structures Cluster: misc-boole Status: silent
Assigned to: Ashok Malhotra Originator: Allen Brown


Should the lexical space of Boolean be changed?

Interactions and Input

Input from :

[member-confidential link]

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by restoring 0 and 1 as Boolean values. Dissenting: Contivo, IBM, Software AG, TIBCO Extensibility.

In its teleconference of 2001-01-25, the WG decided to specify "true" and "false" as the canonical forms. Dissenting: GCA, W3C (after the fact). Abstaining: Microsoft. (Rationale for the W3C dissent: 0 and 1 are less language- and culture-specific, and historically more apposite since they are in fact the lexical forms used by Boole.)

Ashok Malhotra formally notified Allen Brown of the result on 22 January 2001.

CR-56. textxmlappxml: Specify text/xml or application/xml?

Issue Class: sd Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Assigned to: Martin Gudgin Originator: Murata Makoto


Should the Structures part of the spec be changed to specify that schemas should be served as type application/xml? Should it retain the current statements that schemas should be served as type text/xml? Should it allow either, with or without recommending one (and if so which)?

Interactions and Input

Input from Murata Makoto:


Input from Henry Thompson:


Input from Murata Makoto:


Input from Dan Connolly:


Input from Rick Jelliffe:


Proposed Resolution

Chairs propose to allow all four lexical forms.

Actual Resolution

At its January 2001 meeting in London, the WG voted to open this as an outstanding issue, and to resolve it by instructing the editor to make the spec agnostic on MIME types. XML Schema processors accept text/xml and application/xml and perhaps others.

Martin Gudgin formally notified Murata Makoto of the outcome on 22 January 2001. Murata-san replied on 22 January saying he is not satisfied, since the IETF-XML-MIME ML has, after a lot of time spent on the issue, concluded that schemas should be served as application/xml, not text/xml. Henry Thompson expanded on the WG rationale on 22 January, explaining that the spec was made 'agnostic' on this issue in order to allow XML Schema processors to continue, rather than raising an error, if the material is served with a MIME type other than the recommended one. Murata-san replied 25 January saying that processors need not raise an error if the server serves the schema under the wrong MIME type, but that the XML Schema specification should mention application/xml as an appropriate MIME type, and adding that if the sentence "XML Schema documents should be served as application/xml" is added to the spec, he does not wish for review of this issue by the Director. In a later note, he agrees on an alternative formulation: "[RFC 3023] recommends that XML-encoded material should be served as MIME type application/xml, unless the XML source code is readable by casual users (in which case it should be served as text/xml). Many observers believe that XML Schema documents fall into this category and should therefore be served as application/xml."

CR-57. out-of-band-attributes: (X-1) Ensure that out-of-band attributes in the schema are reflected into the schema components?

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the spec specify that attributes from namespaces other than the XSD namespace, which are legal by design in XML Schema documents, must be reflected to the schema components and thence to the PSV infoset?

Actual Resolution

This question was raised and resolved at the XML Schema WG meeting in London in January 2001. The WG resolved unanimously to make such out-of-band attributes visible in the PSVI.

CR-58. xsi-decls: (X-2) Provide declarations for xsi attributes?

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the spec provide declarations for the attributes in the xsi namespace?

Actual Resolution

This question was raised and resolved at the XML Schema WG meeting in London in January 2001. The WG resolved unanimously to instruct the editors to provide declarations for the items in the XSI namespace.

CR-59. x3: (X-3) Specify what happens when the input to a schema processor is a PSVI?

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the spec describe what happens when the input to a schema processor is itself the output of another schema processor (as might happen when schema validators are chained together)?

Actual Resolution

This question was raised and resolved at the XML Schema WG meeting in London in January 2001. On the question "Shall the editor be instructed to specify what happens when input to a processor is a PSV Infoset?", there were four in favor, a large majority against. RESOLVED: to resolve this issue without action.

CR-60. x4: (X-4) Clarify when two local elements with the same name have the same type?

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the spec specify exactly when two anonymous types are the same, and when they are not? (The spec can currently be read to allow processors to reuse component structures built for one anonymous type for another anonymous type with the same structure. A spec that does this would on some documents reach results different from those of a schema processor which does not do so.)

Actual Resolution

This question was raised and resolved at the XML Schema WG meeting in London in January 2001.

RESOLVED unanimously: to instruct the editor to change the "Schema Component Constraint: Element Declarations Consistent" to read "...., all their {type definitions} must be named, and must have the same name and targetnamespace".

CR-61. x5: (X-5) Use extensional definition of complex-type restriction?

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the spec replace the current definition of when restriction of complex types is legal and when it's not, by a simple statement that it's legal if the set of elements recognized is a subset of the set recognized by the base type?

Actual Resolution

This question was raised and resolved at the XML Schema WG meeting in London in January 2001.

There were no WG members in favor of removing the current description of constraints on complex-type restriction which guarantee that the resulting complex type is a subset of the base type.

CR-62. x6: (X-6) Wildcards and substitution groups?

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: XML Schema WG


Should the spec specify that if an element matches a wildcard, members of its substitution group match that wildcard, too? Or should the spec specify that wildcard matching takes no account of substitution groups?

Actual Resolution

This question was raised and resolved at the XML Schema WG meeting in London in January 2001.

There were no WG members in favor of specifying that whenever an element might match a wildcard, any element in its substitution group might match the wildcard.

CR-63. canonicalBoole: Canonical form of Boolean?

Locus: datatypes Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: WG


At its London meeting the WG added "0" and "1" as lexical forms for Boolean but forgot to decide which forms should be the canonical forms.

Actual Resolution

At its teleconference of 25 January 2001, the WG voted to make true and false the canonical forms. Dissenting: GCA, W3C.

(Rationale for W3C dissent: 0 and 1 are substantially more language-independent, as well as being the lexical forms actually used by Boole in his algebraic work.)

CR-64. anyattribute: <anyAttribute> and ambiguity

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: resolved
Originator: WG


If we have:

 <attribute name="foo" type="xs:decimal"/>

Is this a bug because a 'foo' attribute can be allowed two different ways?

Proposed Resolution

HST proposes to say 'not a bug', and clarify that the explicit declaration takes precedence, and the foo, when it appears, must be a decimal. This has minor ramifications in the derivation prose.

Actual Resolution

In its teleconference of 2001-02-23, the WG RESOLVED unanimously: to specify that this is not a problem and that explicit declarations take precedence, as suggested by HST.

CR-65. qnames: Qnames and their value spaces

Locus: both Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: WG


Who, if anyone, is responsible for stating the mapping from lexical space to value space for QNames?

For example: if

  • an attribute is declared to be of type QName, and
  • its value is given in the form 'a:b', and
  • there is no inscope namespace declaration for 'a',

then several questions arise:

  • Is the attribute type-valid?
  • If the attribute is type-valid, is there nevertheless a validation failure of some kind which should be reported?
  • If some validation failure should be reported, where in our spec does it / should it say so?

Actual Resolution

In its teleconference of 2001-02-23, the WG RESOLVED unanimously: to accept PVB's proposal that the value is not type valid (because it is not possible to translate the lexical form into a value), that this is Datatypes' responsibility, and that the spec should make it explicit.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen wrote to the comments list to this effect, 5 March 2001. James Clark wrote 6 March to say he found this acceptable.

CR-66. fixedvalues: Eating our own cooking (fixed values)

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: WG


If we assume that we take seriously the maxim about eating our own cooking and mostly replace references to 'normalized value' in defining the mapping from XML representation to component with references to 'real value', where this is the appropriate point in a value space.

In this case, at least one question arises:

Should 'fixed' value constraints change from strings (which they clearly are in the CR draft) to values, so that e.g. given

 <xs:attribute name="foo" type="xs:decimal" fixed="0.1"/>

the following would be valid?

   <xxx foo=".1"/>

(Another way of putting this is: should fixed values be construed as constraining the lexical form of the attribute value, or the value denoted?)

Actual Resolution

In its teleconference of 2001-02-23, the WG RESOLVED: that foo=".1" ought to be legal when there is a fixed value of "0.1" for a decimal attribute. The specification of fixed values constrains the value, not the lexical form. Changes to the Structures draft are required. Changes to the datatypes draft may be made at editorial discretion.

CR-67. minmaxtype: Type for minOccurs and maxOccurs?

Locus: both Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: Noah Mendelsohn


The status quo would appear to require processors to be able to support values of minOccurs and maxOccurs with up to 18 decimal digits; it is unlikely that most finite-state automata construction software will actually handle these cases. Would it not be better to define a narrower subset of integer to use for these cases? Possibly 2 raised to the 31st power?

Actual Resolution

The WG discussed this question at its face to face meeting in Cambridge, 1-2 March 2001.

The implementors in the WG reported that indeed no known implementations are in a position to handle occurrence indicators with 18 decimal digits. For most implementations, however, limiting the occurrence indicators to a 31 bit unsigned integer would not help, since numbers far smaller than 2 to the power 31 (2147483648), or even 10 to the fifth power, would cause a stack overflow or hit some other memory constraint. For a change to make any practical difference, the type would have to be given a maximum value somewhat smaller. This would involve us in trying to find a plausible value for the maximum, which struck the WG as a thankless task better avoided.

Some WG members argued that since we do not require any particular amount of memory or capacity of any application, we have already accepted implicitly that for some legal schemas and for some legal document instances, conforming processors may run out of resources. This is exactly analogous to XML, where it is in practice impossible to build a processor which accepts all and only well-formed documents, since the length of identifiers is unbounded and might exceed the capacity of available storage. Since there are an indeterminate and large number of other reasons a processor might run out of resources, it would be pointless (these WG members argued) to try to prevent that in this one case.

The WG resolved to close the issue without change to the spec.

Noah Mendelsohn, who had raised the question, expressed his satisfaction with the WG resolution of the issue.

CR-68. multid: Multiple uses of ID type

Locus: both Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: WG


SGML and XML 1.0 specify that in a DTD, there may be at most one attribute for a given element type which is declared as an ID attribute. For XML Schema, there are three options:

  • we don't enforce the old DTD rule
  • we enforce the rule on attributes, but not on elements
  • we leave the prose where it is, and extend the rule to elements as far as is convenient

A straw poll during the WG teleconference of 2001-02-23 showed that almost everyone with a preference preferred the first option, which is what is in the CR spec, but that a large proportion of the WG was uncertain. Knowing that each element has either no ID or exactly one ID may be important for some implementations, or some applications, and many in the uncertain group said they felt uneasy about making such a change without more public discussion. On the other hand, no one could actually cite a reason to rely on that knowledge, or a reason one might want to, or any software that does so. And most of the old SGML hands present confessed that they had never really felt the restriction made a great deal of sense.

But we did not reach consensus.

The WG took up this question again at its face to face meeting in Cambridge, 1-2 March 2001.

After extensive discussion, it became clear that the preponderance of sentiment in the WG was for enforcing the old XML/SGML rule. RESOLVED without dissent: to modify the spec by enforcing the rule against multiple uses of the ID type, both on the schema and on the instance. Abstaining: Software AG. The wording of the constraints is left to the editor, but the WG established after discussion that the following is an acceptable approximation:

  • There may be no two IDs on any valid element in the instance, AND
  • If there is a declaration for an attribute of type ID, no other attribiute of type ID may appear on the element, AND
  • No element in the schema may declare two attribute of type ID.

CR-69. chameleons: Chameleon include, redefine, etc.

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: WG


Several questions have come up regarding so-called `chameleon include', i.e. inclusions and redefinitions which include or redefine material in schema documents which do not have an identified target namespace.

  • a) Early or late binding for ##other, ##targetNamespace with respect to chameleon include/redefine?
  • b) Early or late assembly for types with respect to redefine?
  • c) Resolve multiple redefine/ordering paradoxes, if any.

Actual Resolution

The WG discussed this topic extensively at its Cambridge meeting 1-2 March 2001. Some WG members asserted that late assembly is inherent in the fact that we do not require types to be declared before their first mention in the schema; no WG members argued the contrary. At the conclusion of the discussion, the WG RESOLVED without dissent: to agree that late assembly and late binding shall be rules in XML Schema. The editor was instructed to determine whether circular redefinitions posed a logical contradiction, and to forbid them if so.

CR-70. uriname: Name of URI type

Editorial. Locus: datatypes Cluster: unassigned Status: resolved
Originator: WG


There has been continuing discussion regarding the proper name to give the URI type. The WG decided this formally in its meeting of 15 February 2001, but this decision does not seem to have ended the discussion. The WG took up the question again at its meeting of 1-2 March 2001 in Cambridge and agreed to change the name to anyURI to satisfy those who object to uriReference. The name anyURI has the advantage of not being identical to any existing technical term, thus avoiding confusion and complaints that our type is not exactly that defined by RFC 2396.

CR-71. xpathsubsetreview: From XPath task force

Locus: structures Cluster: unassigned Status: ok
Originator: XPathTF


Several questions are arose from the report of the joint task force of XSL and XML Schema to discuss the XML Schema subset of XPath.

  • a) double slash: Should // be restricted to appear at the beginning, e.g. .//..., or should it be allowed to appear anywhere?
  • b) ancestor::*/@a sticks out like a sore thumb -- should it be allowed?
  • b1) if so, should it be restricted to, and spelled as, scope()/@a?
  • b2) if not, should we observe that out-of-scope keyrefs to scoped keys/uniques is not supported in v1.0, and look forward to cascaded keyrefs in 1.1?
  • c) Shall we accept the task force recommendation, as amended? It mostly widens the subset, unifies the field and selector branches, and is simple to explain.

Actual Resolution

The WG considered these questions at its face to face meeting in Cambridge, 1-2 March 2001.

The form which restricts the descendant axis (//) to the beginning of a path was preferred.

The ancestor and scope proposals were not adopted (they appear to be partial solutions to a more general problem, and better omitted until we have a more general approach).

The task force recommendation, as amended, was adopted.